The Neighbor

Chapter 17: Why?

An hour later...

They were at the kitchen table staring at their food. Ethan comes back with Kristine who was pale. He didn't cut her other fingers off. He sat her down and ties one of her hands to the chair. The bowl of soup was in front of her. She stared at it. Ethan sits and starts eating. After a few bites he noticed he was the only one eating

Ethan: Well come on now eat

They just stare at the food. Ethan gets up. Angel starts to eat fast but Brian just stares. He walks over to Sarah, grabs her hand, and places it on the fork then at the food

Ethan: Eat it

She puts the fork in her mouth and eats

Ethan: Mmm...Mmm..Mmm yummy

All of a sudden Kristine grabs the fork from Ethan's plate and stabs him in the hand. He yells as he looks at his hand and pulls out the fork. She suddenly frees her hand and runs to the basement door. She quickly opens the door and runs in as Ethan chases after her

Sarah: What the hell just happened?

Angel: Kristine took off

Sarah: What? Let's the fuck out of here then

Brian grabs the fork and starts poking at the tape tying down his other hand. They can hear things breaking and falling downstairs. Angel does the same but drops the fork

Angel: Damnit

They hear footsteps coming up

Brian: Fuck

He puts the fork down

Brian: Stay calm

The door opens. Ethan comes out dragging Kristine. He sets her on the chair and tapes both her wrists to it. Her face was bruised like if he had punched her. She glares at him

Ethan: Why would you do that? You stupid whore!

He goes in the kitchen

Ethan: Why?! Why?!! Why?!!!

He grabs the bowl on the table and throws it to the wall. Everyone jumps. He goes back in the kitchen and puts his hands on the counter catching his breath. At first it sounded like he was crying but then he started laughing. Everyone at the table was scared. He starts banging his head on the glass of the cabinet until it cracks then stops

Ethan: Kristine

He looks at her from the cracked reflection of the cabinet

Ethan: Kristine

He said it really creepy. He looks down then turns around. He starts walking over to her slowly. She still glares. She goes behind her

Ethan: This is what happens when you go through a third punishment

He lifts her head up and slices her neck with a knife. He keeps her head tilt so more blood pours all over the table. Brian start freaking out. Angel covers her eyes with the one hand and screams. Sarah can hear Kristine choking next to her. Ethan throws her head to the table. Kristine continues to choke until she finally stops, her eyes were still open. Blood is spreading all over the table, spilling onto the floor. Angel and Brian move their chairs away from the table. Unfortunately Sarah starts getting blood on her

Sarah: What is that?

Ethan goes behind her

Ethan: That's blood my dear... Kristine's blood

She feels it and starts freaking out. Ethan unties her hand and takes her to the basement, then Brian, then Angel. He sets out a black mat on the ground across from them then puts Kristine on it. He goes to the drawer, takes out a hatchet, then goes over to Kristine

Brian: Oh my fucking god. We didn't do anything wrong please don't make us watch this

Ethan: You're being shown not to fuck with me

Sarah: We fucking get it!

Ethan: Do you?

Sarah: Yes!

Ethan: I'm not convinced you are

Brian: For fuck sakes

Ethan: Live and learn children

He starts chopping Kristine up. Brian looks away, Sarah gets grossed out, and Angel can hear everything behind her. She tears up, listening to the sounds of limbs being ripped apart

Two hours later...

Angel, Brian, and Sarah are in their rooms. They're all sitting in the middle of the room traumatized of what they just saw

Angel: Why did she do that?

Brian: To give us time to escape? I don't know

Sarah: She was obviously going to leave us here with that pyscho

Angel: Maybe it was for when I covered for her?

Sarah: Why are we talking about this? She failed and she died for it. We will be next if we try to escape

Angel looks down

Brian: Angel

She looks at him

Brian: When he took Kristine and I out of the room after you covered for her; what did he do to you?

Angel thinks about it

Ethan: This will be our little secret

Angel: Nothing just told me not to lie and tell the truth

Brian: Angel

Angel: That's all that happened

Brian knew she wasn't telling the truth but kept to himself. Ethan pounds on the door. Everyone jumps

Ethan: You better be in bed

Brian: Shit

They all quickly go to their beds and lay there until they fall asleep