Status: This version of TARA has been discontinued and will not be finished.

The Adventures of Rin and Aya

Chapter 15

Aya tiredly jumped out of her light silvery blue Toyota Highlander and casually strolled through the school parking lot, heading for the doors. She shifted the many school books in her hands, not yet having gone to the store to buy a new bag, and she managed to get the doors open with a slight struggle.

She stepped into the school and started making her way to her locker which was oh so conveniently on the other side of the school. I hate school,she thought. Last night she had stayed up until 1:30 in the morning, TRYING to finish her homework. She had managed to finish her Spanish, English, and Math homework, but as far as History went she found that she didn’t quiet have it in her to focus on the worksheet. History was her very first class too so she now had to hurry to her locker and figure out a way to finish the worksheet before the bell rang in five minutes.

“Have you seen the new girl?” One of the senior boys said to another one. “She is HOT!” Aya rolled her eyes and shook her head, almost ashamed at having such shallow people considered the same species as her. She picked up her pace when her books started slipping from her grip.

As she passed a large group of five or six girls, who were excitedly chatting, she caught parts of their conversation which consisted of new kid, cute,and then something about cream cheese.

Wait, if the new kid is a girl then why does Jenna think she’s cute? Oh this is grand! Wait until everyone knows which way you roll you fake, no good, evil, she-devil! Mwahahahaha!Almost as if she had heard Aya’s thoughts, Jenna looked up and glared at her as she passed. Aya quickly scurried away, knowing that if Jenna confronted her she was a goner. If Rin was there with her she would have no problem taking ALL of them down, but alas, the perky blue-haired girl was no where to be seen.

“Oh no!” She practically started running, trying to make it to her locker before the tower of books in her arms collapsed. Almost there, almost there…YES!Aya made it. She quickly dropped her books in front of her locker, put her hands on her knees, and exhaled deeply out of relief.

Realizing that she was wasting precious time--time she could be using to work on her homework--Aya quickly turned the dial of the lock on her locker and quickly threw it open. She quickly chucked her books and papers in there, keeping her History notebook and book out, and after closing her locker she spun around.


Her book, notebook, and all the loose papers she had been holding flew into the air as she collided with someone else. “Augh,” she sighed as she looked down at the mess now lying on the ground.

“I’m sorry about that. I would pick them up but I’m afraid I don’t have permissionto touch your stuff,” the person said. Their voice sounded oddly familiar to her.

When she looked up from the ground her eyes went wide after they landed on the guy standing before her, completely decked out in her school’s uniform and standing there with a smirk on his face. “YOU!” Standing before her was none other than the devil himself…otherwise known as Raf. “What the heck are you doing HERE?!”

“Now now, is that any way to treat a new student?” Aya scowled as she bent down and gathered up all of her things yet again.

“Seriously, why are you here and how did you get here?” she asked Raf as she turned and started walking away, Raf trailing on her heels.

He shrugged nonchalantly while picking at his nails. “Ra’ Shari’s pendant let’s us travel between worlds I guess. We started looking at your school because it doesn’t make sense that a portal would have been opened here if this Chosen one was living on the other side of the world…and now it’s my job to see if YOU are the Chosen one.”

“Well let me make that job a lot easier for you…I’m not the Chosen one.” Raf stepped out in front of her, stopping her in her tracks, and he shoved his face up to hers with one of his eyes larger than normal, examining her.

“Then you wouldn’t mind answering a few questions.” He pulled back slightly while scratching his chin. “Do you ever find yourself thinking OBSESSIVLY about WATER? Have you ever BEEN or ever WANTED to be a FISH? Have you ever felt that you have a SPECIAL CONNECTION to your whale BRETHREN? Has the moon blessed you in any WAY, SHAPE, or FORM? Have you been SMOOCHING with any suns lately?!”

Aya stared at him with wide eyes and cautiously started to walk around him, praying that he wouldn’t start foaming at the mouth and bite her. She noticed a few kids to her left staring at them curiously. “Uh, well it was nice meeting you…but I uh, BYE!”

Clutching her books to her chest she quickly took off down the hallway. “Hey wait! I’m not done with you yet!!” With large strides Raf ran after her.


“If she’s not here within two minutes I’m leaving,” said Sin as he boredly leaned up against a row of lockers. Soren and Luka were peering around a wall, watching Rin’s locker to see when she would arrive.

Luka rolled his eyes and turned around to look at Sin. “Will you just have some patience?” Soren continued to watch the locker, knowing that if there wasn’t at least one of them looking they might miss Rin, but a smirk formed on his face anyway.

“He just wants to leave so he can go find Ra’ Shari,” he said in a teasing voice. With wide eyes Luka looked from Soren back to Sin, mouth hanging open slightly and a smile threatening to form on his face.

“YOU like RA‘ SHARI?!”

