

"Tell me what he's like."

"He's amazing. He's nothing short of ruthless. You may hate the sound of this but he can wipe out an entire club full of people in under two minutes. Before anyone has any idea what's going on they're all lying dead or dying on the floor. The scene looks exactly like what you'd expect to see on the bloodiest of horror movies.

There are dead bodies everywhere, bloodrains down from the upper levels like rain falls from the clouds. Some of the bodies are missing chunks of skin, some are missing chunks out of their necks. Some are even missing both arms and both legs. The smell the fills the air is enough to make any human vomit and then pass out themselves. Of the people in the club, some are going into transition, he wants to unleash them on the world, show the world what he can create. He wants to show the world just who he is and what he's capable of.

Once he's finished with one club, he moves on to a brothel that he's found. It's full to the brim with prostitutes, pimps, Johns, drug dealers and goodness knows how many more of the sick night howlers that roam the city. He leaves that place almost exactly as he left the last. Only this time he makes a point of making the massacre look like it's been committed by someone within. He leaves now, and roams the streets. Sometimes he'll come across a truly innocent person just walking home from the late shift, and he'll tear an organ out and feed it to them while they convulse violently to death.

He isn't Patrick anymore. He's not got a shred of humanity in him at this moment. He's buried it deep down inside, and won't be able to claw it back. He's completely savage. The only people who can help him now are Ryan or the warlock."


"What's wrong?" Pete asks Spencer as they lie in their room together. The younger boy just sits up in his bed slowly, and doesn't answer Pete's question.

"Spencer?" Pete asks again from his bed.

"Sshh." Spencer remarks. Somewhere off in the distance he can hear screaming, and sirens. The smell hits him too, one he's smelled before.

"You can't smell that?" Spencer asks.

"Spencer Andy took nearly half your body's blood supply for me and Jareth tonight you need to go back to sleep." Pete tells the boy.

"No!" Spencer protests. "No I can't. Something isn't right."

Pete listens for a moment, and picks up on the screams. He can smell it too. He knows exactly what is going on but owing to the fact that he surrendered his free will and promised to spend the rest of his existence protecting Jareth, he can't do anything about it.

"Is it Patrick?" Spencer asks. The vampire simply nods, without saying a word. "Pete we have to do something."

"I can't."

"But you know him." Spencer protests. "You know him better than any of us, you helped calm him down before you-"

"I promised Andy I'd protect Jareth." Pete reminds the boy. "And I handed over my free will, believe me I want to go out there and stop him but I have to ask Andy's permission."

"Well he'll say yes." The sixteen year old still argues.

"No he won't. I'm not allowed to leave the house with that baby here!" Pete still urges.

"But you came with me to deliver a blood supply to them." Spencer tells him, still unable to understand.

"Yeah because Andy was so preoccupied by Jareth that he would've said yes to anything. I could've asked for my freedom and he'd have said yes."

"Then why didn't you?" Spencer asks.

"Because I care about you. I won't leave you here, not with him." Pete replies. "Anyway, if I ask for permission to leave now and go to Patrick he'll tell me to stay with Jareth so he can go deal with Patrick himself."

Spencer says nothing. He knows that the words coming from Pete's mouth are the truth. Andy would want to deal with Patrick himself and then Patrick would be dead... but then given that Patrick's a vampire who has clearly reverted back to his feral ways would that be such a bad thing? Jareth certainly wouldn't want that as a father, in fact Jareth would want to kill his father.

"It's not just that." Pete speaks up then. Spencer looks up at him.

"What is it?" He asks.

"I can't make the call, and I'm not allowed to tell you, but I think you should call Brendon. Just ask him what's going on." Pete tells him, and at that moment, their bedroom door opens to reveal the very man they've not long ago been talking about.

"Patrick's reverted." Andy announces. "Spencer you're strong enough to deal with him. Go out with Joe and Matthew. Subdue him and bring him back here, he needs to be destroyed."

"What?" Spencer asks, "Andy-"

"Don't worry I'll be there." Pete tells him.

"You aren't going anywhere." Andy cuts in. "Patrick's turning the dark areas of the city into his own version of hell, you are not going anywhere near him."

"Patrick's only creating it because of you!" Pete raises his voice. "You took his baby off of him and you knew Gwen would die!"

Spencer looks round, completely dumbfounded. He knew that Gwen was in trouble, but he had no idea it was that bad.

"You fucking knew that thing would kill her! She's stuck in transition, it'll kill her eventually and you know it."

Spencer watches in disbelief as the hunter just shrugs.

"You knew what would happen with the gate shut too. Nobody in this realm can move on to the next now. There's no balance between the land of the living and the realm of the dead. You know Gwen's mom's and Ryan's mom's significance and you decided to play god."

"I did what I had to do." Andy stands his ground. "Sooner or later the devil would have found his way up here and he'd have torn the world apart."

"The only person tearing the world up is you!" Spencer suddenly yells, gaining the attention of Joe and Matthew who now join from two of the other rooms.

"The role of a hunter, is not to tear apart the world of the natural or the world of the supernatural." Joe begins from the doorway. "The role of the hunter is to keep a balance. Yes there are evils in the world such as demons and vampires, but most of these will only act on ridding the world of those who don't deserve to be here and then take them down to where they belong. Yes you get a few, mostly newborns who go on killing sprees, and if they can't be stopped those are the ones you destroy. It's the same as Angels, seers, and people of magic. They are there to aid the victims of those who the demons have escorted to hell. We're all supposed to work together yet you just took it all on yourself to create some sort of supernatural war."

"He's on the subway." Matthew buts in. "He doesn't even know what he's doing."

"He's just collateral." Andy shrugs. "like I said, go face him, get him under control and bring him here."

"What are you going to do with him?" Pete asks, not liking the road Andy has gone down at all.

"Like I said he's collateral." The hunter replies. Pete sees something then, just briefly. A flash in Andy's eyes almost. He looks to Matthew, who nods at him, and he stumbles back a little. He sees another flash, this time in Spencer's eyes. Then suddenly the younger of the two teenagers in the room lunges at Andy, only for Pete to jump out in front of him and stop him.

"No." He tells Spencer. "No, no you can't, you can't touch him you can't do anything to anyone you can't."

"Why not?" Spencer asks. "He's turned into the type of monster we've protected the world from."

"Because you need to stay innocent." Pete tells the boy, looking into his eyes. Spencer takes one look at Pete, first his eyes are almost manic and searching for what the vampire could possibly mean. Then he sees tears leaving the vampire's eyes.

"What?" Spencer asks quieter now. Pete can't answer though, instead tears overcome him, and he pulls the boy close to him, resting his chin on Spencer's head.


"Okay. Time to rein him in." Brendon tells William.

"Ryan, you got enough in you to do this?" William asks.

"I think so." The boy calls back as he comes down the stairs and joins his friends in the reception hall. "It feels strange that it's all down to the warlock's blood though, feels different, lighter almost."

"Think you can control it?" William asks.

"Not as good as before, but yeah, yeah I should be able to calm him down and get him to come to us." Ryan nods. With that, the three of them join hands, and focus. What they, and a few others are about to do could backfire completely if not done right, but it's their last hope.