
sealed with a kiss

We need to stop that wedding. That was all that could race through my mind as my best friend drove me to the church. It would be just like one of the famous romance movies, where I burst in at the last second and confess my love to him and he’ll stop the ceremony, choosing me over her. Our relationship hadn’t ended properly, and after our last conversation I just knew he felt the same way about me.

I leapt out of the car before it had stopped and rushed through the doors into the foyer. The sounds of cheers and clapping reached my ears and I halted. The bride and groom were already sealing their vows with a kiss. I was too late.

My friend appeared by my side and put her arm across my shoulders, but I shrugged it off. I didn’t need her comfort, because I had his. The pure joy in his eyes was sparkling and lighting up the entire church, and I had no right to try to ruin that.

I turned and strode back to the car. My future husband was out there somewhere, waiting to have that look on his face for me while vowing to love me for eternity, so what the hell was I doing wasting my time at this church?
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Prompt: There's a wedding that needs to be stopped.