The Right Fit

Chapter 12

"Everything ok?" She asked as Harry walked outside, he sat down on the chair next to her

"I have to go back to England for a few days, my uncle spencer isn't doing well"


"Come with me?"

"To England?" Harry smiled and stood up

"Yeah, Cole said he might be gone for a few days, and I don't want you to be here alone"

" want me to go to London....with you?"



"Look you won't meet my father, or step mum. You won't meet gran or papa. You'll meet my mums side and probably wills, maybe even Kate and the kids, but this is my mums brother, I mean....ya you will probably meet some friends but"

"Harry!" She said interrupting him "ok"


"I'll go"

"Really?" He asked with a smile

"Sure, I's been awhile since I've been to England, and if Cole isn't here" Harry smiled

"3 days. We will leave today, and come back sunday"

"Ok" she said with a smile "I'll go pack"

"I will let the palace know of our arrival"


"They have to know I'm bringing someone, we will need more security" he said, she narrowed her eyes and walked into the house. She looked around her room to try to figure out what to bring. She was clueless. She wouldn't meet the royal side, but still she needed to look nice. Her phone started to buzz on the counter, she looked at it and smiled.

"Hi mom"

"Hi sweetheart, what are you doing?"


"Where you going?" Blakely took in a deep breathe


"England? What"

"Yeah, Cole will be gone with work for a few days so I'm going to England with his friend Harry"

"Harry? The prince?"


"His friend Harry is a Prince"

" did you know that?"

"Cole told me last year" Marlee said

" this why you didn't want me to come to Africa? You knew Harry was here" Marlee took in a deep breath

"Look darlin, he's a prince, he's a smooth talker, he is going to tell you what you want to hear and then"

"And then what? Just disappear?"



"Blake, he's a prince, your a doctor in the states. Your not famous, your not a beauty queen. Your a small town girl from Texas"

"We are both pilots, both soldiers, we both faught for our countries in wars, he's not just a prince mom, he's harry, he's a captain in the British army"

"And at the end of the day he's still royal and you are still Blakley. Save yourself the heartache and stay in Africa" Harry knocked on the door making Blakely tense up

"Babe" she turned and frowned

"I have to go mom"


"Bye" she said hanging up. Harry narrowed his eyes

"You ok?" She wiped her eyes and nodded her head "you sure? Who was that?"

"My mom"

"What happened?"

"She doesn't want me to go to England"


"With you"


"She thinks I'm just going to get hurt"



"Look at me" he said taking his index finger and raising her chin "I'm not going to hurt you. I promise. If I didn't see us going somewhere I wouldn't try" he said, she nodded her head "are you ready?"

"I think, can you make sure what I packed is good enough?" Harry chuckled

"I like you for you" he said shutting her suitcase "you could wear a paper bag and I would be ok with it" he said with a smile


"Yes mike"

"Jet is ready sir"

"Thank you, be right there" he said, mike nodded and walked out. Harry turned to look back at Blakely "are you ok?"

"Yea" she said softly

"Good, come on" he said picking up her stuff.


"Yes love?"

"Do you get a jet every time you snap your fingers?" Jim smirked as Harry chuckled

"I don't, but gran does" he said getting in the car, she looked at Jim who was still smiling before getting in the car as well

"Where are we staying?"

"My house" he said looking at his phone, he glanced over and smiled "what?"

"Where....where is that?"



"Yes" he said taking her hand "now look, I want you to wear your sunglasses every time we are outside, or in a car. I want you to stay behind me at all times, Jim will be behind you, Mike will be between us" he said "I also have other security who will be with us and when I tell you to look down or it"


"I don't want to share you with the world yet nor do I want everyone scaring you away. On 2nd thought I will have Arthur or skip come to the rescue. You will be next to one of them every time we step out so the paps will think your a item with one of the guys" he said pushing send on his phone, he squeezed her hand before winking at her. Blakely turned to look out the window before looking at her phone. Susanna was texting her, she felt guilty for not being honest with her.

B- Don't be mad at me, I have to tell you something but I can't yet. I'm also going to England

S- with the guy you met?

B- yes.

S- why?

B- he is from England

S- oh?

Blakley looked over at Harry who was still on the phone

B- I like him a lot.



