City of Delusion

Part Thirteen

My eyes flickered open. Everything was dark. I groaned as I felt my head pound and my stomach rumble in hunger. Groaning from the pain, I lifted my head from the soft pillow I had been laying on. I clutched my head as I stumbled towards an invisible door, visible only by the strip of light streaming in underneath. Fumbling in front of me, I trailed my hand along the wall, eventually grasping a door handle. I turned it, the light attacking my eyes as the door opened. Once my sight adjusted, I looked around, my heart sinking as I did.

“Welcome back.”

“Why?” I asked, my voice barely above a whisper.

Paul simply smiled, getting up from the couch and walking towards me. I looked around the mini hotel living room, hoping it was just a dream, a nightmare, unreal. Something told me this was real, that I should run, but I simply stood there. Paul reached me and rested his forehead on mine, much like Patrick had done days earlier, except he rested a hand on my neck. I was trapped.

“You’re mine. Remember that,” he commanded.


“What?” Paul yanked my hair, forcing me to look up at him.

“I said no,” I repeated. Paul’s face twisted into anger and he threw me against the wall. Before I could react, he had dragged me to the ground, straddling me as he struggled to pull the hoodie off my wailing arms. He managed to get if off and shoved it in my face.

“This is his, isn’t it? This is fucking his, isn’t it?!” He demanded. I said nothing, still trying to get away. A sharp pain came from my cheek. He had slapped me.

“Answer me, dammit!” he yelled, throwing the hoodie to another part of the room. I still struggled against him, which resulted in him slapping me again and again. I finally stopped, my body too weak to fight back due to not having eaten in who knew how long. Paul smiled evilly, his teeth bared almost like a ravenous animal’s would be, as he gathered my arms together and handcuffed them behind my back,

“I do love you, darling,” he whispered in my ear. I turned my head away, trying to pretend I wasn’t here, still trying to convince myself that this wasn’t happening. It was hard to keep that mindset when he pulled off my pants and began thrusting into me. I bit my lip, trying to keep in any sound that dared escape my mouth. I didn’t want him to get any more sick pleasure out of this.

Suddenly, he stopped and grabbed my face, pointing my face towards his. He began his rhythm again, this time, holding my mouth open. Moans of both pleasure and pain escaped, each one making the grin on his face wider.

“You love this, don’t you? Stupid little slut. This is what you like, isn’t it, you little whore?”

I didn’t say anything, instead trying to deny what was happening. I knew it was over when I felt warmth inside me and Paul had let out a big sigh. He got up and began fixing his pants as if nothing had happened, smirking down at me.

“That was the best sex I’ve ever had. You’re a real good fuck, you know that, darling?”

I didn’t reply again, instead I lay there, humiliated, abused, afraid. He pulled my jeans up and lifted me to my feet, leading me towards the bedroom like a criminal.

“Let’s do it again, shall we?”

I wasn’t sure where the burst of energy came from, but I slammed him into the doorframe, causing him to let go of me. I tried to run towards the door, hoping that I would find someone in the hallway who would help me. Paul grabbed me right as I had grasped the door handle behind my back. As he pulled me away, I turned the handle, opening the door and finding an opportunity for escape.

“Help! Help me please!” I pleaded to anyone who could hear me. Paul noticed and tugged the door closed, leading me away from it. He yanked my hair again, making me look in his eyes.

“No one’s going to help you. You’re mine and always will be.”

“Fuck you.”

“You already did.”

I spat in his face and glared at him, the only things I could do. He grinned and lead me over to Patrick’s hoodie, which he used to wipe his face. I tried to slam him against the wall, but he noticed and held me away from him.

“Nice try, but it only works once.”

I kicked him, to which he laughed and pulled my face into his. “That’s not very nice now, is it?”

I caught the stench of booze on his breath and turned my face away, which h made him laugh harder.

“You’re so rude. What if I was as rude as you are?”

I giggled, partly because of what my response was going to be. “People wouldn’t talk to you. Your face is the most rudeness anyone can handle.”

Paul’s face had relaxed at my giggling, but it twisted back into fury after my response. He slammed me against the wall, hs face resting on my shoulder as he pressed a gun into my back.

“I could kill you, right here, right now. Then what would your little man whore do? He’d die, wouldn’t he? Yes, he would, because I would hunt him down and kill him too.” Paul stroked my cheek, moving the hair out of my face. “You would like that though, because then you two could fuck all the time in Hell.”

He turned me around so that I was facing him, one hand gripping the gun pointing at my heart, the other snaking its way up my shirt. “If I can’t have you, he can’t either. If I have to, I’ll kill you and I’ll keep your body to have sex with all the time.”

“You sick fucking bastard,” I spat in his face again. “That’s exactly what people would expect from a screw-up like you? Is that what you did to your dead fiancée?”

As soon as the words left my mouth, I knew it would make him snap. I braced my self for the bullet, hoping someone would hear it and call the police. Instead, Paul grunted in anger and hurled me across the room. I fell onto the coffee table and landed through it, the shattered glass top spread around me. Gasping for air, I began fading in and out of consciousness, barely feeling the sharp objects sticking to all parts of my body.

“What the fuck? Oh fuck, no. Fuck!” I heard Paul exclaim, his face hovering above mine. “Are you alright darling?”

“Patrick?” I asked, visualizing his face before mine instead of Paul’s. I heard Paul let out an angry sigh and move around.

“Fuck!” his voice came again, right before the sound of a door closing. I began to feel warm liquid surround me and drifted off to sleep.
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Haha... I figured I kept you waiting long enough.

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