Miss Marshmallow's

The Mannequin: 5

As an employee of Miss marshmallow, I have free access to the store at which I had been employed. Of course, it isn’t as if I could deceive her or betray her trust by any means. Technically speaking, I could; but she has been far too generous towards me for me to be able to do it. It would have been, like stabbing myself in the back.

I enjoy my work, and my employment. While I guess I am older than you would have expected from a girl at the red section of her store, dealing with the more exciting accessories available in the store and all. The thing is, I can do the job just as well as any of the young, pretty girls, so long as you don’t know just how ole and wrinkled my face is. This is part of the idea behind the uniform she designed for her store. I love my work, and you can’t really blame me for it unless you can recognize me on the street.

I had chosen to take a day off from my regular life at home and spend a few days at work. As it turned out, I am in the mood for just a little bit of excitement. If Miss Marshmallow is generous enough to supply the spices, why would I deny myself what she gave me? While I guess it is a bit out of the ordinary, of course.

Walking to the store is by itself a walk in the park, which is exactly the way I had been taking all along. I had entered the building through the employees’ entrance in order to have what I had intended. From there I had entered the small room in which to enter the store after I had changed into what the mannequin is supposed to wear.

Once I had closed the door behind me, I locked it securely in order to make it secluded and private. I have everything I had intended to use or wear within the room, of course. I know how the Mannequin stand works, nothing strange about it; while I guess I don’t need to know more than how to operate if from my end. The inner workings of the mechanisms inside and the magic of it isn’t for me to know. simple as that.

Now I examine the ensemble supplied in the room, recognizing each and every garment since I had been placing them in the room myself earlier. It is just one more of Miss marshmallows fashion expressions made manifest in the substance going into the suit. A top and skirt of course, gloves and boots, aside from the head gear; the bit and hat, I guess they are referred to as. I don’t care right now, I intend to demonstrate the ensemble as a mannequin.

Slipping the top over my head is easy, just as it is easy to step into the skirt. The demonstration sample is crafted with a section cut out, in order for it to fit onto the stand, naturally. There is no real difference between a paid employee, or a plastic doll for the purposes.

I had pulled the gloves onto my hands and pulled the sleeves up to my elbows, just as the designed required out of me before I had slipped my hooves into the boots. If they are for bedroom use or not, who’s to say or care right now; the customer may care, but I don’t need to care, right now.

I pulled the hat down to cover both my ears and put the bit on, snapping it securely behind my head, ready to mount the stand. I stand still, considering the situation before I slip up onto the stand and adjust it as I lean back and relax. Now I feel the familiar sensation of the tingling as my body slowly grows rigid.

In about a minute, I feel the tingling jolt to my orchid. Just as expected, I feel myself contract with each and every jolt of teasing chock to the petals of my orchid. With each time I get closer to the first orgasm, and I don’t need to wait more than about five minutes I think. The next orgasm hit after about a minute, and the interval grows shorter as the contraction of the orgasm grows stronger.

I feel hot, as the orgasms hit me over and over. I am not about to have the climax any time soon, of course; that is part of the design. With closed eyes and slightly parted lips, I merely look like the mannequin and that is how they will treat me, as they take me to the spot set aside for the ensemble I am about to showcase. A mannequin is after all supposed to demonstrate an ensemble, a suit for the masses, the customers.

Of course the suit is for bed play, but it is actually quite comfortable to wear too; not that it does me any difference right now, you would think. Though I still do enjoy how it keeps my bust in check, even if I am just an A size. The gloves comes with delicious pads under the fingernails, and these special suction cups that may look funny when you look at the gloves, but I could swear they will be fun when you are in bed with that special some Pony.

I know they have been taking me to the spot, where the mannequin is supposed to showcase the ensemble. I had made the final adjustment before the door on the other side was unlocked, leaving my hooves a full foot off of the floor.

I don’t know exactly how long it took me, this time, but I certainly peaked and it is glorious. I am one of these smooth peakers. Did I forget to check and verify exactly how long the suit was to be on display? I guess that is a bit late to consider now. Just as I am well beyond pondering just about anything right now. After a night as mannequin, your mind tends to go blank as you enjoy coming over and over; no fear of a climax hitting inconveniently at just the very worst time.



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