The Licorice Kidnapping

An Episode of the Day, Anew: 10

I distinctly recall falling asleep on Ritzuko’s bed, laying down on my back. Of course she had still left me with the pregnancy; the bulge on my belly is as it had been, nothing changed there, thankfully.

Then there is a distinct impression of her hands pressing my hands firmly onto the bed, just as I drifted off to sleep. Of course my hands are firmly stuck on the bed beside me, I did not have to look up or even attempt to lift either of my hands to know it. All I need is the distinct sensation the suction cups give me, as they stick to a surface.

There are new sensations; firstly the strangely arousing tingle to the petals of my orchid and the wetness now coating the entire blossom from the inside and out, secondly there is the enlargement of my now glistering black nipples or cherries I know is from the day before, and thirdly my tongue feels as if it had been stretched out and compressed like crazy.

Thankfully, the bed is still permitting me to lie down in a resting position, as opposed to hanging from the wall, where the bed usually is during the day when I don’t use it.

While my hands and feet are stuck in place, I can wiggle my hips and belly in order to feel the bulk that is representing the pregnancy she gifted me the other day. Or, was it another day or two back? Never mind, that is quite irrelevant. I still do enjoy the sensations that came with the gift.

Guess I am used to getting and being stuck by now, just as I had been desensitized to the syrup and the effect it has on my body even before Ritzuko kidnapped me and brought me here. Never had an affinity for gags or restraints in general before; I never fantasized about them applied upon me, or applying them on anyone else. Not even to see it on a film.

I may never have been quite the aqua fantast, or the avian swimmer; yet it wasn’t caused by a fear of water or drowning either. I just never was into it.

“I trust the night was not too hard on you, Hitomi!” she inquired, in earnest curiosity.

“Surprisingly comfortable, thanks for asking! I slept like an entirely new girl, Deer!” I responded.

“Good, could you wiggle your rump a few times?” she inquired in a teasing tone, inciting me to do as she told me.

“Now, if you would just push your rump up as high as you can and shake your beautiful belly for me?” she added.

“Of course!” I responded; as I pushed my rump up, before I started to shake my belly.

Naturally, lifting my rump offered no challenges or surprises in and off itself. Only as I started to shake my belly did I see what she had in mind. It isn’t just the added weight that slowly started to shift my balance, but also the highly viscous syrup in my womb that started to move around inside me and cause new and still unaccustomed sensations.

Distracted by the sensations from inside and the shifting wight, my hands and feet was challenged, while the grip did hold more than adequately to hold me in place, while it gave me further pleasant sensations to deal with. She merely gazed at me in wonderment and enjoyed the show I was putting up for her. Not as if it had been the first girl she had pushed into performing for her, or something uncommon for her.

“Ooooh!” she mouthed, as she was looking at me with large eyes.

She had put me out of balance; so I am distracted by working my way back to regain the equilibrium before I could respond to what she said, or did.

Only the more I work towards regaining my balance, the more I feel the suction holding me down and the cups stretching and straining, as if I needed to worry either of them letting go for the mere effort I had been putting into it.

Out of balance, I failed to notice how she had moved over and climbed up over me with her legs spread to the right and left of me. She placed her hands lightly on my cheeks and looked deeply into my eyes, making me blink; once, twice and thrice, before I was fully drawn into her eyes as she absorbed me.

How long she was gazing into me, I had no idea; yet she broke it of by closing her eyes for a second and I closed my eyes with her. With that she shifted her weight and placed her hands on my waist such as it is before she slowly and carefully started to lick the very tip of my right black cherry. The tip of her tongue sensually and seductively snaked around in circles on the tip and nothing but the tip for minutes that could have been hours or days. Of course, she moved over to my left cherry and repeated the tease in reverse direction.

The elicited sensations made me temporarily mute, I couldn’t even moan or sigh.

“That hit the spot!” she declared knowingly, with an affectionate grin and winked at me.

I parted my lips and made an oh as I nodded vigorously.

“I will remember that, you could need a little bit of special joy!” she suggested, in a teasing manner.

“Of course you will, Ritzuko; and thank you!” I thought.

“Now it is time to get out of bed!” she explained, as she slipped out of the bed with practiced ease.

I just followed her with my eyes.

“You need to get out of bed too, but I guess you need a little bit of help with that?” she pointed out.
I just nodded.

“Of course!” she responded, as she stepped up to the plate and commanded the bed to tilt over with ninety degrees.

“Time for your morning exercise, Ms. Hitomi!” she instructed me.

“Oh!” I mouthed half by half sub-vocally, while making an oh.

