Status: Ongoing

Nation of Dego: Rise of Artemis

Undead Nobility

“Rise and shine stranger.” It felt as though I had finally fallen asleep in this dreadful room, and suddenly there was a cheerful Irit before me poking my sides.

“Imma awake…” I grasped at the air as if a magical bar would appear to help me raise myself up from this sagging mattress that has swallowed me into it.

“What a sight you are, ain’t never really worked with a Pawn, much less shared a room with one. You sleep in those things too? That oughta be uncomfortable.”

It took me a minute to realize she was referring to my mask, “Oh, yes… The law…” I stretched out and yawned.

“The law? You guys gotta always wear ‘em. No matter what, but geez I didn’t think ya slept in ‘em too.”

To be fair to her, the mask Papa Frank had made had become quiet attached to me. Its fit was so perfect it felt as though it belonged on my face, as if it was part of me. I had forgotten that I was wearing it… so I had slept in it.

“My dear nameless roommate, it is no more uncomfortable than the temperature of this room,” I responded to her.

“Hahaha, I guess I never did tell ya my name. I am Julia,” she extended a hand as she informally introduced herself.

This was the first opportunity I had to get a good look at her. As my bleary vision regressed my eyes adjusted to the morning light I glanced over my roommate. She looked very similar to Madame Athena. She had the same pale yellow skin, but somehow looked less sickly. Her hair was also much more vibrant and full of color. It was a beautiful neon purple shade that was brighter than my own skin color… I think some people call that color fuchsia. She was youthful body, and still wearing her wool winter PJ’s. I extended my arm and accepted her handshake.

When she released my arm my eyes wandered over to the small window placed at the opposite end of the room from the door. I gasped as I peered out observing the thick blanket of snow on the ground. The sky was dingy and more thick frozen water forms fell heavily from the dreary skies.

“What time is it?” I ask wondering how much time could have elapsed while the sun hides behind the snow clouds.

“Well my nameless roommate,” she retorted, “it is about 4am, dawn. You will be expected to see Madame Muss in an hour, if I were you I’d get dressed and ready.”

I step out of the bed and stand up. “Look at that, I am dressed and ready. By the way, my name is Artemis, Artemis Wellcraft.”

Julia smiled at my image, a shared understanding that last night I was too tired, and to cold to actually undress myself.

“Well that is one way of getting ready. Roll right out of bed, clever. Well Ms. Artemis, welcome to the servant’s quarters! If you give me a minute to dress I will direct you to the office of Madame Muss.”

“I think I can wait…would you be willing wake me up when you are ready to go?” She nodded and I went back to sleep temporarily.

However, my attempt at trying to return to sleep was a failed one. I was far too nervous to fall into sleep and my anxiety prevented me from falling into a state restful relaxation. I watched Julia run to and fro from the room. She placed on a long black maid’s uniform. It covered up almost all of her skin and was thick probably to compensate for the winter cold. I shuddered, Was it winter already?
I think she saw me staring at the uniform because she turned to speak to me, “It’s because us Irits have such an ill skin color. Not many people like to see it. They think we are sick, and that they will get sick by being around us. I suppose though, you already know what it is like to have to cover up your skin; although in these quarters it’s not unusual to want to be completely covered anyway. It’s always cold over here.”

I looked again out the window at the snow and followed the sides of the castle down. At the very end of the west wall I could see flowers blooming in the distance.

“This side has a charm on it… or a curse. I don’t know the details. It was a gift, constant winter on the west side of the castle so that the young princes could play and enjoy the winter’s gifts. But it’s so cold no one wanted to live over here, so they just put all the servants on winter’s side. Now we suffer the cold.”

“How strange… how very strange indeed. What a silly gift idea, permanent winter.” I looked again out the window.

There were mountains on this side, the east side. I knew that past those mountains lay the nation of Pawnie, and past the waters of the west lay Mamagato. How precarious to be living in a city that was desperately trying to keep the peace and stay out of the two neighboring nations brutal affairs.

“Come on, I think it is best to get you to Madame Muss now. She will be expecting you. Athena will have already informed her of your presence.” Julia opened the door, and I followed her.

I could feel the cold air leak through my coat swirling around me and encompassing my skin. I had never felt this cold before. No winter on the farm could compare to the temperatures inside the castle. Julia leads me through several hallways until finally we reached a much grander doorway. Lions and griffons are carved into the sides of two tall beams framing the doorway and a strange writing continued upward to decorate the archway.

