City of Delusion

Part Two

I woke, once again, to find myself in my supposed bedroom. The only light came from the moon shining into the room. Suddenly, the light turned on. I turned to see Paul in the doorway.

"How'd you sleep?"

"Okay, I guess."

Paul smiled and moved towards the bed, sitting on it to face me.

"You fell asleep on the couch in the study. I brought you up here so you would be comfortable. Don't worry; I cleaned up the mess from the party. Everything's clean again."

"Oh, okay..."

"Oh yeah... my mom took Eddie for the night. She said she thought you and I needed some alone time, you know, without any distractions..." He smiled widely and got nearer to me.

I moved away. "I'm... tired. Sorry."

Paul looked surprised, "...But you just woke up from sleeping practically all day."

"Only because you came in... The truth is... it's my medication... it makes me drowsy."
I lay down and pretended to try to fall asleep again. I heard Paul get up and turn off the lights, then get into bed with me. I scooted over a bit, simply because I was completely uncomfortable with the whole situation.

I couldn't sleep and, after what seemed like days, I looked at the clock on my nightstand. It was midnight. I sighed and looked at the moonlight coming into the room. Suddenly, the cell phone next to the alarm clock lit up. I picked it up. It read: John calling.

"Hello?" I turned to make sure Paul was still asleep.

"Hey, are you ready?"

"Umm...yeah... I guess..."

"All right... I'll pick you up in about half an hour."


I hung up the phone. Apparently, I was running away with John. That seemed better than staying here. Anything seemed better.

I got up and went over to the closet. I grabbed a sweater and some sweatpants. I didn't really care what I was wearing, I just wanted to leave.

I pulled on my clothes and opened the bedroom door.

"Where are you going?"

Paul. Hearing his voice made me realize what I was about to do. The same guilty feeling from earlier came over me again.

"I need some fresh air. I'll be in the backyard."


I slipped out the door, trying to make the feeling go away and went into the backyard. I didn't want to risk tipping Paul off by going out the front door.

I heard a car drive up and a door slam. John's face appeared over the gate.



I opened the gate and walked into the front yard. John was busy digging a suitcase out of the bushes. Apparently, I had packed. He ran and put it in the trunk of his car, then came back to me.

"Ready to go?"


He grabbed my hand and led me to the car. He opened the door and let me in. Then he ran around to the driver's side.

I looked back at the house. This was the first time I'd been outside of it. I admired it. It was actually really nice.

"Good-bye," I whispered as John turned on the car. I took one last look, just in time to see the upstairs light turn on and Paul look out the window.

I looked at John. "Drive. Now."

He obeyed and off we went.
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Woot... stick around please. It gets better.