Uber Writing

6:30 am

Your alarm clock goes off and you slowly open your eyes. You roll out of bed glancing at your wife who is still asleep next to you. You walk over the the shower and slowly turn the knobs to the perfect temperature. Stepping foot into the shower you let the water rush over you.

7:00 am

You exit the shower and brush your teeth while looking at your reflection in the mirror. As you exit the bathroom you notice your wife is no longer in bed. You pull out your work clothes for the day and head downstairs where your two kids are sitting in the living room watching cartoons in their pajamas. Your wife walks toward you with a cup of coffee and a plate with some eggs and bacon. She calls to your children as your eating and they rush off to get dressed but not before hugging you good morning. As you finish off the bacon you kiss your wife goodbye, she hands you a bagged lunch and you head out to the car.

7:45 am

You sit in the middle of traffic waiting for the lights to change. The radio is on but you're not really listening. You tune it out and glance out the window. On your left there is a large truck with the words “Big Ride” painted on the side. You smile to yourself and press on the gas as traffic begins to move again.

8:30 am

You arrive at work and find a parking spot. You walk into the lobby and press the elevator button. You smile at Craig the lobby manager and he smiles back. Neither one of you says anything. The elevator arrives and you press the 22 floor button. You work on the 22nd floor which is second from the top. It's a shame that you’ve never actually been on the roof. Your co-workers who smoke up there tell you the view is wonderful. You get off on your floor and walk toward your cubicle sitting down and logging in to get to work.

10:15 am

You look up from your computer screen to see Donna tapping her fingers impatiently. She tells you it's time for your coffee break and so you walk together. As you're stirring your coffee Donna is chattering on about the things her mother said to her on the phone last night. You're barely paying attention, just nodding your head and making the occasional agreeable sound. When your break is over you go back to your cubicle and continue to work.

12:00 pm

You pull out the bagged lunch your wife made for you this morning. Inside is an egg salad sandwich, and apple and a bag full of mixed vegetables. On the side of the bag she wrote “Have a great day at work, I love you!” with a small heart next to it. You smile and slowly bite the sandwich. You eat the vegetables but leave the apple. Maybe you’ll eat it later.

3:15 pm

You eat the apple.

5:00 pm

You get in the Elevator and wave goodbye to Donna. You go down to the Lobby. You smile at Craig and he says “Have a good weekend” as you walk out the door. You get to your car and turn on the radio. The station is in the middle of playing a song you like. You leave it on and hum along to the chorus.

5:55 pm

After being stuck in traffic for almost an hour you arrive home. Your kids hug you as you walk through the door and your wife is just putting dinner on the table. You say grace as a family and eat. You ask your kids about their day and they tell you about the amazing things they did at school. As they’re talking you glance over at your wife and watch her smile proudly at your darling children.

7:00 pm

You're just finishing cleaning up from dinner the and kids are watching television. You wipe your hands off on a dish towel and tell your wife that you forgot something at the office and that you’ll be right back. You walk over to your kids and kiss them gently on their foreheads. You say “I love you” to your family, grab your keys and walk out the door

7:15 pm

There is little to no traffic. The radio is turned off. You enjoy the silence.

7:40 pm

You arrive at work and use your keycard to unlock the door to the lobby. It's late enough that Craig has gone home but there are still some people in the building. You saw the lights on from outside. You press the elevator button and when it arrives you get inside. You pause before selecting the floor instead of pressing 22 you press 23. The roof.


Several police officers stand outside an office building. The police tape is surrounding a still figure on the concrete. There are snippets of conversations coming from everywhere..Yeah I talked to some of his co-workers, they all said he seemed normal enough. Never saw this coming. He’s leaving behind a wife and 2 kids. Always a tragedy. Well let's bag him up. Time of Death....

7:55 pm