“Before the curse… I mean winter charm, this was the castle library. Afterwards it got too cold for anyone to truly enjoy themselves, so they left us with it mostly empty. There are still a few books inside which we can read, but it’s mostly smut and other assorted garbage these days left behind by the staff.”

Julia knocked at the overly grand door. It was opened again by the strange snail-man I saw before.
“Hello master Conche,” Julia stated giving a slight curtsy. Inside the door was another odd looking creature; a woman who motioned me to come in. She was petite and covered in short grey fur. Her big mouse eyes looked me up and down. I dared not whisper a word for her large mouse-like ears might hear me, or even my nervous heart beat.

“You’re nervous.” She stated curtly.

I knew she could hear my heart racing!

“Good, I don’t want any overly confident young blood coming in here. That is not what we are looking for.”

I stayed silent; I didn’t really know how to respond.

“Well intern, what can you do for me?” She asked.

I look at her for bit, thinking as quickly as I could, “Well, I am fairly decent at conducting cleaning spells, also I can open doors from a distance if need be. I am a very hard worker; I grew up on a farm…”

“Another farm girl,” she cuts me off, “and why would I need another farm girl?”

“Because I am a very hard worker, I will not let you down.” I replied.

“All farm girls are hard workers; you don’t make a very good case for your behalf.”

I think for a minute, and take one good last look at Madame Muss… she is wearing the lingerie style of maid costume. Her skirt is short, delicate, and shows off her legs. The front of the top portion is low dropped to show off her bosom making her appear either a promiscuous woman, or just a proud one.

“Because miss, I was made to be tough, and I will not complain nor leave later because the temperatures are too cold here. I will simply get used to it.” I answered in the hope that she wore a skimpy outfit because when everyone else was cold, she stayed warm. So the best answer I could give was a lie, but something she would want to hear. I would stay warm and I would not complain about the cold.

She smiles, “So you think you are tough enough for the cold, we lose a lot of girls to it you know. Some just leave because they cannot stand it, some are ill prepared to handle it and some have actually died because of it.”

I nod my indicating I understand her meaning, “As I said Madame, I was made to be much tougher than the regular girl. With time, I hope to build up a resistance as you have.” My last statement was bold. It was an attempt to compliment my interviewer, but if she wasn’t in good humor she might receive that as an insult.

She stares daggers at me… perhaps I had offended her then. Maybe her skimpy outfit wasn’t a display of pride in her tolerance for the cold, maybe she was just vain.

“Fine, it does not hurt to give you a try since our dear Theandra fled from the castle last week. You will start today; your pay will consist just of your room and board for now. I don’t know if you are worth keeping yet. You can work with Julia.”

The petite little Muss turns away, then stops, “If I decide to keep you, we will later schedule a fitting for you. You must be dressed with a proper uniform. Until then, wear one of Julia’s. I believe you two are under the same regulation. Also, take off that blasted coat you’re wearing.”

The mouse woman walks away with her tail held high.

“I think she likes you.” Julia giggled giving me a slight glance. We returned back to our shared room. It looked like I would become her under study for the time being. Julia lifted a dank black maids uniform. It was made entirely of wool, but based on Julia’s shivering I knew it still would not be warm enough for this castle.

“I think you are crazy to assume Madame Muss thinks fondly of me in any manner. I thought she was going to toss my behind back outside forever banning me from the castle. How the hell do you put this on?”

Julia sweetly takes the back end of the dress from my hands and turns it around so that she can start to lace it up properly. “Has the farm girl never worn a corset before? Better get used to it, its standard here. I’ll help with it for now. You know, I’ve never seen anyone with purple skin before?”
I flinch. Of course, it was something that only made me stand out more. I couldn’t have been more thankful for a uniform that would cover me up almost entirely like Julia’s, and the mask kept my skin hidden even more.

“Yes, I am told my skin color is rare even for Pawns, but I am a half Pawn, so I assume that is why my skin is such an odd shade.” I reply.

“You’re hair is equally gorgeous, that dark blue color. I love how it looks on you… though that shade of blue would look terrible on me. Geez, I hate my skin tone, it’s so bland and paled. People who do not understand Irits think we’ve all caught the plague.”

“Do not think so dimly of yourself Julia. Your skin tone is fine. You look healthy and radiate youth. You are not nearly as bad as that Athena woman’s… I actually thought she had the sickness when she came to greet me. You are still filled with life at least.”

Julia ties off the back end after giving the corset one final tug. “Alright you are go for placing on the over dress.”

