Apoplexy Survival



Night for humans in Highland University was hard, no one go to sleep, they calculate and think about to make strong design this time:

- "Soldiers! Our situation is critcal! Mechanoids won second match and we lost Necromar for next battles! We need to win this and get advantage! Who will fight tonight?" - say ATimeParadox -

- "This time, we can't risk, You will at rescue mission!" - say THEFANG -

- "Ok, I will crush them, let the massacre begin!" - say ATimeParadox -

After that ATimeParadox left University and go at Manchester Arena

Meanwhile in Daemon Base:

- "Our forces are ready to attack! We get advantage over them! Soon planet will be ours!" - say Rexus

- "At this moment we build complex design, we needed this time experienced Machine to carry it!" - say Green Marine

- "We will choose in quickly!" - say Grunt -

Mechanoids choosed their challenger and he go to Manchester Arena too.

ATimeParadox saw nothing during his adventure, he was thinking only about battle:

- "Mechanoids will have pleasure to be crushed from my hand!" - say ATimeParadox

Barely elapsed few seconds and he was inside Arena...

-"Welcome at Manchester Arena. From Your side MrYomammaman3 and Corrupt0. Tonight we will see another battle, we hope it will excellent as earlier." - say MrYomammaman3

- "We hope that again will see exciting show on this Arena - say Corrupt0 - Yesterday match was watched by 5 millions people on TV, so we can count for deadly fight this night. Let's introduce our challengers"

From left side, human champion of CCS DA II ATimeParadox with incredible design. Lineman,Entrencher,Leech Tower,Blink and Pull!

From right side, Ranger representing Mechanoid Team. His design is Worker,Energy Blade, Spawn Minis, Spawn Sentry and Spawn Protector!

Audience started shout when they big Big Machine with heavy hammer. Our referees are still the same, Big Machine ring the bell and fight have started!

ATimeParadox summon Leech Tower which is invisible for Ranger and abstain. Ranger summon Minis, Sentry and Protector and decide to abstain too.

ATimeParadox again abstain, meanwhile Sentry and Minis attacked ATimeParadox and he get damage. ATimeParadox decide to attack with Entrencher, Ranger,Protector and ATimeParadox take damage. Sentry attack ATimeParadox and Ranger decided to move closer to him, but it's still covered by Protector.

ATimeParadox use Blink and attack Protector from rear side, it's almost destroyed, but he get damage too. Ranger spawn new Minis and attack Sentry at ATimeParadox. He get another damage.

ATimeParadox decided to attack Sentry and Pull Ranger, Sentry get destroyed and Protector too, unfortunately he get damage from reflecting damage! Ranger decided to summon another Sentry and Protector, Minis tried to ATimeParadox but they missed him, instead of that Ranger take damage from own Minis.

ATimeParadox decided to attack Sentry again, and this time Protector wasn't protecting him, he get easily destroyed. Ranger was close to ATimeParadox and attack him with Energy Blade. ATimeParadox get serious damage!

ATimeParadox feel that epic moment has started and use Blink and detonate Leech Tower

Leech Tower exploded and Ranger's Worker too

Big Machine ring the bell and end fight!

- "What a impressive ending! - say Corrupt0 - What do You think referees?"

- "That battle was epic! Explosion make that to legendary match! ATimeParadox will get 6 points! Ranger only 2" - say Hoelderlin

- "Impressive match! Without reason ATimeParadox got his title at CCS DA II!. I give him 5 points and Ranger 1" - say Digimonhacker

- " I will say the same what tell another referees, we love explosions during battles, but that was the most impressive! I give ATimeParadox 6 points and Ranger 3" - say Rednex

- "Finally we saw interesting battle! We've got champion versus evil Mechanoid, what should I say? More battles with that boom please. I give ATimeParadox 6 points and Ranger only 1." - say Mechanical Orb

- "Tonight ATimeParadox break record! He get 23/20 points! Ranger get only 7/20. Champion ATimeParadox wins!" - say MrYomammaman3

ATimeParadox exit vehicle and whole Audience start congratulate him with loud shouts and applause, his hand was rised by Big Machine which congratulate him too!

- "That match was impressive! ATimeParadox was so good that even Big Machine was impressed, it was very rare occasion, we hope that You liked that fight. We end now, from Your side was MrYomammaman3 and Corrupt0." - say Corrupt0

After match ATimeParadox return to Highland University, where his victory was celebrated by THEFANG and Sirboomalot:

- "Great job! We get informations that Your enemy just exploded on Arena" - say Sirboomalot

-"Soon Mechanoids will fall and we win this. Let's finish them!" - say THEFANG -

Keyholefixed wake up and left Trash Bin:

"What's going? And why I landed in Trash Bin?" - say Keyholefixed

"Because party was so hard that we lost match, and mad Necromar throw You to it." - say ATimeParadox

"Oh, I want to apologize, we shouldn't make hard party after match, sorry again. Will You forgive me?" - say sad Keyholefixed

" I think that this decision will do Necromar... what do You want to do?" - say Sirboomalot -

Necromar decided to again throw Keyholefixed to trash bin

- " You will soon pay for that You little,evil, dark machine!" - say Keyholefixed inside trash bin

- " Now we need only to keep streak and our planet will be saved." - say ElDromedario

Meanwhile in Daemon Base:

- "Oh Rampage! Do You go to us with good news?" - say Rexus

Rampage pull Ranger body on floor

- "He's dead! He was beaten by ATimeParadox, we don't know their technology at full level..." - say Rampage

Rexus rage was heard even from mountains

- "Rexus isn't happy from that, we need to make counterattack on them!" - say Blaze

- "Secret is to build good design and have experienced mechanoid to control it..." - say Molten Moloch

- "Stop talking and get working, we can't fall!" - say Green Marine

After that Humans go to sleep and rest meanwhile Mechanoids get outraged from death of their ally... Future for them is unexpected...