The Right Fit

Chapter 16

"Father, this is Blakely. Blakely this is my dad Charles"

"It's a honor sir" she said with a smile, Harry smiled as Charles pulled her in for a hug before she could curtsy.

"It's nice to meet you dear, this is my wife Camilla"

"Nice to meet you" Camilla said with a smile. Blakely looked over at Harry and smiled. He winked at her and her nerves slowly started to go away.

"Dinner is ready" Charles spoke sternly but fatherly. Harry took her hand and lead her to the formal dining area. She sat down across from William and next to Charles. As Harry sat across from Kate and next to Camilla. The servers brought plates of food and glasses of wine. "Blakely dear, Harry told us you were in the military" taken back she wiped her mouth gently and nodded her head

"Yes sir, I was a pilot in navy"

"You served in Afghanistan and Iraq as well?" Harry squeezed her knee lovingly, to tell her it's ok.

"Yes, 3 tours"


"She's also a trauma doctor" Kate said happily, Blakely smiled at her.

"Doctor?" Camilla asked

"I work in the trauma unit with kids"

"Impressive dear" Charles said looking at Harry, he smiled proudly before looking over at Blakely, he winked at her making her smile.

After dinner Harry knew it was time to get to business. They still had a lot to figure out. Charles was showing her some of the military medals within the family and telling the stories on how they got them., a few stories being over exaggerated making her giggle. She was soaking up everything he was saying like a sponge and Harry loved it. Camilla was talking to William and Kate about the children, so Harry knew it was time to step up. He stood up and walked over to them.

"Father" they both turned to look at him.

"Henry, I was just telling Blake about your medals" Harry smiled and walked over, gently placing his arm around her waist and resting his hand on her hip, she snuggled in closer to him.

"I hope he's telling you the real stories" she chuckled lightly as Charles smacked his lips. "Father, shall we talk?" Charles looked back at the 3 others talking before giving them a nod.

"My office" he said leading the way. Harry kissed her head and she wrapped her arms around him. "Come on in and have a seat on the couch" the duo let go long enough to sit down but quickly his hands were tangled in hers. Charles stared at the young kids in front of him and smiled. "You don't need to tell me, I can tell you are official" Harry cleared his throat and looked over at Blakely.

"As of today yes" she smiled and looked down at her hands

"Blakely" she looked at Charles nervously "you are willing to give up your life for my son?"

"Dad she isn't giving up her life"

"Yes" she said sitting up straighter in her chair, Charles smiled and looked at Harry.

"Blake" he said softly "you don't have to give up your life for me, we will do everything it takes to keep your life private and..."

"Harry I know what it takes to be with you, you've told me, Cole, your's ok" she said confidently.

"Blakely, we will do what it takes to keep you safe, to keep the press from dragging you down, from following your friends and family" Charles said sternly, she nodded her head slowly. "Your family and friends, they......they can't talk to anyone without our permission"

"Yes sir"

"Unless there is a day you will become Harry's wife" he cleared his throat "you will not be able to join us on any official royal business or Christmas holiday" she nodded her head in understanding. "You may join at events, or charity events but only certain ones, and my won't meet her until she is ready"

"Yes sir"

"I can see the love you have in each other's eyes and this goes for you both" Charles looked at Harry "keep the sexual chemistry out of the news, if your going to act upon sex, use protection for goodness sake. When your out and about you need to be respectful of our family"

"Yes sir"

"Harry, step out"


"Let us talk without you" Harry looked over at Blakely, she smiled and squeezed his hand lightly

"It's ok" she said softly

"Alright" he leaned down and kissed her head "father! Be nice"

"As you wish" once the door closed, Charles leaned forward "I'm really not as mean as they think I am" Blakely grinned "Blakely, I give you my full permission and trust to date my son....I haven't seen him this happy in years, I just ask that you please" he paused and sighed "please don't hurt him"

"Sir, I" he held up his hand and she stopped.

"Harry is just like his mother" Charles stared into space for a second and she could only wonder if he was seeing a image of Diana, he smiled. "His heart is so big, he's been hurt by girls, by the media. I ask that you don't hurt him or distract him from his royal duties, he might not be the future king, but he is just as important than anyone above him" he cleared his throat "we've worked extremely hard to get him a good reputation as well, I'm sure you know Harry was a cheeky teenager" she smiled "but he means well, it's not easy losing a parent at such a young age and in the spotlight and Harry loved his mother so much" Blakely swallowed the lump that was forming in her throat and nodded "yes, I know about your father too and I am so sorry for your loss"

"Thank you" she said softly

"Together, I think you and Harry will make a great team, and if it continues" he grinned at her "you will make a great daughter in law and duchess one day" Blakely smiled, Charles stood up and opened up his arms. She stood and slowly walked towards him. He smiled and took her in for a warm embrace "treat my baby boy right now, and welcome to the family"

"I will, thank you"

"come on before he has a heart attack" she chuckled lightly and followed him to the door. She smiled when she saw him leaning on the opposite wall. He stepped up and looked at his father who chuckled and walked away.

"What happened?"

"We have his support" he sighed and took her in for a hug

"He's never liked any of my girlfriends before"

"Yeah, well I'm different"

"Oh yeah?" He asked kissing her, she nodded her head "how so?"

"Well I have an American charm" Harry raised his eyebrows and smiled

"You think that's it?"

"Yup" she said proudly "come on your highness let's get back so I can get you to bed"

"Oh god, I love when you talk to me like that" she chuckled and pulled him down the hall.


"You know what?"

"What?" He asked sitting up to stare at her

"When I agreed to come here I was only going to meet your uncle, friends and maybe your brother and Kate. I've now met your father, step mom, and niece"

"You have"

"I haven't met your moms side"

"If I recall you were too scared"

"Not scared"

"Scared" he said with a grin "today is our last day, can I take you somewhere?"

