

They had been walking in a straight line for what seemed like hours. Gency wasn’t sure how it happened, but somehow he ended up in the rear. He felt very much exposed with his back to the inky darkness. He snorted at the image that came to mind; the two tough guys in the middle with the small defenseless ones on the outside. It was like some Oreo gone wrong.

Gency rolled his eyes in annoyance as he hiked up the shoulder strip again. He kept trying to adjust the strip, but no matter what he did the metal buckle was rubbing against his shoulder bone. He didn’t want to tell the others to stop; the faster they got to the manhole the better. It was only a few more steps, before Gency decided to just stop real fast; he could catch up.

He quickly dropped his bag and adjusted the buckle. He looked up to see the darkness slowly swallowing his friends. Gency panicked slightly, causing the straps to get twisted as he tried to shoulder it. He dropped the bag yet again and untangled them. When he got himself realigned he looked up to follow his friends; all he saw was darkness.

The narrow passageway and the still air made Gency feel like he was buried in a tome. The walls were crumbling dirt, but stable as stone. Unfortunately, the width of the passage just cleared his shoulders. He pitied August and Pierce, knowing that they must be miserable.

Gency went to call out but stopped. There was a noise; it made the hairs on the back of his neck stand tall and take notice. It didn’t sound like anything he’d ever heard before. It made him freeze up in fear; he was rooted to the spot. For as fearful as he was, he was just as curious. It was a trait that tended to get him in trouble.

The first creature that came to mind was a rodent of some type. But it wasn’t the sound of scurrying feet that he heard. It was of a long scraping noise, similar to that of someone sharpening a blade. Whatever it was it had a large stride with claws and possibly large, very large. It was hard to pinpoint where it was coming from. The noise bounced off the walls; it was nerve wracking. Gency tried to locate where it was coming from, but the rebounding sounds were confusing him. He watched the flame of his candle trying to concentrate, when he noticed the flame bouncing about as if there was a draft.

Gency’s eyes widened in realization and looked up. On the edge of the circle of candle light were the tips of what looked to be claws, one set on each wall. Gency clamped his hand over his mouth to stop from crying out. He winced as the scraping seemed louder now that he knew where it was coming from. Slowly with jerky movements, the creature emerged itself into the light. Gency dipped low as the candle slipped from his laxed fingers; he caught it before it could drop. More noise was made as the creature jerked with the candle light. Thinking quickly, Gency through the candle behind as he sprinted forward.

There was a roaring of noise as the creature moved rapidly. Gency covered his head and ducked, thinking it was going for him, but nothing happened. Slowly Gency peeked through his arms. Light was supposed to be reassuring, but what Gency saw made his heart stop and blood run cold.

Suspended between the two walls was a creature like no other. It was too large for the narrow passage giving it a scrunched appearance. As it inched forward, it left deep gouges in its wake. The claws were hook shaped with a serrated underside. Folding like a cloth were curtains of skin angling to the center of the passage. Gency was horrified to realize that they were folded wings. Slowly a head descended from the darkness. The skin was stretched tight. There was no opening for ears or a nose. It opened its mouth, showcasing not one but three rows of fangs. It took a deep breath, tasting the air, tasting the flame. Its body slowly swayed to the rhythm of the flame; it was mesmerized.

Slowly as to not make a sound, Gency backed away letting the darkness swallow him. He hoped to the Dome that the passageway stayed narrow for he used the wall to guide him. Once he thought he was far enough away, he let loose and ran blindly, running his hand along the wall.

All he could hear was his heartbeat, pulsing through his body. Even if the creature was following him, Gency wouldn’t know. He kept running excepting to see the light from his friends, but there was only darkness.

“Pierce!” Gency shouted, throwing caution to the wind. “Pierce!” He shouted again when he didn’t get a response. Suddenly the wall disappeared. The air felt different there; he was in a large area. He kept running until he collided into something.

Whatever it was it was alive and warm. There were grunts of pain as Gency tumbled to the ground getting all tangled up in it. “Pierce!” Gency shouted again struggling to get away from the unknown mass.

“Please stop shouting.” Came a sudden breathy response. Gency came to a sudden stop. He recognized the voice.

“August?” Gency was suddenly very happy. He hugged August in sweet relief. All he got in response was a pained groan.

“Yes. Now please stop moving. Something is caught in my hair.” Gency quickly stopped hugging him. August effortlessly adjusted them so they weren’t a tangled mess. Gency was surprised at how strong August was. He moved Gency around like a rag doll. Gency suddenly felt his face heat up as August settled Gency on his lap. “How in the world did you get us so tangled up?!” August asked, frustrated beyond belief. Slowly nimble finger ghosted over Gency and slowly up his arms. “What in the name of Dome are you wearing that has so many buttons?”

Gency couldn’t find his voice as gentle fingers failed at untangling the buttons on his long sleeve from August’s hair.

“Gency, August are you two alright?” Madison’s concerned voice came out of thin air.

“Yeah. Just a little tangled up.” Gency’s voice was pitched high. He had to admit that he found August appealing and that’s what made him very uncomfortable with the position he was in.

“Are you sure? You sound pained?” Pierce asked to their left.

Gency hummed in response. He squeezed his eyes tight as August shifted under him. Slowly the buttons were released. “Light would be helpful right now?” Gency wined.

“The candles are gone,” Madison apologized. “When we noticed you were gone we turned back to get you but we stopped as we heard a scarping noise echoed above us. We tossed them when we noticed the light drew their attention. Believe me when I say this. I would rather be in the dark. We watched as the candles slowly scaled up the wall. I think they are fascinated by the light.”

“Believe me. Its better you don’t know what they look like.” Gency shuddered at the memory. He tried to move his arms, forgetting that him and August were still attached.

“Ah! Gency!” August groaned, holding Gency’s arms still. August attentively worked at trying to untangle the buttons from his hair, but kept losing his spot. He had to keep running his fingers over Gency’s neck and arms, making Gency break out in goosebumps.

“You’re enjoying this,” Gency hissed as August’s fingers tickled his neck.

“Completely. I love the idea of having a bald spot,” August deadpanned. Finally August managed to separate them.

“As much as I love hearing you in pain, August, I think it’s time we surfaced. If my calculations are correct we should be in sector 10.” Madison commented. “August and I will bring you two top side. There we can resupply and you guys can find your dad. Maybe we could find something to see in the dark,” she pondered.

“I have Dark Spectacles in my bag,” Gency supplied. Gency jerked as fingers latched onto his arm.

“August?” Madison asked.

“No, Gency.” Gency corrected. He jumped as another hand latched onto his wrist. “Pierce?”

“Guess again.” August chucked. “Jumpy much?” Gency made a non-committal noise.

“I have Pierce. You know Gency; it would be easier if we used the Specs. Hand them over.” Gency felt Madison squeeze his arm.

“Sorry, my dad was working on them. They aren’t finished. But if we can get to him, he can fix them.” Gency reassured. Madison let out a frustrated sigh. “Do you think you can lead us out of here?” Gency asked hopefully.

“I think so. Just everybody hold hands. We will keep a chain. It will be slow going but I can get us to the next manhole cover. Hopefully the dawn is breaking; it would make our lives easier.” Gency stood still as Madison maneuvered Pierce to switch spots with her. Pierce took up her grip.

“Why do I have to be last?” August wined.

“Would you like to hold my hand?” Peirce asked. Gency had to hold back a laugh at August’s nervous twitching fingers. Ever so slowly August moved his hand into Gency’s. Gency couldn’t help but fill giddy. It was a stupid feeling, but somehow August was good at creating the feeling.