Status: Currently under edit; so if things seem off thats why.

Winter Nights

~As Fate Would Have It~

I awoke that morning, and something felt different. I felt different. My room was still the same, the dresser, my clothes piled on top of it, except there was a darkness inside of me... that I couldn't explain.

I haven't been back to her time in about a year now, but I still had her face implanted in my mind, the torn look after graduation when I said I needed to let her go and that it was for the best. It wasn't a typical break up though; it wasn't like I wanted to do this. I had to, the demon had found out I was going back there for her; I couldn't take her getting hurt because of me. Her memories where erased so it's not like she would know, I mean until the ritual when she would regain the memories back. Hopefully I will be able to keep her safe then, and she'll know all the information that she needs to know.

I got up and opened the blinds from my window and looked out into the day, comparing her time to my time. It was so different.

Her time was so easy and carefree and she seemed happy just doing what she wanted with her life. As well as how technology was there. My time was filled with rules and consequences; the demon was ruler for the past 100 years and maybe even more than that. Ever since he came to power there was such an evil among us, you had to watch your back everywhere you turned. We had no sense of life because of him, he would be gone for months and months; and things would seem peaceful for a while and then out of nowhere he would show up and everything would be catastrophic once more.

I leaped out of my bed and glanced at my reflection in my mirror; I touched the glass and a menu of options came up on the screen and selected the clothes that I wanted to wear for that day, and in an instant they appeared on my body; perks of the future I guess.

The ringer on my cell phone went off; a message popped up on the screen saying that there was a meeting in the town hall at 9 am that morning; in ten minutes. Great.

Making my way out of my apartment and down the hall to the transporter; my phone started going off and an image flashed on the screen of Faith. She was sitting in the hospital room with her mother and holding her hand. She was crying; very hard at that.

Her mother must have passed; and all I wanted to do in that very moment was to go back to her and comfort her in this time. I was happy I still got updates about her life after I left, but all it made me do was want to be back with her in an instant, something I couldn’t do just yet.

I walked in the transporter and clicked the button for the town hall, and in an instant I was transported to the worn down building that is the town hall.

Everyone was already seated in the chairs and our cities president stood up at the podium waiting for everyone to quiet down so the meeting can begin. There hasn’t been a meeting in over 6 months so I could sense the fear in everyone’s voice as they talked. Usually meetings meant...

“Kaleb, how are you?” My thoughts were interrupted suddenly by my former traveler trainer. “Long time no see my boy!”

“I’m doing well thank you Mr. Larson, do you know the reasoning for this meeting?” I asked already knowing what it meant.

“I was not informed, but feel free to stop by anytime you need a refresher, when’s the last time you’ve gone travelling?” He asked, and I was reminded about having to leave Faith once again.

“It’s been almost a year; I’ve been focusing on my studies in technology since I came back.” I lied, I’ve been doing nothing but moping around and missing work and not sleeping just wanting to go back to Faith.

“Well, it’s good to see you again. Take care and catch you around!” He said to me taking off to go sit with his friends for the meeting.

“Alright time to get started, I have called this meeting today to inform everyone that; the Demon Leader has returned...and it’s not only him that has come back, but the vampires from the last war have also come with. There is no cure as far as I’m aware; so be careful not to get bitten or you will turn into one of them. And if anyone notices anyone acting out of the ordinary to let me or anyone else on the council know; and they will be examined for being infected.”

Suddenly, someone in the crowd started screaming. There was a mark on their neck and blood dripping from the mark. I turned around and noticed a man with his teeth barred and blood dripping from his mouth. A vampire; they were back.

“Everyone stay calm!” The president bellowed to everyone, but a sudden chaos irrupted and people started fleeing from the room. One of the vampires went behind him and grabbed him by the shoulder and bit his neck, the blood oozing from the wound. He screamed and the vampire bit him again and tossed him to the ground when he was done with him.

It glanced at me, its red eyes watching my every move. It was hungry and all it wanted was to feast on my blood; but luckily as I was a traveler I could not be turned and that’s what kept me from not being afraid. It turned its gaze away from me, and transported towards my old traveller coach. I reached out to try and save him, but I couldn’t get to him in time as the vampire ripped the flesh from his neck.

“NOTHING CAN STOP ME!” The demon laughed as he watched the chaos overtake the town, but I knew what could stop him; the only way to bring peace to the land.

I needed her.


I wandered around the youth shelter, waiting for her. I knew she would be coming here; I needed it to seem like I didn’t know her, and wait for the right moment to introduce myself to her. It was the best plan I could come up with, to meet her all over again. I turned a corner and that was when I had bumped into someone.


She looked more beautiful than ever, a little tired and her clothes a little torn; but beautiful nonetheless. She apologized about a thousand times for bumping into me and I just smiled at her and watched as she made her way down the hall; not knowing the fate that lays before her.

I kept my distance behind her as she walked throughout the streets; I kept looking down at my phone so it didn’t seem like I was stalking her or something and creep her out. I watched as she made her way into a bus station, which was fine with me; I was willing to go to where ever she was going no matter the distance.

She spoke to the lady at the counter for a moment before handing her some money and grabbing a ticket; she turned and sat down for a moment and I caught her staring at me; probably trying to recognize me but she looked away the moment our eyes meant.

I had to figure out where she was going.

“Uhm, excuse me but I was just curious as to what bus ticket that girl had bought?” I asked, looking deep into the woman’s eyes; a perk of being a traveller was that I was able to read her mind even if she didn’t tell me. It was something I only used when I really needed to, except I was never able to read Faiths.

“I’m sorry; I’m not allowed to give out that information.” She said with her words, but her mind read that she had bought a ticket for a city called Whitebridge. Perfect. I asked for a ticket as well and went outside to have a smoke; keeping an eye on Faith the entire time.

An announcement came on, saying the bus would be late. I pretended to act annoyed in front of Faith and she glanced at me surprised that we would be on the same bus when it arrived.

The bus ride felt like it took forever, I took out my sketchpad and did some drawing while I looked out the window. Once we got to Whitebridge I had noticed that she had dropped her wallet as she got off the bus. Perfect, I picked it up and walked up to her.

"I think you dropped your wallet."

"Oh, thank you." She replied reaching out to grab it, not taking her eyes off of me the entire time.

"You're welcome."

I could sense the awkwardness between us as she turned to leave to wherever she was headed; but I couldn’t have her leave just yet. I needed her.

"Don't go, I'm Kaleb; and you look lost."