Status: This is a synopsis of my work-in-progress titled 'Greyloch.' It features derivatives from the Prologue.



Force: Tactical And Strategic TRAns-military Service.
Outline: The TASTRAS group, are a privatised Special Forces division attached to the COLONIAL MILITARY SANCTION of Earth and her respective colonies. The CMS is tasked with protecting, policing, rescue operation, counter-terrorism, unconventional warfare, space and planetside deployment, planetary defense response and co-ordination, and military enforcement in Terran nation-states throughout the Sol star system of native Earth, and frontier colonial worlds under Colonial Enterprise & Exchange Councils.

The TASTRAS (or Tactical and Strategic TRAns-military Service) special ops division, is a privatised division operating within the CMS. TASTRAS operational directives differ from that of Colonial Sanction regular Army or Fleet protocol, as recruits are almost exclusively Luna-born citizens. The training regime and combat efficiency tests and regulations are staggering in scale and successful applicant pass marks are statistically low given the density of human population in the regional space of all colonies. A 0.2% ratio of applicants are selected to be TASTRAS operators.

Terran Government media cases comprising a demand for public insight into the TASTRAS have met only with mitigated investigation efforts and floundering rumours or utter conspiracy theory. The most frequently asked question about TASTRAS operators is: Why are they always recruited from the Moon? The reality is that more than 4 million TASTRAS operators are born on Luna. A further 300 thousand Terran operators who pass selection are deployed around the colonies, and approximately 190 thousand Colonials who are actually capable of reaching Luna from far flung worlds make up the remainder of operators.

The conception of the TASTRAS force, is based on space, and hazardous environment deployment and operation. Earth's Moon provides a ready-made low gravity scenario to train operators for this type of warfare and many unique simulation regimes were founded on the Moon. Though, due to its mandate, the exact workings of the TASTRAS training regime remains shrouded from public knowledge.

The next, and most well-defined difference between TASTRAS and CMS Regulars, is the faction-specific military hardware and technology employed by the TASTRAS. The standardised equipment, aviation/Space-faring combat craft, automated drone craft, weapons systems, information systems, ground vehicles, and infantry battle gear, are geo-dominantly more advanced and superior to tech or gear issued to CMS Regular Forces. Depending on proximity, and mission locations throughout inhabited Space, TASTRAS facilities such as training camps, recruitment offices, and temporary billets for exchanging operators can be found on most colonies. E.g: capital worlds for multi-state systems, governing more than one population on more than one planet.

TASTRAS Headquarters, are situated on the Moon. All directives, command processing, deployments, campaigns or small-scale missions are controlled and despatched from TASTRAS HQ. Co-ordination and operation coherency is often routed between assets at COLONIAL MILITARY CENTRAL COMMAND on Earth, and either of the two REGIMENTAL STRATEGIC COMMAND bases on the Moon and on Vrallahos. Vrallahos being a two week charter trip from Mars via Relativity Gate to Sectii Hyperion. All major logistics operation, supply, refitting, upgrading, technical overhauling and construction for the Division, is largely done on Mars, contractors in other star systems providing shipyards, or temporary anchorage.