“I see, so first we must cut off all the oxygen to our lungs, and then do manual labor while unable to breathe?” I joked with Julia.

“Yes mam, at least it distracts you from the cold.”

I would be lying if I was to say that the corset wasn’t the most strangulating item that had ever been made for a body. Julia’s shoulders were a bit broader than mine, and she also had a longer neck. The clothes went on baggy and hid my chin if I didn’t keep pulling down at the itchy turtle neck on the dress.

“Well… you look… great…” Julia lied.

I could feel the cold air nipping at my ankles. I was taller than Julia. “You do realize this is terrible… it feels terrible, I must look terrible.”

“Of course it looks terrible, it’s a maids uniform. Nobody but Madame Muss looks good as a servant. Well, you can wear one of your underskirts with this. Dark blue or black would be acceptable.”

I pull out my dark red one, “It’s all I’ve got.”

“Good enough I guess,” Julia says, “Just don’t let it show from underneath the uniform. Some folks around her get real particular about the image of the staff.”

I slip it on, and lace up my boots. “I realize now, these boots should be put on before the corset is set in place.” I strained my straightened back forward and panted heavily while trying to get the laces through their notches.

Again Julia laughs, “Ha, what a sight! You better do as much as you can before putting on that damned corset! It makes everything else just a little more difficult afterwards.”

We both laugh. I can tell we are going to be good friends.

The day’s work started out very slowly. She handed me a broom and we were to sweep many of the side rooms. Even some of the servant’s quarters was our job to keep clean. Every room I enchanted and our job was done much quicker. Of the spells I had learned, a few cleaning spells were in my arsenal. Nothing grand, but it sure made a difference now.

“I don’t care what they say about witches being evil, this is awesome!” Julia spoke with glee, “This makes manual labor a little less labor intense, and I like it! I’m glad you were assigned to me Artemis.”

As they day moved on, rooms were dusted and spider webs were removed. Fires were lit and attended to.

Julia turned to me and said, “I don’t think I have ever successfully cleaned any rooms this quickly before. Hey, I’ll watch the fires for now, why don’t you go and explore.”

I smile at Julia, not that she can see me smile, “Truly, you will cover for me?”

“I’ll cover what I can, just don’t get caught okay? You should get a feel for the layout anyway. So go explore.”

“Yes mam!” I hurried off with the broom still clinging in my hands. If someone was to see me running around I could always resume sweeping, that should keep me out of trouble should I get caught.
I felt bad to leave her to work with the fires, but I knew her well enough by now that she would enjoy the time by the fires reading the terrible books from the library.

The castle was a very large space. One could almost fit an entire city inside such a massive structure. The servants certainly seemed to be a society all of their own. I opened a few doors cautiously peering in trying to get a feel for where I was at. The farther I walked to the east side of the castle the warmer it became. The uniform I had been given was getting to hot for me, and I was leaving the area that Julia and I were assigned to attend.

As I opened one intricately decorated door to take a peek at what might be inside I squeaked when I saw a tall dark figure in the foreground quietly reading from his book He looked up and stared back at me.

“I’m sorry…” I piqued. The man was most unusual. He was clearly of Pawn descent. His skin was black, pitch black like the night sky, with hair of a dark metallic. It shimmered in the light giving off a purple reflection against the walls, but the hair itself was in disarray. A chaotic hairstyle that was not at all kept.

“I’m sorry, my lord,” he corrected eyeing me cautiously.

“Oh… I’m sorry my lord…” then I added a curtsy for good measure. I had assumed this was just another stranger of the castle, and failed to gauge exactly who I was looking at. By the pronounced gold and red uniform on him I should have known he was a resident of the castle, perhaps a general or a beloved noble? When he corrected my apology stating he was a lord, now I know I’m talking with a noble.

His looked me over with great scrutiny. His eyes matched his hair, they were a fantastic metallic purple.

“Can I help you?” He finally said.

For a brief second I had become lost in those eyes of his, “No, this is not the room I was to enter…” I said meekly.

I could feel my cheeks grow hot beneath my mask. I was both embarrassed and transfixed. I had let my fascination of the gentle man here disrupt my thoughts. I was acting completely inappropriately.
“I shall leave you, my lord… I am sorry my lord.” I went to close the door behind me, but he stopped me. His movements were unpredictable. At one moment he was at the back end of the room and in the next he was a blur that suddenly appeared right next to me.

“Ah,” he said with a devious and wide smile, “you are new. A maid of the black skirts works in the winter side.”

