

Collinsport, Maine, 1932

I sat there, quietly, staring into nothing. Lost in my own thoughts, I could barely hear the giggling and playing of my three young children. They were the only things in this life that gave it any meaning anymore. Without them, this would just be a big empty house. Since he left, they are all that I have to keep me going.

"Mommy, when is Daddy coming home?" My youngest daughter asked me.

"I don't know, darling. I don't believe that Daddy is coming home." As I said this, my son stood up and walked out of the room. My son hasn't been the same since his father left. None of us have been. 

My children and I have suffered enough. The two girls wouldn't understand why he left. Sadly, only my son knows what really happened. He hates his father. I have been weak for too long now. I will have my revenge. My children and I will no longer suffer. I will have my revenge. I will find him and he will suffer a worse fate than he can imagine. 

After that day, in 1932, Helena would go to the ends of the earth to find him and eventually kill him. This is the beginning of our story.