City of Delusion

Part Four

The next morning, I woke up and stretched, only to feel a slight pressure on my side. I looked down and saw Paul's arm draped over my bare stomach, pulling me in closer towards him. I could feel his body pressing against mine, and immediately felt a bit uncomfortable. I got up and looked at him, still sleeping peacefully. I crept over to the luggage on the side of the room, sifting through to find some clothes. I went into the bathroom and took a shower.

When I was done and dressed, I padded out to the living room. I walked over to the still open window and stared in awe at the beauty of Chicago. I didn't remember ever being here, but I recognized it immediately. I smiled, feeling happy for the first time since waking up in this surreal reality.

Wait... Chicago? How the hell did I get here?

"Good morning," Paul emerged and smiled at me, interrupting my stream of thought. He walked over and kissed me on the cheek, wrapping his arms around my waist to join in my survey.

"It all seems so familiar," I whispered, more to myself than him.

"Well, you did live here for a few years. You came to college here."

I sighed, "I would love to go sight-seeing... attempt to refresh my memory." More like attempt to escape this crazy asshole. I looked up at him hopefully.

"We have a plane to catch in a few hours. We can't just leave. Plus, we need to go home to Eddie."


Paul looked out the window again, then at me.

"It wouldn't hurt to stay for another night..."
"Thank you!" I turned around and ran off in the direction od the bedroom. He smiled weakly and watched as I gathered a few things and ran into the bathroom to change out of my outfit. When we were both ready, we ventured outside and ate at a nearby bistro. I then dragged him to a small bookstore I had spotted. I walked down the aisles of knowledge while he went next door to get coffee.


I looked up from the book I was perusing and turned to see Pete Wentz walking towards
me. It was funny how I recognized a celebrity, but didn't even know my own phone number. I looked around, trying to find the voice that had called my name.

"I'm talking to you, stop pretending," he laughed when he reached me and gave me a hug. "How are you?"

"I... know you?" I stared at the people around us, a few girls glaring at me as Pete embraced me.

He let me go and stepped back, smiling. "Yeah, have you forgotten or something? Long time, no see, I guess..."

"Uhh... yeah..."

Suddenly, a frown took over his face, his expression serious. "Patrick has really missed you. You know, I don't think he's been able to accept that you left him. I mean I'm glad you're back, but I don't think he'll be so cheerful."

My mind began spinning, questions popping in and out of my mind. What had I done? Why couldn't I remember any of it? Was there something wrong with my brain? Why had I married Paul, much less slept with him?

"Are you okay?" Pete waved a hand in front of my face. "Sorry, I shouldn't have said anything. This is between you two and-"

"No, no, it's fine. Thank you for warning me. Now, tell m-"

"Is this guy bugging you?" Paul's voice wafted from behind me, as an arm began snaking itself around my waist. Pete obviously noticed this and shot me a questioning look.

I sighed, avoiding his gaze. "I'm fine, Paul. I was talking to an old friend."

"Well, I have to go. Nice seeing you again," Pete checked his watch and began backing away, his rush to leave obviously an awkward attempt not to get involved.

"Wait..." I separated myself from Paul, motioning for him to stay back. I grabbed Pete's wrist, his face turning to meet my pleading eyes. "Please, I need to know what happened."

"You know what happened..."

"What if I told you that I have absolutely no idea what has been happening in my life for the past how old am I?"

He gave me an odd look. "27... I think..."

"For the past 27 years. What if I told you I only just woke up a few days ago?"

"I'd say it could be probable and it would explain a few things."

"You need to believe me. I need help in learning who I am. Is there anywhere we can meet?

A grin flashed over his face, "Care to join me for dinner later, m'lady?"

I stared at him, confused.

Pete raised an eyebrow, but smiled. "Guess you're telling the truth. Usually you'd start laughing halfway through that line. Now, you just look confused, like you have no idea where it came from."

I nodded and he continued. "Tonight, Leo Lindy's. The swankiest place in town. 8:00." He smiled and I returned it.

"Please bring Patrick."

"I'll try my best." He quickly left, causing Paul to come up behind me.

"What was all that about?"

"Nothing. Nothing at all."

But I couldn't put it out of my mind the rest of the day. Even though Paul tried his best to distract me with other things, Patrick stayed on my mind. What had happened?

So far, my life seemed to be nothing but a tangle of lies and deceit.

Go me.
♠ ♠ ♠
I think swanky is a funny word... don't you?

Oh, and Leo Lindy's is a place I made up... Notice the stupidity of the name?