Sin clenched his jaw and his face started turning pink, either from anger or embarrassment, and he glared at both of the guys standing before him. “I do not,” he hissed.

“Oh of course Sin. You absolutely hate her so that’s why you were groping her ass a few days ago.”

“That was an accident!” How the hell does he even know about that?!

“Sure it was.” Soren turned around to face Sin as soon as Luka started looking around the corner of the wall again. “But to be brutally honest I think you should just give up on her. You know it’s always been between Micah and Chase…well not anymore I guess. I almost feel bad for him really. Chase I mean. It’s been almost two years and he’s still not completely over it, so don’t intentionally put yourself through that.”

Someone walked up behind the two and stood there for a few seconds, hands on hips, simply listening to them. “What are we talking about?” Recognizing Chase’s voice, Soren turned around quickly with a nervous smile on his face.

“Oh uh…nothing?” Before Chase had a chance to interrogate him further Soren changed the subject. “So where’s Ra’ Shari and Micah?” Instantly he mentally started questioning whether he wanted to know or not.

“They were having a small argument and I thought it would be best to give them some alone time.”

Meanwhile, Luka had spotted the blue-haired girl and watched her intently as she opened her locker and started putting her stuff in it. But when she was just about to grab the stuff she needed for her math class, Rin got the sudden feeling that she was being watched and she looked over her shoulder.

Faintly she saw someone duck behind the wall. Thinking it had just been a trick of the light she finished grabbing her stuff and closed her locker. When she went to turn around however she noticed that once again, someone had ducked behind the wall, only this time she saw spiky brown hair that looked oddly familiar. Slowly she weaved her way around the students in the hallway and peered around the corner.

There was Luka, standing stiff as a board, hoping that Rin wouldn’t see him. “What are you guys doing here?!” she asked excitedly. Darn it…

The three other men looked around at Luka and Rin. “No offence Luka, but you stink at being a spy,” said Soren. Luka grinned sheepishly up at them while mumbling an apology.

“We’ll be attending your school for a little while to see if the Chosen one might possibly be here. We hope that doesn’t upset you at all. I just happened to see Raf a little while earlier talking to your friend and she seemed a little irritated,” Chase said with his usual kindness. Unlike Aya, Rin was much more go-with-the-flow and accepting of other people or new situations.

She beamed up at them and shook her head. “Not at all! So what grade are you all in?”

“We’re juniors…whatever that is,” someone replied.

“Oh you’re in our grade! Come on and I’ll show you where your classrooms are,” said Rin as she latched onto both Luka and Soren’s arm, and she lead them all excitedly down the hallway.


Chase and Luka sat on either side of Rin as they listened to their Math teacher, Mr. Wright, drone on about the Quadratic Formula. Looking up at the clock, Chase sighed nervously. It was already ten minutes into their first class and Ra’ Shari and Micah were no where to be seen. He was just about to raise his hand to ask if he could run to the bathroom, when he was really going to go look for his two missing companions, but before he got the chance a ruckus came from the hallway.

“Now look what you did. You made us late on our first day!” That was defiantly Ra’ Shari’s voice.


“Yes YOU! If you would have just let me fix your tie instead of being all difficult about it…”

“Well if YOU would have just dropped it instead of being all stubborn about it…” The two of them stepped into the classroom only to be met by almost thirty-two pairs of eyes. Mr. Wright set down his piece of chalk and strode over to them.

“Should I stop teaching so you two can settle your argument? Or are you going to stop interrupting and take your seats?”

Ra’ Shari quickly apologized and started searching for the passes she had been given by the lady in the office. She and Micah had gone there, telling the lady that it was their first day and that they were lost, and that was why they hadn’t been in class. In turn she gladly gave them their passes and directions.

After a few minutes of searching she triumphantly pulled them out and handed them to the teacher. When she noticed Mr. Wright staring at her chest she quickly ducked behind Micah, glaring at the teacher, and the two of them walked to their seats behind Chase, Rin, and Luka. Once Mr. Wright had gone back to teaching Ra’ Shari poked Chase in the back with her pencil.

“We talked to Raf when we were gone. We happened to come across his class when we were pretending to be lost, and he says there’s no way that Aya is the Chosen one. He’s been drilling her with questions but nothing is fitting in with the prophecy,” she said when Chase turned around. He nodded in understanding, knowing that all they had to do was interview Rin, and they had planned on doing that during a much more appropriate class. Not one where you had to be so quiet and attentive that you got yelled at for sneezing, but one that you could yell and talk all you wanted.

A class like fourth period Gym.
♠ ♠ ♠
1. I'm totally in love with Raf right now.
2. Sin groping Ra' Shari = accident. Yes, he was telling the truth. No, he doesn't like her like THAT. It's more like a brother/sister thing.

*sigh* Anyways, sorry it was so uneventful. Thanks for reading though.