Status: Incomplete (not sure if will be finished)


Chapter 2

A few days later, Blake and Sam are walking through the hallway at school. They notice a boy standing in the office. He had curly golden brown hair and hazel eyes, he hugged his folder as he checked in with the office lady. Blake stopped to take a second look at the boy before he and Sam continued walking to their destination.

“Does he peak your interest?” Sam asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Maybe just a little.” Blake said, his mind elsewhere. “Must be a transfer student.”

“You should volunteer to be his guide.” Sam smirked.

Blake felt his heart skip a beat “No way!” He exclaimed louder than intended. Passerbys stopped to give Blake a strange look before going about their ways. His face flushed and he pushed Sam out of embarrassment.

“That was all you buddy.” Sam giggled. “Come on before we’re late for class.”

Blake and Sam sat next to each other in the back of the class of their first period. They discussed their homework while other students slowly began to enter the room and take their seats. Eventually the school bell rang and the class grew silent, awaiting their teacher. A few minutes later, the teacher walked in followed by the brunette haired boy from the office. He kept his head down as he took a spot in front of the class, his hair just long enough to cover his eyes.

Blake stared at the boy, his heart racing. “He’s gonna be in our class?” He whispered just loud enough for Sam to hear him.

“Must be fate.” Sam winked at the latter.

“Class, this is Leo Silverheart. Starting today, he will be joining our class.” The teacher patted the boy on the back. “Please be kind to him.”

Leo looked up just enough to catch a glimpse of the class. His eyes wandered around, inspecting his classmates and suddenly stopped at one person. His face flushed and he went back to looking at his feet. “I-It’s nice to meet you.”

“Would anyone like to volunteer to give him a tour after class?” The teacher asked.

Sam perked up and looked at Blake, who shook his head. Sam nudged the latter who nudged back, shaking his head and mouthing to Sam of his disapproval. The class remained silent as the teacher kept asking for volunteers. Suddenly Sam stomped her foot down, sending Blake shooting up with a yelp of pain.

“Ah, Mr. Tobaru, so glad you could volunteer.” The teacher said with a smile.

“Wh-what?” Blake asked, his face flushed and students around him snickered.

“You’re going to be touring our new friend, Leo today.” The teacher said, motioning to the brunette standing next to him. “You can have a seat next to Blake and Sam as well.”

Blake shot Sam icy glares as he slowly sank back into his seat. Leo slowly made his way to the vacant seat in front of Blake, giving the raven haired boy a small smile before taking his seat.


The class bell rang, students began filing out of the classroom leaving Blake, Leo and Sam in the room. Blake was gathering his things together, taking peeks over at the other boy as he did so. Sam, sensing the tension that was slowly building in the room decided to break the ice.

“So where are you from Leo?” Sam asked, causing the brunette to jump at the sudden conversation.

“F-from a small town just out of Manhattan.” Leo said, shyly. “My father got transferred to LA I am I guess.”

“Wo~ow.” Sam replied, her eyes glimmering. “That’s cool. So you’re a New Yorker.”

Leo’s cheeks reddened. “Y-yeah.”

Sam smiled. “That’s cool. I’m Sam by the way. Short for Samantha, but you don’t really need to know that.”

“Pleased to meet you.” Leo half smiled, he took a side look at Blake who had been all packed up and was now staring at his phone.

Sam eyed the boys down with a smirk. “Where’s your manners B,” She slapped the raven haired boy on the back. “Introduce yourself.”

“I-I’m Blake.” Blake stuttered, his eyes trying to find a focus point anywhere else but at the other boy. “Uh...should we get started on this tour thing…?”

Leo’s face flushed. “Y-you don’t have to if you don’t want to.”

“No! I’m totally fine with it!” Blake exclaimed, the words coming out louder than it needed to. His face flushed and he quickly covered his mouth, worried about saying anything further.

Leo smiled. He picked up his backpack and fixed his hair. “Shall we get going then?”

Sam smiled and Blake nodded, shyly. The three walked out of the room and began their tour of the school.