
Part One - Candace Chapter 26

It's painful to sleep. Is that even possible? I hit my head on something in the water, my lungs are raw and ache for water with everything breath I take, and every muscle in my body is protesting my movements. I fell asleep on the chair out in the lobby, but someone brought me into a back room so I could be on a little cot away from everyone else. And that I was. Sort of. Maryana was also lying on a cot next to me, but Mac was standing.

And since Mac was back here, Atarah had to be right there with him. Nadia was worried for both Maryana and me, so she was sitting on the edge of my cot. Then there was that guy in the corner that would just not get away.

He looked out of place here with all of us. The room was almost two small for two people to lie down, let alone four extra people looking over them. It was surprising how much room everyone gave Aiden in the corner. It was odd to see him so far away from his brother Trevor, but I knew he was around here somewhere. They were always glued to each other like two gummy worms on a hot summer's day. And neither seemed to like it so much.

Everyone was talking in low murmurs around me, trying to keep quiet and let me sleep. It worked for a little while, but my body hurt too much to sleep any longer.

"Yeah, well, that doesn't mean that she'll not want to hang around us." Mac whispered to a concerned sounding Atarah.

Maryana agreed. "It wasn't our fault she fell over board. And she wasn't the only one."

"Yeah, but you and Mac were saved immediately, weren't you? Candace was out there for forever. Everyone thought she was dead."

Atarah sniffed, "She didn't even really want to come. What if she blames us for doing this too her."

"Stop being so dramatic," Nadia scolded. "I mean, come on guys. Its not like she was shot! She just fell off the yacht into the ocean."

"In the middle of a storm!"

"When there was a hurricane!"

Maryana's and Atarah's words overlapped each other, causing a confusing jumble of words to fill the room.

I was facing the wall and felt safe to open my eyes. It wasn't every day you get to here what your friends really think of you, so I stayed quiet.

"Come on Atarah," Mac said in a teasing tone, "We're all fine. Really. There isn't anything to worry about."

"Well why does Candace keep making those sounds?"

Sounds? What sounds?

"She's sleeping. People make noises sometimes when they sleep."

"Seriously," Nadia tittered, "You are so overreacting."

"Have a nice nap?"

I turned onto my back, looking in the corner of the room where Aiden was scowling at me. This guy is so…so…I can't even think of a word right now! That's how…he is!

The old conversation halted in mid sentence, starting up a new one with me included.

"Oh, hey Candace." Atarah struggle through the furniture and bodies over to my bed. "Did we wake you?"

Of course you did, but do you think I am going to tell you that? I shook my head and smiled. "I'm fine Atarah. Really. Just tired."

She blushed. "I know."

As if my life couldn't get any more hectic, my mom bolted through the door to the minuscule bedroom, pushing aside kids to get to me. Mac, Nadia, and Atarah were forced out of the room by the extra body. Maryana got up from her cot as my mom squeezed in between them.

Maryana inched toward the door. "I'm going to go and see if my mom's here yet."

"Candace Marie Heart!" My mom smothered me with hugs and kisses as she sat down on the edge of the cot. "You almost drown honey!"

"I know Mom. I was sort of there."

"You could have died!" Her blond locks flew in my mouth as she gave me another hug. "But you're okay. Right? You're just fine. Of course you are."

As if noticing him for the first time, my mom jumped at the sight of Aiden in the corner. "I didn't know you were on this trip."

That wasn't rude at all Mom.

Aiden shook his head. "I wasn't. I saw the storm and figured they would need some help out there."

My mom patted her head as if flustered by this comment. "Well, I guess you were right, weren't you? Candace did your help." She jumped from the bed and went to the door. "I have to call your father. Wait here Candace."

I plopped back down on the pillow, letting all of the air leave my lungs. Ouch.

I didn't hear Aiden approach, but I felt the weight of his stare on the side of my face. "Yes?" I asked with as much annoyance as I could collect on such short notice.

"I told you not to go."

