If The Moon Fell Down Tonight

Chapter 2

It was silent for a second before the boy spoke to you.
“Are you okay?” he asked quietly.
“I just got kidnapped. What do you think?” you snapped-whispered back at him.
He was quiet for a moment before speaking again.
“Well, I’m Luke,” he whispered, offering his hand.
“I’m Jacelen,” you responded sheepishly, shaking his hand. His grip was firm but gentle at the same time. “What exactly is going on?”
“I’ll tell you later. But for now you can’t move a muscle. I was supposed to give you that stuff to completely knock you out but I really didn’t want to. So you can’t move at all, okay?”
“Okay,” you replied, before closing your eyes and getting back into the position that he had laid you in.

~~Luke’s POV~~

As she shut her eyes, I took at her form. She was about medium height, about 5’5. She was a little skinny, and she had chestnut blonde hair. I could see her as the moonlight spread across her face. She was truly beautiful. I did not know where they were taking us, nor did I really want to know. It scared me to think about the power that these people had over us. I made a promise to myself right there. I would not be separated from Jacelen from this moment on. I would not lose her.

~~Jacelen’s POV~~

You just sort of laid there when you and Luke stopped talking. You listened to the soft chatter of the men outside as they made their way to the front of the car. You heard the door slam shut as they all got in and turned the ignition. The vibrations of the car soon put you to sleep.
You woke up feeling even more tired than when you were when you went to sleep. It took you a second to realize where you were. Then you remembered, making a face at the thought. You looked at the seat beside you and saw Luke there. You could actually see him and really take in his features. He was a good height, about 5’10. He had chocolate brown hair that fell straight over his eyes. He had an angelic face and muscular arms. And boy was he HOT. I mean, smoken’ hot! Out of no where you wondered if he had a girlfriend. When he shook your hand before he felt….different. Not different in a bad way, but different in a sensitive way. He gave out a good vibe and you liked it. The car was still moving and you could hear husky voices coming from the front seat. You could catch snitches of their conversation:
“…made a good choice, we did…”
“…think they will be happy…”
“…make a lot of money, we will…”
They sounded like someone from the Godfather: same Italian accent and the way they put ‘we will’ or ‘we did’ after every sentence. You lay there not moving for a good 5 minutes contemplating what you should do. You looked at Luke again and found that his eyes were open and he was looking at you. He put one finger to his mouth, motioning for you to be quiet. You looked out the window and found that the stars were beginning to fade and there was just a glimpse of sunrise over the mountains that you were headed towards. Where are they taking us?
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