The Licorice Kidnapping

An Episode Beyond the Bed: 5

Liquorice had given me a set of new clothes to wear and followed me as I had been practicing in my room. There is a curious feeling to the garments she gave me, but other than that, they feel natural to wear.

I couldn’t claim that the new sense of nudity had been bothering me; not after the experience of being kidnapped, muted and filled up to the brim with the silicon syrup in my mouth, womb and rear entrance and my hands securely glued to the wall several times; already.

Otherwise, I guess the nudity would have been bothering me anywhere else. I never was the girl, to favour nudity or flaunting my assets and body in the first place; even if I am comfortable in my body and with my bodily appearance before.

“These slippers are changing my perspective, as I am walking with you!” I observed; in a fit of giggles, as it hit me.

It is not so much in how it feels normal to be walking on the tips of my toes and how it makes my steps longer, but in how it changed the sensibility and made the sensations out to be as if I had been walking on the soles of my feet instead of the tips of my toes.

“I gave you these, in order to offer some much needed support for you. I know the need and feelings first hand, after all!” she emphasized in vigorous generosity.

“Thank you!” I responded quietly.

Of course she would know; she had guided other Girls just like myself through this process, just as she had gone through it herself before that.

All of a sudden, she simply stopped and pointed at the smooth black wall to the right of us.

“If you walk up to the wall and explore it with your hands, carefully!” she prompted, as she was looking intently at the wall she had been indicating.

“Okay!” I responded, as I turned towards the wall and stepped to it and stopped at a foot’s distance before I carefully placed my hands on the smooth wall and inspected it with delicate care as instructed.

Anyone passing us by continued as if nothing had happened, paying us no mind as if it was normal and happened every day. Which I guess it could be, for all I knew.

“Feel that?” she inquired, putting special emphasis to the words as to make certain they meant it.

“Smooth, like Marble; but more grabby, like Rubber or Silicon?” I responded as I patted the wall before me.

“Exactly” she giggled.

“Though it is kind of warm, as if it had been alive?” I continued in more uncertain tones.

“It isn’t actually alive, but if it had been cold you would have found it uncomfortable to touch it!” she explained.

“Oh! That does make sense!” I responded.

“This is a public wall, as opposed to the once in your room. You are supposed to sleep there, so that has to be colder than here!” she continued.

“Sleeping is private; while there are a few other things one may enjoy to keep in the shadow of once privacy too. We do share such a bond together, Hitomi!” she emphasized willingly.

“I do like my bed private; but that was a chock, when you pulled me into your van!” I admitted in response.

“Press your left hand on the wall, firmly!” she instructed me.

“Okay!” I responded, obediently.

“Good!” she added.

Nothing really happened, at first. Then I slowly started to realize what she was driving at, as I sensed the changes to the palm of my hand as she had been expecting all along. The white silicon making up a firm and competent suction cup. The effects of the changes only slowly developed, and came into light only after I had put the gloves on and was probing the walls carefully.

“Now, if you would slap the wall with the palm of your right hand for me, please!” she added, as her next instruction.

For a moment, I hesitated, not entirely sure as to exactly what she had in mind. Would she be mad at me, if I slapped too hard, or not hard enough?

“Okay!” I added, after a moment; as I did as she had instructed me, as best I could.

There is a curious, excited squeak from the palm of my hand as the suction cup hit the wall and I feel the air being pressed out on the instant of impact. The pads at the tip of my fingers slide along the smooth wall; excitedly rubbing as my hand hit the wall, only to make a sudden halt as my hand is firmly stuck in place.

I look at my hands curiously; as it hit me, just what had happened. There is no point in pulling at the hand, I feel the suction holding it in place, just as firmly as I could which for in order to effectively holding my hand to the wall. While my hand would not let go of the wall, but it freely admitted for me to slide it across the highly smooth surface as I please. The only caution being the sensitive pads and the course surface at the tip of each finger.

Of course I could feel the gaze of her eyes glowing in approval as she noted the effect.

“Give your right hand a tentative tug, just to get the feel for it!” she then prompted, eagerly.

“Oh, okay!” I responded; as I tentatively tugged at my right hand, only to have my initial assumption confirmed.

“How does it feel, as you tug at your hand?” she inquired; with the air of actually being curious, even if she surely knew exactly what it felt like from her very own and personal experiences.

The first I noticed is how my hand refused to let go and part with the wall, but then I feel how the edges of the suction cup that is the palm of my hand was spreading out in order to secure the grip.

“I have the curious sensation of the edges of the palm of my hand clinging to the smooth wall, without the tingling sensation of a sticky adhesive holding my hand in place. The harder I pull, the stronger my impression grow on me!” I promptly responded, with a curious look to my eyes and a warm smile on my face.

“Good!” she merely responded, as she grabbed my hand and gave it a firm yank just to make the point and secure the effect of my impression.

“It refused to let go!” I merely noted, without actually batting an eye.

“Is that not the point with a suction cup?”she inquired, making her point as firm as I could hope for.

“Oh, but of course it is. Suction Cup? My hands are Suction Cups?” I exclaimed in surprise, excited by the situation and her words.

“In a city of glass and steel, you will find the special joy sooner than you dare to imagine. Besides, if you place your left hand on the wall before you, so I can show you more?” she merely responded, with an excited smile playing over her lips as she spoke.

“Okay!” I responded, as I slapped the wall with my left hand before thinking more of it.

“There you go! Now, if you would give your left hand a tentative tug?” she emphasized.

“Now my left hand is stuck on the wall, too!” I noted, as I gave the hand a tug; with the exact same result as the previous attempt with my right hand yielded me.

Without a word, she gave my left a yank; just to make the point and even the effects of what she just handed me.

“There, that should be interesting enough!” she added, almost as if it had been an afterthought.

“If I could just let go of the wall at will, I could save myself the trouble of walking the stairs. Unless you intend to make me into a Spider Man?” I responded, with a slight hint of curiosity to the remark.

“Now, as you mentioned it! I guess that would be quite interesting, you know. If you slide your right hand up along the wall as you tug at your left hand?” she suggested; in a tentatively joking manner, while still being all serious and business to the core.

“You are serious?” I inquired; as I attempted to follow her instructions, right and left.

“Of course I am, Hitomi!” she pointed out, as she followed my slow progress up along the wall.

Spreading my fingers and pressing the pads on the wall with each move, only to find my feet hanging before I even realized it.

“Oah!” I exclaimed in alarm, as I had to pull my feet up and press them on the wall to make the experience more comfortable.

“That is exactly how I felt too, when I first tried that out as a fresh girl!” she pointed out, as she placed her hands on my waist and gave me a severe yank to make the point.

“And you had to yank so hard?” I inquired, while I guess I knew the answer even before she yanked at me.

“I am afraid so, but permit me to demonstrate how to release you!” she explained; as I slipped back down to permit my feet to rest firmly on the floor, once more.

“By all means, please do!” I responded with a slight sigh.

“This is the trick!” she prompted; placing her thumb at the edge of the suction cup making up my right hand, before she pressed firmly and forced the cup to let go as it deformed enough to disable the grip.

“It was that easy, all along; assuming I have a free hand to release myself from the grip onto the wall?” I gasped in surprise at the sudden revelation.

“This is how all Suction Cups work, you know; but you do need to have a free hand, as you pointed out. Unless you have a friend close by, or can reach the spot with your foot or anything else!” she noted, in a generous manner.
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