"We are here" he said unbuckling

"Oh" she said glancing at the big British airways plane

"James will be here to get you, and I will come up soon" he said leaning over to kiss her "keep your glasses on, head down as you go up. Jim will be behind you"


"Sir" James said sticking his head in the car door

"James. James this is Blakely, Blakely this is James Corgi"


"Nice to meet you, ready?" She looked at Harry who squeezed her hand before nodding "right this way ma'am" she did what Harry told her and before she knew it, she was on the plane.

"Go ahead and take a seat right here ma'am, Harry will be up in a few"

"Thank you Jim" she said sitting down. She looked around and sighed, this was absolutely insane. Was this just a preview of what was to come? She turned as Harry sat down next to her and smiled

"You ok?" She nodded her head and buckled up before getting comfortable.

When they arrived in London, Blakely stayed seated while Harry talked to his security team. Blakley would be taken by car to the back of Kensington Palace with Jim and James while Harry would distract everyone by going to the front of the palace with Mike and Avery. It made Blakely nervous to be without Harry but she was already comfortable with Jim by her side and trusted harry knew what he was doing. She stood up and took in a deep breath before Harry hugged her tightly

"Sorry to throw you in all of this so fast"

"It's ok"

"I'm 5 minutes behind you" he said, she nodded her head as he kissed her softly Jim will get you situated in my house




"take good care of her"

"Yes sir, ma'am this way" she walked down the steps and was immediately ushered into a SUV and off the runway. She looked out the window before looking over at Jim and James. They where completely comfortable in any situation and she could only hope she could mimic their moves. "Ma'am?"


"You're staring, everything ok?"

"Are you always so calm?" Jim chuckled

"Unless the Prince is in danger, yes"

"Has he....has he ever been in danger before?" She swallowed hard, she couldn't imagine someone trying to hurt Harry

"Unfortunately he has"


"Don't worry ma'am, this is protocol every time we go places"

"What do you do if he's in trouble?"

"Well my job is to get him to a safe place"

"What if weapons are involved?"

"I will stand between the weapon and His Royal Highness" she blinked a few times before looking out the window

"How long have you known harry?" She asked clearing her throat

"Since he was born. I was Diana's body guard until Henry came along, then I became his body guard"

"You'd put your life on the line for him?"

"Just like you both did for your countries, we are here ma'am" he said, she looked out the window at the cottage and smiled

"What's this?"

"Nottingham Cottage, home of your red headed prince Ma'am" Jim said with a smile, she smiled and stepped out of the car. It was so cute, she definitely didn't expect this and she loved it. Jim unlocked the door as James checked the surrounding areas. She stepped to the side while James walked into the house.


"Your free to go in ma'am, Harry should be arriving in 2 minutes"

"Thank you"

"No problem" he said shutting the door, she stood in the hallway and looked around before making her way to the living room. She felt a sense of comfort wash over her as she stopped in the middle of the room. It was a lot bigger than she expected. From the outside it looked quite tiny, but inside it was remarkable. She walked to the grand piano in the corner and ran her fingers over the keys. She smiled at the pictures placed on top of Diana and Harry.

"There you are" she heard, she jumped slightly and turned to see Harry "want a tour"

"Yes please" she said with a smile. Harry took her to the kitchen, and his office, before he smiled and opened the door to his room

"And my room" he said turning on the lights. She looked around amazed as he set their stuff down on the chair. "Bathroom is here" he said opening the door "closet is over here, I will have Frankie hang up out stuff while we have dinner

"Harry, I can hang it"

"Yes, but I want to make you dinner before everyone gets here?"


"Arthur, skip, Laura and Jill" he said placing his hands on her hips, he moved her to him and sat down on the bed "your going to meet my best friends"

"Are they couples?"

"They are?"

"But what about us?"

"We are talking, seeing where it goes. Don't worry, they know"

"My best friend doesn't know"

"Tell her, as long as she stays quiet, I don't mind" he said squeezing her butt. She chuckled as he pulled her down on the king sized bed.

"I get to sleep in here with you?"

"We are gonna do more than sleep" he said kissing her neck

"But the queen"

"She's at Buckingham palace darling"

"William and Kate?"

"Other side of Kensington"

"Your father and Camilla?"