I stared at that smile and carefully examined his face. I still did not know who he was, but the pronounced fangs of the vampire caught my attention. I was beginning to understand a little better the position I had put myself into.

“Please forgive me my lord,” I ducked my head under his arm and readied myself to rush out into the hallways.

He caught me by my arm, “ah, not so fast little dove. I always take an interest in my staff. I was unaware we had hired a Pawn. It’s been a very long time since I’ve seen one of my country men,” he stared at my mask and examined me cautiously.

“I am not officially hired, my lord, only under trial until it is deemed that I can stay.”

He stroked his lower chin in a thoughtful manner, “confident aren’t you? We have not had a Pawn work in the castle since the forgotten queen died.”

My eyes widened, but I had seen a Pawn walking around last night! This man must have been playing games with me, “then it is a great honor just too even serve temporarily in the castle,” I retorted.

I did not like the he still held his hand wrapped around my arm.

“Do come inside, I need someone to work with that fire over there. The servant who was supposed to be attending the area seems to have vanished for the time being, which is not too much of a problem since you have now shown up.”

He smiled once again, looking gently at me. I looked at his teeth again. Mama Sophie had warned me of the nosferatu. She stated that a gentle look from one was enough for the undead to cast a spell on you and capture you for their dinner. He released my arm and began to walk back over to the corner where he had set his book down.

“Very well my lord,” I curtsied low and bowed my head to him. I cautiously snuck past and he watched me with an expression of bemusement. He seemed to be interested in me, though I did not know why.

“Red, is the color of our flag,” he said finally, “and only the servants of the high court get to wear it, did you know that?”

My face flushed pastel and I was grateful the mask to hide my shame. My legs were longer than Julia’s and so my underskirt was longer than her over skirt. It must have been showing from the bottom since I did not attempt to hem it or tack it.

“I did not know sir. Perhaps my unknown choice in a dark red underskirt is simply a testament of my ambition.” It was a bold statement, one that could even have me fired, but not a lie.

Servants of the high court lived in high court, they did not reside in the Winterside and I was already prepared to move out.

He laughed, “ambitious and bold, these are good qualities to see in our citizens.”

Our citizens, he had stated. Who was this man? It started to dawn on me that perhaps he was no simple noble visiting the castle. He might have been someone of greater importance.

I placed a few logs into the fire, and he came up behind me. Again, he bent down this time gingerly touching my hand and redirecting my attention from the fire place back up to his face. His metallic purple eyes almost seemed to glaze over, and his voice became even sweeter to listen to. He was casting his spell on me, as my mother had warned me.

“You’re hands,” he said carefully staring at my bare skin, “such a strange color in these lands. Pawns are naturally very colorful creatures, ranging in blues, orange, green, but very few show as purple.” His teeth seemed to elongate as he spoke.

“Yes sir,” I seethed choosing a ruder dialect with the noble, “I have always been told I am unique when regarding my color.”

I slipped my hands out of his and once again turned to the fire place. I wanted to hurry with this as quick as I could. Get the ash disposed of and get the fire roaring before he tries anything.

It was clear that he was not prepared for me to resist the charms of the vampire. I smiled behind my mask thanking the small victories. He seemed to be frustrated and once again stretched his hand out and caught my turning face and brought it back around to face his.

He analyzed me in this uncomfortable position before finally speaking after a moment of the awkward silence, “You’re a half blood…” he grinned at his revelation and released me from his grip.

“Yes… I suppose I am,” I said curtly to the stranger.

“Well,” he flicked his hand back to the fire place. I sighed and crouched down.

“Lovely eyes you have…” he muttered.

Strange, I thought to myself, I thought the same of you. He had lovely metallic purple eyes, but he may be a jerk not worth fond attention.

I had always lit the fires at home with what little magic I could muster. I allowed a small blue glow to begin in my hands, and then I let it grow around my fingers. I placed my hand under the log and there was a small CRACK. The blue flame took hold of the log and now a steady orange fire burn.

“Ah,” the noble muttered, “interesting.”

The door squeaked open from the opposite end of a room and another servant entered. She bowed before fully looking around the room, and as she saw me her eyes widened with anger.

“Jolie,” muttered the man, “you’re late. I had to go and get a servant from the winter’s end. Perhaps you can explain yourself?”

Now her looks of furry towards me moved to terror as she starred at him. She wore the tattered uniform of the high court servants. It was a hand-me-down uniform so she had not yet made it made it to the high ranks yet. Perhaps her promotion was still in process.

