Status: Complete - February 22, 2018

Haunting Grey


Time is a terrifying concept, especially when it pertains to someone who has disappeared. Time can mean everything, and nothing: it all depends on how quick you are. If you'll reach the missing in time, or you won't.

Before I could blink, a year turned into two, and I was still in disbelief that my best friend was dead. I couldn't face the truth, my father said, but he understood, with time, that it wasn't really my fault. Though we had been young, we were still smart enough to know right from wrong.

Natalie knew it was wrong to wander off. Her mother had told her that countless times.

"People become lost in those woods; some find their way out, but others aren't as lucky."

Every time we'd been in the woods, I'd heard her mother's voice in my ears. Only she was never speaking to me. Even now, as I walked through the trees, the sun warm on my back, I heard those words whispered in the wind.

"Some get lost."

I closed my eyes and prayed.

Nothing happened.

And when a hand fell on my shoulder, I stiffened.

"Relax," said a voice. "It's just me."

I opened my eyes and turned, my stomach tightening because of the person speaking. I knew that voice all to well, but I never thought I'd hear it again.

She was beautiful, lit by the sun, and smiling at me like I'd just told a joke. When she tilted her head and all of her brown hair fell to the side, I wanted to touch it.

"Nat," I breathed, my voice coming out in a gasp. "Where have you been?"

She put a finger to her lips, almost like she didn't want anyone to overhear us, looked around, and said softly, "Catch me if you can."
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This is my favorite chapter so far.