"Anywhere you want"

"Good, get dressed" he said kissing her head, she watched as his bare body walked to the bathroom. The last day, she frowned, she didn't want to leave England, she felt at home and safe "babe"

"Coming" she said getting up. Once they showered and dressed, Harry called for a car. Not knowing where they were going Blakely followed closely behind and got in the car.

Harry replied to countless emails as the car ride seemed to go on forever, she wouldn't dare ask where they were going, she just simply enjoyed being next to him. When they pulled up to a gate, she looked out the window confused.

"Where are we?"

"Althorp, my mums family's estate" he said as the car parked.

"It's clear, we will be right here" Avery spoke

"Thank you" Harry said taking her hand.

"It's beautiful"

"That it is" he said looking at the house "but the most beautiful thing is on the other side, come on" he said pulling her gently along. She smiled as they stopped at the lake


"Let's go around"


"There's a boat, come on" he said with a smile. He pointed to the little white paddle boat and she chuckled and kissed him "sit here" he said pointing to a seat. He sat down and began to paddle to the island, Harry watched as she looked around in awe, with no clue where he was actually taking her. Once he tied the boat down he helped her out before getting out and taking her hand.

"What is this?"

"You know my mum is the most important person in my life and I would give anything for her to be here" Blakely nodded her head "I want her to meet you, you to meet her. You remind me so much of her. And to be honest I've never brought anyone here before either, I didn't think they where special enough, but you, you are"

"Harry?" She said softly

"This is my mums grave site" she gasped lightly and covered her mouth

"What?" He nodded his head as she looked at the large memorial in front if her "my father read this at her funeral, and these are her favorite quotes about charity here" he said pointing to the wall. She walked to it and began to read everything. Harry watched her closely as she wiped away a few tears. "She's over here" he said taking her hand again. Her heart pounded as they turned a corner. She stared at the site in front of her before slowly walking to the tomb. She gently touched it and turned to look at Harry.

"Can I umm.....can I have a moment with her? I would like to talk to her" Harry smiled and nodded his head. He walked over to the bench and sat down, watching as she got down on her knees and sat on the heels of her feet.

He could tell at times she was crying and others completely still. He wasn't sure if she would ever tell him what she had said to his mother, but watching her talk to the tomb made his heart race. He could picture their children running around her as she placed flowers and told her about something one of the kids did or something dumb he had done. He swallowed the lump in his throat, and looked up to see her walking towards him. He stood up and met her stride, he took her in his arms and kissed her passionately.

"I am so scared of you" he said softly

"What? Why?" She asked pulling away a little


"Because why?"

"I'm falling so hard for you and I don't know if I can stop" she smiled and stared in his eyes.

"Then don't" she said softly, he nodded and kissed her again. They broke apart as the wind began to blow "she's with us"

"She would love you" he said with a smile, she looked to the sky and closed her eyes.

"I hope one day, I'm just 5% of the woman she was" Harry smiled and kissed her again.

"Come meet her side of the family?"

"Ok" she said with a grin.


"It's not fair you know" Laura whined

"What?" Harry asked sitting next to Blakely on the couch.

"That not only did you take her away yesterday, but you kept her away all day today and you leave in the morning" Blakely chuckled and looked at the blonde being dramatic on the floor.

"She will be back, they are official now" Arthur said

"Yeah, but when?" Jill asked, Harry looked at Blakely who shrugged softly.

"We will figure it out" He said sternly, the girls groaned "look you're here now, she is right here"

"Don't be stingy" Skippy said taking a drink of his brandy

"h-cad was the stingy one the last 24 hours" Laura said bratty. Blakley looked at Harry and smiled.

"Like Arthur said, we are official....,you'll see her"

"I'm just a plane ride away, plus y'all can come see me too"

"Texas? I've never been there" Jill said

"Yeah, what's there to do in Texas? Don't you have lots of cows, and horses and stuff?" Blakely laughed

"Yes but I live at the beach, so there is a lot to do"

"We are coming to see you this summer then" Laura said, Blakely smiled and looked over at Harry.

"I'm sure we can make something work" he said with a smile

"Just stay here" Jill protested, Blakely chuckled

"I wish" she mouthed, the girls chuckled before staring at the guys.

"Alright say goodbye, they have a early flight" Skippy said standing up. The girls groaned and stood up.

"You have our numbers" Laura said hugging her

"So text or call anytime"Jill said taking her turn.

"I will"

"We love her" Laura whispered as she hugged Harry.

"So do i" he whispered back, she gasped and bit her lip as he winked at his best friend.

"See you in a few weeks mate" Arthur yelled walking out. Harry waved and followed them to the door.

"Ready for bed?"

"Yes! I'm exhausted" she said with a yawn, he locked the door and walked to her. He leaned down and kissed her before picking her up. She wrapped her legs around him and he easily carried her into the bedroom. "I'm so glad your uncle is doing better"

"Me too" he said changing. Once they got in bed she snuggled into his chest.

"Now what happens?"

"Between us?"


"We just do what normal couples do, and occasionally fight off the trolls and paps" she smiled.

"But long distance" Harry sighed.

"For now" she nodded her head in agreement and he kissed her softly. "I still want to try to stay under the radar until we can't any longer, just to protect you and your family. When the time comes the palace has a statement about us" he said, she nodded her head slowly.

"I need to tell my family"

"Yes, you do"

"But I don't want to tell them on the phone"

"Then wait till you get home, while we are in Africa we will stay clear of each other in public"

"Ok" she said softly

"Plus I want to keep you to myself for as long as possible" he said kissing her again, she smiled and nodded her head "Get some sleep, we have a long day"

"Good night" she said with a yawn and with that, they fell asleep in each others arms.