If The Moon Fell Down Tonight

Chapter 4

You must have been driving for about a 4 days. At least, you woke up 4 times. Everyday was the same: the men would stop just as it was getting dark, stay at a hotel leaving you and Luke in the car, sleep the night, then come out right before dawn and start driving again, always toward the hills. Those hills never seemed to get any closer. It was like you were driving on a ball, going around in a circle and never realizing it. You did however learn a lot about Luke.

Luke had been kidnapped just like you had; only he had the injection. He estimated that he had been in the car about 3 days before they came and took you, so he got to listen to the interesting conversations between the three men. He had one sister, and he was the oldest. His parents were still together, and he was 16 years old, just like you. He was a sensitive guy who was so gentle with you. You began to fell something for this guy. I mean, who couldn’t? His perfect chocolate brown hair fell over his soft brown eyes and his smile was….I can’t even begin to describe it. It was…well…perfect! At least, you thought so.

They hadn’t feed you, however. There were a few half filled water bottles rolling around in the back and once you found a Gatorade bottle under the seat. It was unopened. You had shared it with Luke, I mean, it didn’t really matter. Every night, just when it was getting cold, Luke would wrap his arms around you and hug you to his chest, you facing away from him. He put it as “sharing body heat.” But you could tell by the way he held onto you for dear life that it was so much more. Even the slightest sound from outside would make him cringe and he would tighten his grip around your middle. Every once in a while you would have to poke his side to get him to loosen up a bit because he was suffocating you. But you like the feeling that he brought: protection. You felt so safe around him. You were falling so hard for this guy.

~~Luke’s POV~~

It had been our 6th night in the car, and every night was the same. I would pull Jacelen against me and make sure that she would stay warm. I really didn’t want her to be cold. Plus it was just an excuse for me to touch her. I had to say, I was falling big time for this girl. She was perfect. The way her hair fell into her eyes, and then she would push it away gently. I think my favorite part was her eyes. They were a blue-green color: light green in the center with dark blue rims; beautiful. I wanted to tell her how I felt about her, but I really didn’t know how. I had had girlfriends before, but I had never told anyone that I loved them. Saying that I loved someone was serious. I mean, I just didn’t go around saying ‘I love you.’ It actually meant something to me…unlike my friends. They said it all the time, but they never meant it. I truly had feeling for Jacelen, and I wanted to let her know with all of my heart.

~~Jacelen’s POV~~

On your 7th night in the car, the men pulled up to a Motel 6 and got out, walking inside. You turned to Luke and looked into his eyes. The moonlight lit up his face and you could see a light blush creeping across his features. He pulled you toward him, but this time instead of facing away from him, you were faced into his chest; it was just the way he situated you. You weren’t complaining, but it was a little unexpected. You quickly eased into it and relaxed in his arms, listening to his heart beat. After about 10 minutes of just lying there, Luke used his finger to lift up your chin to look at his face. He stared down at you with his brown eyes, locking you to him. He brought his face close to yours and brushed his lips against yours. You could feel his hot breath on your face, and you closed your eyes. Then he gently pressed his lips you yours, holding them there for about 5 seconds before pulling away. He brushed his fingers along your cheek, his eyes never leaving yours.

“I love you.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey guys! Sorry about the wait, but here is Chapter 4! I've been really busy juggling my job and my second job. I just had a horse show, and that was a HUGE ordeal. So from now on I will update every Thursday. If I don't set standards for myself, then the updates will be all over the map. I know it is Wednesday, but I'm taking my friend's shift at the diner so she can go visit her family in Georgia (That's a grueling 9 hour shift!) So until next Thursday people!
