Status: This version of TARA has been discontinued and will not be finished.

The Adventures of Rin and Aya

Chapter 17

“Do you see them anywhere?”

“Nuh uh.”

“Okay, let’s go!”

The two girls dashed out from behind the lockers and ran towards the doors on the opposite side of the school, hoping to make it to the parking lot before they saw Ra’ Shari and the others. They dodged through the many students, occasionally knocking the books out of the hands of some and quickly shouting an apology, and soon the doors were practically right in front of them.

Just before they could grab onto the door handles though, someone managed to grab hold of the back of their shirts and pulled them backwards slightly. When they turned around they came face to face with the gang. “Didn’t think you’d get away from us that easily did you?”

Aya sighed and rubbed her temples. They were all starting to give her a slight headache. “Why don’t you go find some other people to harass?”

“Well you’re the ones that came to the our world aren’t you? Surely that must mean something important!” Ra’ Shari exclaimed. “Now let’s get going!” She linked arms with the two girls and dragged them out to the student parking lot with the guys right behind them.

The pink-haired girl lead them over to her Highlander. “I call shotgun!” shouted Rin as she hurtled to the passenger side door and hopped in.

“Okay then…Soren, Raf, and Micah you’ll sit in the back. I honestly don’t trust those two sitting so close to the driver. They’ll probably cause a car crash,” said Ra’ Shari as she pointed to Raf and Soren. “Chase and Sin, you two can sit in the seats behind Aya and Rin. I’ll just sit on Micah and now Luka is going to have to sit on someone.” She looked at the guys, waiting for someone to offer themselves up as a seat, but it was clear that no one really wanted to have another guy sit on their lap.

“I can just sit on the ground between Chase and Sin…it’s no big deal.” Ra’ Shari looked at Luka apprehensively but when he grinned up at her she gave in.

“Alright fine. But Chase, Sin, you better make sure that nothing bad happens to him otherwise I will kill you both!” And with that Ra’ Shari herded them into the Highlander.


“Aya! You can’t bring them to my house!” Rin screeched as Aya pulled into her driveway.

“Well do you expect me to bring them to my house and be all Hey mom. Don’t mind me while I smuggle nine people up into my room?!” Rin figured she was right, but she still worried about her parents coming home and finding them all in the house. If they did she would get killed, resurrected, and then killed again. Hopefully they would be gone by then, but sometimes one of her parents came home early so there really was no telling what would happen.

They all climbed out of the Highlander and headed into the nice, well kept home of Rin Sanders. “Okay, I think Chase and I should take these two into the living room while everyone else searches the house.”

“Search the house?! WHAT?!”

Ra’ Shari gave Rin a reassuring smile before leading the two girls straight down the entry way and into the living room. Micah and Luka headed towards the kitchen and dining room, while Raf, Soren, and Sin made their way up the stairs. Sin pushed open one of the doors. “I think I found her room.” The other two quickly pushed their way into the room and started rummaging through Rin’s stuff.

Soren, who was searching underneath her bed, pulled out a small, bright green book with a sly smile on his face. “I found a diary!” He said in a sing-song voice. Raf quickly made his way over to Soren and they both sat down on the edge of her bed.

“You two are horrible,” Sin said with disgust written on his face.

“Coming from the guy going through her underwear drawer…” Sin looked down at the drawer he had opened and quickly closed it with slightly shocked eyes.


Meanwhile, Micah quickly went through the drawers and cupboards in the kitchen. Of course he found nothing. “We’re getting absolutely no where with this,” he told Luka who was hanging like a monkey from the chandelier-like-lamp-sort-of-thing above the dining room table. “Will you get down from there before you break it?!”

Luka hopped down, but not without pouting first, and sat down at the table. “But this is boring.”

“Then play with these. I don’t know what they are but have fun!” He threw a small box of matches to Luka who excitedly dumped them out.