"Excuse me?" I sat up ignoring my screaming head. He was on the end of the other cot, far enough away from me so that I couldn't punch him. And that is exactly what I wanted to do. Who did this guy think he was?

"I told you there was going to be a storm tonight. You didn't listen to me."

I swung my legs over the edge and scooted down to the edge of mine. Now I can punch you! "You're not my dad. Did you expect me to listen to you? Some one who makes me angry everytime they're around? Someone who is an ad for bipolar disorder?"

His face darkens into something similar to any angry wrestler just waiting for their opponent. And Aiden could definitely be a wrestler. "I warned you it would dangerous."

I had to laugh, "Oh please."

He stood. "Please what? If it wasn't for me out there today, you would have drowned!"

All humor, no matter how fake it had been, was gone. "So what?" That was the best I could come up with? God, I've lost my touch. I stand too. Not so fast!

The danger left his eyes. "Candace," The way he says my name! I want to shove it right up his-- "I was just trying to be a nice friend."


He just stared.

"You think we're friends? In my book, friends don't go all bipolar on each other just because they can."

A hint of a smile touched his lips. "I'm not bipolar."

I smirked. "You could have fouled me. You should get a doctor's opinion." Had Aiden ever looked so willing to tell me whatever I wanted to hear?

I figured I would try my luck. "Why did you come out here today?"

He shrugged, "I don't see why that matters."

"Because I'm nosy and I want to know."

The boy with black hair, the one who makes me so annoyed, looked at me through the longest eyelashes I have seen a boy, making my heart warm some for him. Some.

"I had a feeling you were going to get into trouble out here."

And what am I supposed to say to that?

"Look," Aiden begins, "I guess I just--"

"Candace," my mom calls from the lobby. "Let's go home."

I wait for Aiden to finish his sentence. It sounded as if he was going to have a little heart to heart with me. It was gone now. Aiden stood and ran his fingers through his hair. "I guess I better go home too." At that, he turned on his heel and rushed to the door.

"Wait," I called.

He stopped with his hand on the edge of the door, swinging it open further.

"What were you going to say?" Please just tell me…

He thought for a second, then started again. "Just that--"


"Mom I'm coming!"

Aiden opened the door to its fullest extent. "You better go before your mom comes and gets you herself.

As if she heard Aiden comment she yelled, "Don't make me come and get you!"

"Right," I grumbled and passed him on the way out into the lobby.

The only people left were Maryana and Nadia by the phone. I waved as I passed them on the way out the door. Aiden followed us out and went to his car next to my dad's Black Lexus. My mom got in the front seat and shut the door on the cold wind.

The storm had passed by, leaving with it a few inches of rain, and a few very angry parents.

Aiden opened the front door of his car, but didn't get in. He stood and watched me get in the front seat of the Lexus, and start to drive away. I took a chance raised my hand in a feeble wave.

Aiden was eager to return it with a hint of humor of his face.

I nodded when we pulled out of the parking lot and headed back home. "Bipolar for sure."


I turn to my mom and smile. "Nothing."

I let my body slump against the window. This life here is the weirdest I have experienced yet. What could possibly get more exciting that what I've been through? And in Maine, no doubt? I gave a small laugh as my eyes drifted close.

"The doctors said something about shock on Gray's Anatomy last night," my mom mumbles.

"I'm not in shock Mom."

"I was so scared for you. You have no idea. And that girl the week before got a concussion…"

I stifle a yawn. "Whatever Mom. I'm just too tired right now, okay?"

"And then there was that other man who went swimming for a marathon on ER last year, swallowed a lot of water…"

Her voice trailed away as my thoughts went somewhere else, and my mind shut out the real world, letting me get some sleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
I went with you guys who commented and I didn't take as long to update this story. A whole 24 hours! I'm so making progress on this! Now that I have the rest of the summer to just relax, I have taken this opportunity to write this story. So I have half of the next chapter done right now. Maybe you'll see another update tomorrow night! Go me! Hope you like this chapter and are looking forward to the next one.