Say Something


We sat in silence. The air hanging heavy on me. "Say something." I whispered. You took a deep breath like words were about to spill from your lips. But they didn't come. "Please." I begged softly. Your eyes met mine. Not a word. "SAY SOMETHING." I yelled, jumping to my feet.
"It's over." You said so soft I almost didn't hear you. Maybe I didn't want to hear. "It's over." You said louder. "We're over." You looked so broken. Anger rushed through me.
"You have no right. You're the one that fucked up. I was always here." You closed your eyes. "You have no god damn right." Tears were rushing down my cheeks.
"I'm doing this for you. I ruin everything. I can't ruin you too. I couldn't live with myself if I did that to you." You couldn't look at me so you looked down at your hands.
"So what? You aren't the only one in this." I wanted to force you to meet my eyes. I wanted you to see what you wered doing to me. But instead I watched you chip the blue nail polish off your shorts nails. I almost smiled, you could never stop doing that.
"I'm trying to protect you. It's better now than later." I almost told you. I almost told you how I felt in that moment. "Goodbye." You jumped up and ran out the door before the words fell from my lips.
"I love you." I whispered to the space you left empty.
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So I realized a while ago I write a ton of one shots and ruin them by trying to make them long... So I've kind of just accepted this one shot world.