If The Moon Fell Down Tonight

Chapter 3

You and Luke continued to lie there in silence, listening to the men talk. One man, who was apparently the leader, was tall with jet black hair and piercing blue eyes. The second was a man who looked about his late 50s, with blonde hair and green eyes. The shortest of the trio was the fattest, with brown hair and brown eyes. Judging from their conversation, his name was Bobby. It seemed like forever before they finally stopped. You saw Luke shut his eyes and you did the same, pretending to be asleep. The men started talking again.
“Think they should stay here?”
“Yeah. We have all the doors locked from the outside. They won’t be leaving any time soon.”
Five minutes pasted before the laughter and chatter faded in the distance and you were once again alone with Luke. You sat up slowly, looking out the window. It was night again, for the stars were beginning to come out again. You must have slipped into sleep again during their conversation.
You nudged Luke and he woke with a start.
“I’ll do it! I’ll do it!” he yelped, eyes wide. You cocked an eye brow and looked at him. “Oh. It’s just you.” He offered a weak smile before cautiously looking out the window. “Are they gone?”
“Yeah. They left about 5 minutes ago,” you said, still looking at him curiously. He had a slightly dazed look on his face. “Now will you tell me what is going on?”
“Alright. Well judging from their endless conversations, I think that we are meant to be sold to some people. They kept talking about making money and how they made a good choice. They talked about you a lot too. They kept saying things like, ‘Is she still there?’ and ‘she hasn’t left yet, has she?’ I was confused most of the time, and I would slip in and out of consciousness.” You gave him a questioning look. “I was given the stuff I was supposed to give you. I guess they found it humorous to have me give it to you.” You nodded, taking it all in. So I’m supposed to be sold to some people? This is so overwhelming! Out of no where, your emotions overpowered you; you began to cry. At first it was just a few stray tears, but then it just hit you. You put your head down and began to sob into your hands. You heard Luke shift as he made his way over to you, holding you in his arms. You cried into his shirt, trying to make sense of it all. It wasn’t fair. This wasn’t what you wanted. You wanted nothing but to go home.
~~Luke’s POV~~
After I explained everything to Jacelen, she began to cry. I knew how she felt. I was too dazed to cry before, but I understood the emotions that she was feeling. She didn’t understand, and neither did I. What had we done to deserve this? Nothing. Squat. Zilch. We hadn’t done anything, but still it had happened to us. We were being sold to some people we didn’t even know. The effectiveness of the drug they had given to me was beginning to wear off and I could think more clearly. Jacelen continued to cry into my shirt, her sobs reduced to small whimpers. I put my face in her hair and inhaled slowly. She smelled wonderful. I would never forget that scent. I lifted her chin with my finger and looked her in the eyes. She had beautiful green eyes.
“Everything is going to be okay. I promise,” I said, holding her hand. She nodded, and laid her head back on my chest, breathing in deeply, listening to my heart beat. I continued to hold her, rocking her back and forth. I soon found it uncomfortable in the position that I was in, for it was one of those awkward couch hugs. I lifted her up effortlessly and placed her on my lap with her face in my chest. She weighed very little. She was so fragile, and all I wanted to do was protect her. We stayed like that for a good 3 hours. Then I began to see the fragments of sunrise over the mountain that we were headed toward. I nudged her and she awoke, yawning.
“It’s almost sunrise. We have to get back in the positions we were in. And remember, not a sound,” I said, removing her from my lap and onto the seat. She curled back up into a little ball. I looked at her for a minute before getting back into my original position and falling back to sleep.
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