Status: rewrite

Different for Girls

They can't tape it back together with a whiskey and coke

Norman and Rebecca had met at a bar one night. They didn’t really click instantly. It took a few times of meeting together before Rebecca started liking him.

Of course as soon as she began to fall for him, he announced that he was getting married in less than two months. She didn’t know how to take that news so she did the only thing she could think of doing, and walked out on him.

She avoided that bar for the upcoming weeks. She was doing whatever it took to stop thinking of him. How do you get over someone that you never had a chance with?

She hated him but even more so, she hated herself. She fell for some random guy off her favorite show and that should’ve been a sign that she had no chance with him.


Taking another sip of the vodka, he waited for her to come into the bar. He waited for her every night this week and not once did she come. He hoped tonight would be different and she would come see him, but he thought wrong.

He couldn’t believe he had even mentioned his engagement to her anyways. It’s not like him and Narissa were doing well anyways. It’s been a constant battle these last several weeks. That’s why he’s always been at the bar.

Checking the time on his phone, he decided he would head out. Obviously she was still avoiding him and he couldn’t blame her. Paying the tab, he grabbed his coat and headed outside.

But as soon as he went out into the door, he bumped into her. But she didn’t even give him the time a day. He watched her walk in with another guy and he didn’t even try to get her attention. He just walked away and pretended like he never even saw her.
♠ ♠ ♠
So this is how they met. Don't worry, they will talk more again in the future chapters.