A Lighthouses Tale

Morning Mist

Once upon a time there was a lighthouse and his keeper. The keeper lived a relatively normal life considering his role in society. He woke up at dawn to extinguishing the gas lantern of the lighthouse, inspecting the lenses and prism and wick and tower of the lighthouse in general, all this in preparation for the coming night. Not to mention keeping charts of the weather, tide, and things that might stir up a storm which would lead to the keeper staying in the light house overnight to ensure the wick stays lit for any wondering ship to see. This particular keepers name was Anthony Watson, he was the son of a previous lighthouse keeper and widow, the oldest of two sons, and felt honored to continue his fathers legacy. He never dreamed of doing anything differently until something peculiar happened: the new school teacher came to town.
Now, it wasn't peculiar that another school teacher came to town, it happened often enough. A teacher couldn't handle the children because she was too old (or young), got married, died, or simply passed on the responsibility to someone else. The peculiar thing about that evening was Anthony thought he had fallen in love. Now this peculiar evening began when Anthony received an invitation to dinner from his brother, John. Sarah (John's wife) was planning a special supper for her cousin who was coming to town to teach at the town schoolhouse. Remembering how wonderful Sarah's cooking was, missing his seven nieces and nephews, and knowing he would have time to be back before nightfall, he accepted.
Upon Anthony's arrival at his brother's house he was tackled by five of his seven nieces and nephews (four girls and three boys) the oldest niece convinced of her being to old to participate in such nonsense and the youngest not yet old enough to walk did not participate. While Anthony helped Sarah finish making supper, John finally arrived with Sarah's cousin, Helena. Helena stepped off the cart in a pink dress and straw hat atop her brunette hair. In that same moment Anthony was opening the door when the peculiar feeling was in his stomach. Introductions were made, dinner was eaten, and promises of meeting again were made. Anthony said his farewells and walked back to his lighthouse to perform his evening duties and hopefully shake this strange feeling in the comfort of his lighthouse.
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