Halloween Killing Spree


Dear Elizabeth,

I honestly hope it was worth it. I hope that when you realize how much damage you actually caused, you’ll finally say something. I just don’t understand how someone could be so heartless.

Jared didn’t do anything to you. Just because he rejected you doesn’t give you the right to kill him. You are such a selfish bitch.

Jared didn’t deserve to die. He deserved so much more than some fake slut that was just after his money. Everyone is trying to find you but somehow you’re clever enough to avoid us.

But what will happen when you can’t run for much longer? The truth will come out sooner than you realize.

Until you realize that you need to tell the truth, I borrowed your best friend. Depending on how quick you turn yourself in, she might make it out alive. You have 24 hours to go to the Police Station and turn yourself in. If you don’t listen, then Amber will be dead.

So what’s more important to you? Your best friend surviving or you getting away with the murder? Chose wisely Elizabeth. I’ll be watching you.

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I have a basic idea of where this is going. Hopefully it works out.