“If you wiggle your yummy rump and belly for me!” she started up.

“Ah!” I responded, with just a little bit more voice to it this time.

Slowly, carefully I started to wiggle my rump and belly as she instructed me. Slowly and carefully, or I would just mess it all up.

“Continue! Yummy!” she encouraged me emphatically, standing before me and devouring every little curve on my body and wiggle I performed for her.

Bit by bit, my confidence grew, as I managed to wiggle faster, without any embarrassing and unfortunate incident as the result.

“Just a little bit more, and put your spirit into it!” she continued.

As I tried to put more into it, I noticed how the suction in the palm of my hands started to make itself into my conscious thought. Slowly, the sensation was growing less and less ignorable as it grew more pronounced the longer I continued, and the stronger I was wiggling.

While she had me wiggling, I also noticed how the pull of the weight of my belly had changed direction from the time I had spent in bed and sleeping.

With my feet now under me, that item had also been growing obvious to me. The soles of my feet still pressing down onto the bed, but I could feel that down is no longer directly under me as it had been all night. I still assume that it had been night as we slept, and that it is morning now as she is making me go through the morning gymnastics she is prescribing for my benefit. Of course it is for my benefit, even if she may be enjoying the spectacle Royally as well. How could I deny her?

“If you could give your right and left hand a tentative tug?” she continued.

I tried to follow her instructions as best I could, when I already knew my hands were securely stuck in place on the bed to the right and left of me. Knowing the sensations and the reactions did not really change it, or how it felt as I slowly pulled up my right and left hand in turn.

“Again, again, again!” she repeated with each cycle of the tentative attempts to pull my hands up off of the bed.

“Right, left! Right left! Right, left!” I breathed, with each time I gave my right and left hand respectively its due tentative tug.

“Right, Left! Right left! Keep it up, just like that!” she pronounced enthusiastically, beating the cadence in firmly.

I tug at my right hand as she said right, and my left hand as she said left. Putting an effort into the cadence and making my best to give the measured, tentative tug each and every time.

Then she countered with the next move. Guess I should have expected it, but she told me to lift my left and right foot in counterpoint to my hands. I managed to follow her surprisingly well, or it is at least my impression. She did not complain. From her facial expression, and the tone of her voice she is impressed.

If it is an exercise to warm me up, or an exercise in confidence; but I guess I could take either, or both right now. While it isn’t a very exhausting or straining effort on my part, keeping up with the exercise at this point.

What if she had no purpose with the instructions, other than her very own and private entertainment; as she is free to gaze at me as she pleases, at this point. Besides, there is none to question her or countermand her. Not here, not now and I doubt it will happen later. If it had been her first time, but I know she has been doing this for a while. Most likely for years.

“Time to move up the game!” she merely declared, with an amused grin on her face; as she placed her hand on her black plaque and turned the bed all the way back to the horizontal position.

Thankfully, I managed to continue the exercise given to me by my Deer Ritzuko, with little to no interruption. While I did have a few internal shivers from the content of my still pregnant belly. A womb full of syrup does tend to have effects on you in most everything.

Once she had completed her command, she had left the bed and taken the step to face me. Standing before me, permitting me to look into her eyes.

As I look into her eyes, it feels as if I am falling; just not as if the fall is down. I just feel deeper and deeper into her eyes, while she is falling deeper and deeper into mine.

Now I lick my lips, feeling the skin moist under my tongue and a hint of saliva drip just at the right corner of my mouth. She is standing mere inches from me, still staring into my eyes. Then a thought is crossing my mind and I extend my tongue just to see if I could reach her lips.

Would she lean back or forwards? Would she part her lips or extend her very own tongue in the gesture of a silent, wordless greeting? I had no idea, but I had to find out for myself. The instinct more than true initiative took over and it happened before I actually realized what I had done. There is no pulling back for me, with my head firmly onto the wall that is servicing her as her private bed. The bed she had been sharing with me the previous night.

She did not pull back, at least not instantly or fast enough to make a difference. Instead, she parted her lips just enough. Only then, she pressed her lips together as I feel the moist of her smooth lips. Tasting the very essence of her excitement.

With just the tip of my tongue in between her lips she slowly stated to pull back, but not before she was starting to suck my tongue into her mouth.

In shock; I felt the back of her mouth, but she did not push it. She just pulled back and stopped before it became a challenge to me. Just enough for that special exhilaration of the moment of uncertainty and no more.

I stole the moment and explored her for the short moment granted me, not sure exactly how long she was going for, or how far she was to push it.
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Edit: 01 - “Oh!"