If The Moon Fell Down Tonight

Chapter 6

“And of course you’ve met our son, Jake.”

You stole a glance up at Jose just in time to see a flash of annoyance cross his face. “Yes, of course,” he said humbly, nodding at Jake. Jake, however, was unresponsive to it. You could feel his eyes on you, never leaving your face. It sent shivers down you spine. After the grownups talked for a few more minutes, Jose and the men left; leaving you and Luke with these crazy people buying maniacs. The mother immediately spun on her heel and took off down the hallway. The father however, grabbed Luke by the arm and began pulling him down a separate hallway. You glanced nervously at Luke as he looked at you over his shoulder. He gave you a nervous smile before being yanked roughly down a flight of stairs: leaving you alone with Jake. You felt him shift so he moved closer to you, and he seemed to be staring holes through you. He mumbled something inaudible before turning on his heel and going down a corridor to your right. You quickly scrambled after him, making sure to keep your head down while keeping him in your sight at all times.

After a 2 minute walk in complete silence, you decided to say something.

“Excuse me, sir, but what exactly am I doing here?” You asked, trying to speak softly for this place seemed to echo at every word.

“You are a servant here,” he replied simply, never turning around. You furrowed your eyebrows, questioning his statement. He apparently read your mind. “You will be working for me. You are my servant, as well as a household servant.” You bit your lip, taking it all in. Before long, you had entered a corridor filled with light from the floor length windows. You glanced outside to see beautiful blue skies with green hills and a lake with gardens. It was surreal; you felt as if you were in a dream. At the end of the hallway was a cherry door with a brass handle. Jake slowly turned it to reveal a small bedroom. At one end stood a cherry-oak double bed with off white sheets and beige pillows complete with a beige canopy. An oak wardrobe stood in the corner, and next to the door was a small desk with a lamp. To your right was a door, which you assumed to be the bathroom. Directly in front of you were two French doors leading out to a small private balcony. The walls were painted a creamy vanilla color while the carpet was an off white gold. The room was simple, yet very beautiful. Jake lightly pushed you inside before shutting the door and leaving you alone.
At first you stood there, looking like a dummy. I mean, what were you supposed to do?

Then you decided to investigate the wardrobe and the desk. The desk was filled with pens and sheets of blank paper and a few empty folders. The wardrobe, however, was much more interesting. Inside was a floor length mirror that was not made of glass, but of something else. You didn’t know what it was, but it was much prettier than glass, and when you stood off to the side, it seemed to have a cubic 3D effect to it. The wardrobe was filled with beautiful dresses and skirts and blouses, all made of the finest fabrics. You fingered the cloths for a second before deciding to take a shower. You slipped of your clothes and dropped them on the bed and walked into the bathroom. The beautiful marble was reflected from the sunlight of a small circular window above the bathtub. There was also a separate shower. There were numerous toiletries lined up by shape of the bottle along the liner of the tube, and shampoos and conditioners of every kind lined the racks. You started the water, watching the tub fill up quickly. You poured in some of the bath salts and stirred them around the warm water before climbing in. The water seemed to carry all your troubles away. You washed your hair and your body before climbing out and wrapping a towel around yourself and heading out to your room. You walked over to the wardrobe and began trying to find something to wear. You soon found a simple skirt and blouse to pull on.

The skirt was a solid gold color with a hint of white in it and the blouse was white with a sailor collar. All the things here are really old fashioned. Then you recalled what the father and mother and Jake were wearing: all old fashioned clothes. Where have these people been… Not only are they people buyers, but they live in medieval times… You studied yourself in the mirror before going back into the bathroom and working through the knots in your hair with an ivory brush. Once your chestnut locks were completely combed through, you walked out of the bathroom and into the bedroom. You picked up the clothes on your bed and folded them up neatly and put them on the desk, not sure what to do with them. Than you walked over to the French doors and threw them open. You walked out, letting the breeze carry your hair across your face. Then it hit you: your family was gone, your friends were gone, everyone you loved and cared for was gone and you were here, in this medieval time, with these lunatics, all alone…without Luke to hold you and comfort you.

The tears came slowly down your cheeks, one by one. You walked back inside and lay down on the bed, crying into the silk pillows. The happy rays of sunshine shone bright across the carpet and you didn’t even notice when your door was opened. The bed sagged slightly as someone sat down. You didn’t look up, trying to pretend that they were not there. It was silent for a moment before you had the courage to look up and see who was bothering you.

~~Jake’s POV~~

After I let Jacelen to the privacy of her bedroom, I sped down the hallway. The moment that I had run into the room I felt the connection between Jacelen and Luke; and the glance over the shoulder confirmed it. I wanted Jacelen to be mine, and I was going to do whatever it took to get her. I went back to the library and stared out the window for a bit, contemplating what I should do. First off, I had to separate them from each other. Then I had to make Jacelen grow on my parents to get their approval of her. How I would do that, I did not know. I didn’t know how willful Jacelen could be, so I decided to go and test her patience. I needed to see how obedient she would be.

I walked down the hallway to her room, listening at the door to make sure that she was not still in the shower. I could hear muffled sobs coming from inside the room. I slowly opened the door to see her small form on the bed, crying. I walked over and sat down, getting at eye level with her. Before long she looked over at me.

~~Jacelen’s POV~~

You looked up to see two piercing blue eyes right at level with you. You gasped a little at the surprise of seeing Jake there, jumping back a bit. You sat up, scooting away from him. He chuckled and sat up, staring at you. His face was unreadable. Out of no where he reached over and grabbed your arm, pulling you toward him. You yelped, struggling under his grip, but to no avail. He succeeded into pulling you into him, causing you to break into fresh sobs. He did nothing but hold you. He sat there, rocking you back and forth, stroking your long hair. You half heartedly tugged his arm, and eventually gave into him holding you. His hands were warm, and you could feel his breath on your scalp. He rested his chin on the top of your head, continuing to rock you back and forth until your sobs were reduced to small whimpers. You were so confused. What did he want from you? Why were you here? None of it made sense. All you wanted was Luke.
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Hey everyone! I've been super busy with work and everything, but I DID get those rodeo pictures up! So go check them out! Now! Why are you still here?!? I said now! lol