"High grove. It's just me" she smiled and raised a eyebrow, he groaned as the doorbell went off "and probably my friends a hour early" he said standing up. She chuckled as he looked down at his pants.

"You might want to fix that"

"Well I could have, if you would have stopped bringing up family members" she giggled louder and covered her mouth as he fixed himself and leaned down to kiss her "I'm coming" he yelled as the doorbell rang again. "Come on" he said taking her hand. She followed him down the hall and let go in the living room. He opened the door and go attacked by 2 rowdy men, the sound of giggles behind them. Blakely's heart began to pound as the girls stepped in. They were absolutely stunning, both blonde, tall and thin.

"Oh hello you must be Blakely" the guys stopped wrestling around and turned to look at the shy woman

"Yes" she said softy

"It's so good to meet you, I'm Jill" the same woman before spoke stepping towards her, Blakely chuckled nervously as the girl hugged her

"And I'm Laura" the dirty blonde spoke grabbing one of the guys "this is Tom, we call him skippy"

"How do you do pretty lady" Blakely blushed

"And that's Arthur" Jill said pointing

"Harry, you lied. You said she was pretty" Blakely looked at Harry who looked at his best friend "Blakely, you are absolutely stunning! Way too pretty for this balding red head" he said taking her hand, he kissed the top as Harry rolled his eyes

"Get off her" Harry said pushing him away. "Let's go get a bottle of wine" he said wrapping his arm around her waist

"Or a few bottles mate" Skippy yelled

"Sorry about them"

"No, it's ok. I like it" she said with a smile, Harry smiled and opened a separate door in the kitchen "what's this?"

"My wine cellar, come on" he said with a smile. She smiled and followed him in. She stopped and stared at all the bottles in front of her in awe "what do you like?"

"Sweet red"

"Alright, we will bring this one, skippy and Jill like white, so this one and Arthur and Laura both like blush so....this one" he said handing her a bottle.

"You trying to get me drunk your highness?"

"Maybe" he said kissing her quickly, she smiled and followed him out. He set the bottles down and grabbed wine glasses and a cork screw. She grabbed the bottle of wine as he grabbed the glasses from the counter and they walked to the living room.

"Yay" Laura cheered happily

"I haven't eaten" Jill frowned

"Let's go out to eat" skippy said

"Umm...." All eyes turned to Harry

"Oh right" Laura said, Blakely blushed and bit her bottom lip

"You guys can all go"

"what? No way! We all go, or nobody goes" Arthur said

"I will send Avery to go get us food babe, it's not a problem"


"Stop" he said softly, she nodded her head and sighed

"Whenever your ready to go public, we will have lots of dinner dates" Jill said with a smile, Blakely smiled and took her glass of wine.

"So Harry said your in the military?" Laura asked as the guys began to talk about polo

"I was yes"

"Did you like it? Harry really enjoyed his time" Jill added

"I loved it"

"Why didn't you stay in?" Blakely took in a deep breath as the images of her being shot played in her mind. The girls looked at each other before looking back at Blakley.

"I umm, was forced out, will you excuse me? I need to use the bathroom" she said setting her glass down. The girls looked back at Harry who was now watching.

"What happened?"

"We were just talking about the military"

"Oh" Harry said softly

"Did we do something wrong" Laura asked

"We just asked why she got out" Jill said, Harry sighed.

"She was shot" he heard his friends gasp as he put his finger to his lip "shhh" he said standing up

"We are so sorry, we didn't know"

"I know, and she knows that too" he said walking to his bathroom, he knocked on the door and heard her clear her throat

"Just a second"

"Babe, it's me. Open up" he said, he waited a few moments and the door finally opened "hey, you ok?"

"Yeah, I'm fine" she said forcing a smile

"Flashback?" She nodded her head as Harry smiled and rubbed her cheek lightly "your not alone, I have them too" he said pulling her into his chest "you know I'm here if you need to talk, and the girls....they didn't mean to..."

"I know" she said with a smile, Harry smiled and leaned down.

"You ok?"

"Yeah, sorry"

"Hey! Don't apologize, never be sorry for this"


"Come on, dinner will be here soon"

"What did you order?"



"The palace" he said with a wink, he kissed her hands and lead her back to the livingroom.