“Nothing is fitting!” Ra’ Shari threw her arms up in the air and she slumped down into the couch. She was getting slightly irritated by how hard it was to pin either Rin or Aya as the Chosen one. Why couldn’t they have just made it easy and said here’s the girl’s name and this is where you can find her?!

Chase sighed lightly and patted her leg. “Maybe they aren’t the Chosen one than. I think we should start looking somewhere else instead of wasting our time here.”

Aya glared at him. A waste of time huh? “Yes, please leave.” A shout suddenly came from the floor above them and it sounded like something had gone falling down the stairs.


Sin frantically, and somewhat spastically, jumped up from the ground as soon as he saw Raf and Soren heading down the stairs after him. “What the--?!” Ra’ Shari was cut off as Sin ran towards them, a lacy white bra over his shirt and matching lacy white underwear pulled over his pants. His black hair, which was normally in a half ponytail, was now up in messy pigtails, his cheeks were a light rose color thanks to some blush, his lips were now a deep red, his left eye had purple eye shadow, and his right eye had orange eye shadow. To top it all off, his bangs had been pinned to the side using a cute, pink clip.

“Come back here! We aren’t done with you yet!!!” Raf and Soren jumped over the last few steps on the stairs and stampeded after Sin. The red-haired man was holding something that looked like mascara and the blue-haired one was holding a pair of heals above his head.

“Stay away from me!” Sin turned slightly as he was running and held his hand out away from his body. In his palm a round, black sphere of what looked like dark energy started forming and once it was the size of a orange he threw it at the two chasing him. They quickly dodged and it ended up exploding against the window. When the small amount of black smoke cleared practically all of the glass was gone from the window except for a few sharp, menacing looking shards.

The blonde woman quickly stood up. “Hey! No using your powers!!!” Sin made his way into the dining room and ran around the table, followed by the two chasing him. Still sitting at the table was Luka, a burning match held in between his fingers. When Soren passed by him however, one of the shoes clipped the match and sent if falling to the ground…well, sent it into Luka’s lap at least.

He shrieked and jumped up quickly, dancing around wildly. Ra’ Shari yelled at Raf and Soren, who stopped their pursuit and turned to look at Luka with rather dumb looks on their faces. When they saw him their eyes went wide. “Alright I got this!” yelled Raf. He rubbed his hands together before putting them out in front of him slightly, and he concentrated on putting out the flame.

“AHH!” All of a sudden the flames became bigger.


He smiled weakly and rubbed the back of head. “Haha…oops?” Soren quickly threw his arms out in front of him, and a large, powerful stream of water shot towards Luka. He was sent backwards before getting slammed into the dining room wall. When the stream of water disappeared, Luka fell forward onto the soaking carpet with a relieved look on his face.

Ra’ Shari hesitantly looked over at Rin. Her face was white as she stared at the mess around her. “Oh my…” She fainted and fell back on the couch.

“Well, that was amusing…can we head home now?” asked a very nonchalant Micah who had been standing in the kitchen and watching the whole scene without so much as a line of worry on his face.


“Is she going to be okay?”

Aya nodded after tearing her gaze away from Rin who was petting the wall next to the broken window and muttering something about having a pack of rabid squirrels sent after her. “I’ll tell her parents that we came home to the house like this and that we figured someone broke in.”

Ra’ Shari nodded. “Alright, if your sure. We have to get back to Amaranta and tell her what we found…or didn’t find I guess. See you later!” All of the guys moved closer to her as she closed one of her hands over the gold pendant dangling around her neck, and she placed the other hand on the ground. Only a few seconds later they started sinking down into the ground and disappeared.

Sighing, the pink-haired girl made her way back into the house and looked over the damage. “Might as well get started on cleaning now…”
♠ ♠ ♠
Poor Sin and Luka...^_^

I know it was a little shorter than the other chapters but I hope this chapter wasn't too bad. Next chapter is when we can finally get started on the "Adventure" part of the story.

Please comment and tell me what you thought. Thanks for reading!