
Chapter 57

Lana's POV

I was awake early and it didn't matter what I did, I couldn't go back to sleep. This bed was just so damn uncomfortable, and that asshole was in there, snoring his pretty little head off. I hated him.

I got up, going into the bathroom. I wasn't quiet about it, I hoped I woke him up. He made me so mad, I couldn't even stand being in his company at the moment.

I'd done the right thing, I called him the day after our fight, I called to actually apologise and he ignored my calls, he completely ignored them. That spoke volumes to me, so now I knew how he really felt. We still had this trip to take, so I'd called the hotel, they were booked out of course, so I made arrangements for the bunk, seeing as though he couldn't even stand answering my calls.

THE STUPID BUNK. I walked out of the bathroom and slammed the door, smiling when I heard him groan, I grabbed my card and for good measure I slammed the room door as well. Fuck him. We were done.

I caught the lift downstairs, I might as well have breakfast, it was better than laying in bed thinking. Thinking about that asshole.

I walked in and stopped. Marty was sitting there, drinking a coffee. Coffee, it was what I needed, so I grabbed one and went over and joined her.

"What the hell are you doing up this early?" I asked.

"I guess I'm just excited Lana." She said smiling. "Excited about the wedding. Why are you up?"

"The bed is uncomfortable." I mumbled. "Stupid little fold out thing."

"What?" She asked looking confused.

"I'm sleeping on a fold out bed, in the living area of the room."

"Why?" She looked perplexed.

"Because I'm not sharing a bed with that asshole." I snapped, taking a mouthful of coffee.

"Oh for godsake, can you two grow up already and get over it." She snapped.

"For your information Martina." I grumbled. "I did try to apologise, he wasn't interested, so I guess it's over." And as I said it I felt tears fill me eye's. I quickly wiped them away before she saw them. I wasn't going to let on to anybody that I was hurting.

"Don't be stupid Lana." Marty said softly. "You're not over."

And right at that moment she ate her words and right at that moment I knew we were over and I felt like I was dying.

"Oh my god, imagine meeting you here." A voice screeched and Marty and I both looked over, our jaws dropping. "It's great to see you."

I sat there, wide eyed and watched as Courtney pulled out a chair and joined us at our table.

"Um." Marty said, looking at her. "What are you doing here?"

That was a good question, what was she doing here? Stalking us?

"Oh." She said smiling. "Matt asked me." And she said the last part slowly, ensuring I heard it.

I took a deep breath, trying not to scream.

"He did?" Marty asked, looking between me and her.

"Yeah and my flight didn't get in til late last night, so I never got the chance to catch up with him or any of you when I got in." She bubbled. "But yeah, he rang me last week, asked me to come down for the wedding, said it would be good for us to spend a bit of time together."

Now I knew why he wouldn't answer my calls, he was to busy planning his future with Courtney. I couldn't believe it, but I wasn't surprised, I always had the feeling I was a fling to Matt, obviously he did have cold feet and he just used me to get over it.

I sat there silently while Courtney waffled on, I didn't trust myself to speak, besides, I had nothing to say and eventually as the other's came down and joined the table, all surprised at Courtney's appearance, I was able to get up quietly and sneak away.

I walked down to the beach, hopefully I wouldn't get lost and I didn't and once I got there I sat down and I cried, really cried. I couldn't believe he'd done this to me, he'd used me and now he'd embarrassed me in front of all of our friends. I was so ashamed, I really was. How was I supposed to go back there, to everyone and pretend that everything was okay when it really wasn't? I couldn't do it, there was no way I could do it.

I sat there for hours, thinking, thinking about what I could do but I had no answers. Marty was getting married and I'd promised her I would stand beside her, if I left I'd be leaving her and none of this was her fault. I just wanted to go back to that room, pack my bag and go home, that's all I wanted to do and I couldn't even do that.

I eventually got up, brushing the sand off of me, wiping my face and heading back to the hotel. I looked around but I couldn't see anyone and that upset me more, it upset me at how easily they'd all accepted Matt and Courtney again and how easily they'd all gone off to do something together, without giving a single thought to me.

God I'd never felt so low before and I just wanted to curl into a ball and cry so I headed back to the room. On my way back there I passed one of the pool side bars and glanced at it, stopping. There were Matt and Courtney, sitting at the bar, talking. He was saying something and she was nodding and smiling. She had her hand resting on his arm, and oh god, she had her engagement ring back on.

I wiped at my face again and turned and went inside, catching the stupid fucking elevator back up to our room. I opened the door and let myself, standing there.

I didn't know what to do, so I did the only thing I could, I threw my head back and I screamed, praying that no one was in the rooms next door to call security.

I was so hurt and so betrayed by him, I was shattered.

I reached up to wipe my face again and I felt the necklace, the beautiful necklace he'd given me for Christmas. I'd thought it was so beautiful that I cried a little when he gave it to me. What a lying prick, it probably cost him ten dollars at a pawn shop, for all that it meant, which was nothing.

I reached up and I pulled, feeling the chain break and I looked down at it in my hand. It looked horrible to me now, the symbol of a lie.

I walked into the bedroom and I threw it on his perfectly made bed. If he took it back to the pawn shop he might get five bucks for it.

I walked back out and over to my stupid fold out bed. I climbed on it and did the only thing I knew how to do at this moment. I laid there and cried. My heart was broken and all I could do was cry.