If The Moon Fell Down Tonight

Chapter 5

They tell you where you need to go,

Tell you when you need to leave.

They tell you what you need to know,

Tell you who you need to be.

But everything inside

You know there’s more than what you’ve heard

There’s so much more than empty conversations filled with empty words,

You’re on fire when he’s near you,

You’re on fire when he speaks,

You’re on fire burning at these mysteries

These lyrics played over and over again in your head after Luke had said that he loved you. At first you froze, wondering if you had heard wrong. But no; he had said it, and he meant it: with all his heart. He then when on to tell you that he had loved you the moment he had laid his eyes on you. You listened intently to every word he said, taking it all in. Luke than said something that touched your heart: “I never want you to leave me. I want to be with you forever.” You proceeded to kiss him gently on the lips, never wanting this moment to end. He kissed you back, the gentle Luke being replaced by a bolder one. He really does love me. You broke away from the kiss and nuzzled you face into his chest, taking in his scent. He kissed your hair, stroking it lovingly, his rhythmic motion causing you to doze off.
You fell asleep together like that, never wanting the sun to come up over those mountains. But when they did, the mountains suddenly seemed a lot closer than they were the day before. You quickly separated from Luke and pretended to be asleep as the men came back to the car. They got in, turned on the car, and began their endless conversations. You looked at Luke and smiled, knowing that he was never going to leave you. Ever.

They only drove what seemed like 15 minutes before pulling in front of a large gate. The gate was covered with vines that seemed to be at least 500 years old, and looked like they hadn’t had a proper pruning in years. Now you no longer pretended to be asleep and neither did Luke. There was too much to see. The car stopped and they got out, Bobby walking over to the gate while the other two came around the doors. The tall one (Jose) and the medium one (George) roughly opened the doors to the van. Jose muttered something in another language to George and George smile, reaching for Luke instead of you. Jose grabbed your small waist, pulling you effortlessly from the van and keeping you above the ground, not letting you down. You glanced nervously at Luke, who hung limply under George’s grip. Jose kept you levitated as he carried you around the back of the car and up to the gate. Once there, he let you down but kept a dead grip on your arm, causing it to turn white. You didn’t look up as the gate opened, but instead concentrated on the ground you were walking on. Your right arm had become limp in Jose’s grasp, and you could barely feel it.

You looked at Luke and he offered you a weak smile, which you returned. Then you drew your attention to where you were headed. A large grey mansion loomed in front of you, covered with the vines that had covered the gate. There were large windows dotting alone the old grey stone, and a large wooden double door stood in the middle of the building. Jose continued to yank you toward the door, causing you to stumble every so often. Once you made it to the door, Jose knocked once and the door swung open.

~Other POV~

I had been waiting for 3 days for their arrival. Mother kept telling me that they would come soon, but everyday seemed to drag on and on. I never left the house, but stayed confined in the library, standing at the window looking out at the front garden. The library was my favorite area. No one ever bothered me here. I had learned all the information I could about the new girl that was coming. Her name was Jacelen and she was just my age, 16. I found out that she loved books and had a new room created for just for her, filled high with every book that I could find. Most of them were the ones that she had listed on her MySpace, mainly being Jane Austen and other classic writers. I learned that she loved romances and loved poetry and Shakespeare as well. I had the room antiquely suited for her, and I really hoped she would like it. Now you may be wondering why I was going through all this trouble for one girl. Jacelen was to be my bride when we turned 18, and I was going to go to great lengths to impress her and make her fall in love with me.

My Mother and Father did not know of my plan to make Jacelen fall in love with me, but for months now they had been talking about finding me a suitable wife. Even though it was 2 years away, my parents loved to plan ahead, mapping out my whole future for me. It was always ‘Jake this’ and ‘Jake that’ and ‘Jake, we have to find you a wife!’ God it was so annoying! But they were my parents, and I had to do what they said. During the 3 days, I had spent a lot of time trying to find her on places like MySpace and Facebook. I spent a lot of money on government sits trying to access files about her. I eventually stumbled across her MySpace, finding a picture of her on Google Images and then finding the link back. She was beautiful. Her chestnut blonde hair fell down to the middle of her back and her green eyes sparkled. I was determined to make her like me.

~Jacelen’s POV~

As you walked into the hallway, you couldn’t help but admire the artistic beauty of this place. The ceiling was painted with depictions of the heavens and also of Greek gods and goddesses. There were fine vases and paintings on the walls and the floor also had a depiction on the god Dionysus. It was truly beautiful. You were soon greeted by a small girl in a white gown with a black apron. Jose mumbled something to her and she curtsied before running off down the hallway. In seconds she returned with a man and a woman following close behind her. The little girl curtsied once more before scurrying off to the left of the hallway. The man and woman shook hands with Jose before motioning to you and Luke. The woman gave you a glare as cold as ice before glaring at Luke. Her gaze lasted no more than 2 seconds each, but they pierced your soul. Just as you were about to look at Luke again, there was a loud crash coming from a corridor to your right. You almost jumped out of your skin as you looked to see what had fallen over. A boy your age came running down the stairs. He was tall, at least 6’0, with blonde hair and blue eyes. His hair fell over his eyes in a neat yet rebellious way, and he was very muscular. You had to admit, he was pretty damn hot.

“Mother you never told me they were coming today,” he muttered softly before his gaze landed on Luke. His expression was unreadable. His eyes traveled to Bobby, then George, then Jose, and finally resting on you. His blue eyes seemed to flash as he looked you full on in the face before turning his attention toward his father, who hadn’t said anything yet. His gaze sent chills down your spine, as they seemed to be cold yet inviting. It confused you.

“Well it was nice doing business with you sir,” Jose said, shaking the father’s hand.

“Same to you, kind sir,” he replied. You almost smiled at the corniness of the sentence, before thinking against it. You kept your expression blank, concentrating at Dionysus’s finger below your toe.
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I'm being nice and updating early again! I had this written yesterday and I really wanted to put it out, so here it is! I'm trying to upload some photos of the Rodeo we just had, but Mibba is being stupid. Anyway, until next week!


P.S. Lyrics: Switchfoot - On Fire