“I’m sorry my lord, I was delayed…” The man moved once more with that mysterious speed that he had first used to greet me. He grabbed her and threw the girl violently against a wall. I took a step back, had he intended to do that to me?

“You smell Jolie… what is that smell… aha, I know that smell.” He was playing with her. He lifted her up by her arm and I watched her feet helplessly dangle above the ground. She winced at the pain.

I made an attempt to move forward to help the battered girl.

“Stay back wench!” he yelled at me. “This is a lesson you should take now! A servant is to do their job, and not get distracted by the…,” he bent down and sniffed at her nape of neck, “by the castle guard. Did you enjoy the taste of a werewolf my dear?”

“Please my lord… please, mercy! Mercy Prince Hades!”

If my mouth was not covered by the mask it would have dropped. Hades! Before me stood the crowned prince of Dego! I almost fell back into the granite slate before the fire place.

The vampire before me was one of the original sons of the forgotten queen. I felt like I should say something but I could not muster a word. Hades glanced at me with a cruel look of amusement displayed across his countenance. Only now was I finally beginning to understand the gravity of the situation I was in.

He smiled sweetly trying to press that vampire charm on me again while holding that other terrified woman dangling up against the wall from across the room. His attempts to charm me were a failed effort. My terror remained intact and the slow creep of fear worked its way into my mind putting me on the edge of panic.

“Darling half Pawn, what did you think would happen to servants who failed to do their work?” He spoke with contempt, disgust in his tone. With who he was angered by I did not know if it was myself of the other girl.

I gathered my composure the best I could, “I suppose they would be punished, in some way.” My voice was shaky, giving away my own nervousness.

He turned his attention back to the other hand maiden but continued to speak to me, “And what about you, my rare little bird of the Winterside servants? Should you not be punished too for wandering into my den?”

“My companion and I finished our work early; because I am new here I thought to become acquainted with my new surroundings. I did not realize that I had over stepped my boundaries.” Half true excuses were all I could manage. My mind was drawing blanks and perhaps there would be no way for me to escape the vampire prince.

He wiped his grin off his face taking on a very serious look. When he turned his gaze back to me I felt as though I was in as much trouble as the girl in his grasp.

“You’re a lucky one,” he said to me.

He released to other servant where she fell flat against the marble tiles. She remained crumpled against the wall unsure of what to do next. She cradled her injured wrist in her other arm tending to the bruises forming at her wrists.

He approached me with what could have easily been mistaken for caution. He brushed a dark blue strand of my hair behind my ear, “such a color as this will not do. Blue does not represent our courts properly. A servant like you should have red hair.”

It was weird feeling the dead hands brush against my head. He had no warmth to his body and the icy touch reminded much of the Winterside to the castle. The cold sent shivers through my body. I felt very uncomfortable.

“It will be dyed then my lord, it will be maintained as red my lord,” I replied trying my hardest to keep my voice steady and strong. My fear only made me look a coward and I did not want to forever be remember as weak; though at this points my attempts to be strong might have been in vain.

He nodded and smiled before turning back to the other maid. “You may go, little Pawn. The tasks I need completed in here have been done, thanks to you. The only thing that I desire is dinner.”

The maid crumpled below Hades looked over at me pleading for help. Her words became incoherent babbling through choked tears and panic.

I bowed low toward the ground, “As my lord commands.”

I stood up right and walked toward the exit. This was part of working in the castle, and no doubt this was the reason the royal household could not keep any of its servants. Vampires were monsters that made snacks of people and I should be grateful that I wasn’t made into a royal snack. So why did I feel so terrible than? I was disgusted with myself and my behavior.

The girl in the room went silent as I began to close the door. No doubt he was casting some sort of charming spell on her to calm her. She was frozen and enslaved to the stare of a vampire.

“I thank you your majesty.” I bowed even lower and shut the door behind me. As quickly as my legs would take me I fled from the warm halls back into the cold parts of the castle. Here was a cold sensation that I could take comfort in. It was cold air, but not a cold touch, and that made it safe. I couldn’t imagine the terror the other maid was feeling. No royal prince would follow me into here. As I calmed down I realized I had left behind my broom in the other room. I did not dare to go back and retrieve it. I walked further on around the bending halls to get back to my servants quarters so that I might find sanctuary.

Hades was a killer; he was the son who murdered the people of Dego to satisfy his appetites. His brother Apollo only took what was needed where as it was rumored that Hades indulged.