The Right Fit

Chapter 5

The next morning Blakely woke up right away and went to the bathroom to get ready for the day. She washed her face, and brushed her teeth before putting her hair in a messy bun. She changed into blue jeans, a olive color shirt, and brown steel toe work boots, thankful Cole had told her what to pack.

She quietly walked out of the room trying not to wake anyone, she stopped when she saw Harry at the table furiously typing away on his laptop

"good morning" He looked up and with his face softening, he smiled

"good morning"

"work?" Harry chuckled

"yeah, im done now. I made coffee" he said nodding towards the kitchen

"your made coffee your royal highness? or did your security team make it?" she joked. Harry laughed loudly, making Blakely smile.

"believe it or not, I did. I can make a good cup of coffee, and a even better cup of tea"

"I will take your word for it" she said with a smile

"are you ready for today?" he asked looking up from his phone. She looked up from her cup of coffee and smiled

"I am so excited for today" Harry smiled

"good, we have a long day ahead of us, if I was you I would pack a extra pair of clothes, maybe 2. We might end up staying out there tonight, if its okay with you"

"yea, that would be ok" she said nodding

"if we do, we will end up attending dinner with everyone"

"ok, sure, let me go get some clothes, this dinner....should I bring anything in particular to wear?"

"i have jeans, and a nice button down packed"

"yea but your the stylish prince" she said with a smile, Harry smiled and watched her walk off. He looked down at his phone to see a text from his best friend Arthur Landon

Arthur- Pictures or she doesn't exist Hazza

Harry- ok, I will try to take a picture of her today

Harry put his phone in his pocket and put away his laptop while Jim, Mike and Blakely all walked back into the living area. She set her backpack down and smiled at Jim and Mike.

"we have the tents in the jeep" Mike spoke "we also have one for you ma'am"

"thank you Mike" she said picking up her coffee

"and blankets and pillows are also in the car" Jim added

"thank you"

"should I wake Cole and tell him we are leaving?"

"he already left. He had an emergency at one of his patients house, I told him if we stayed out there tonight that we would text him"

"ok" she said rinsing out her coffee cup

"ready sir?"

"you ready?" harry asked, Blakely nodded her head. Harry leaned down to grab her backpack and motioned for the door. She smiled and walked out. Jim opened her door, she gave him a small smile and stepped in, as Mike opened Harry's door. She buckled up as Harry set her bag next to his.

"how far is the drive?"

"a little over an hour" he said buckling up.

through out the drive, Harry pointed out some of the buildings and told her about the history behind it. She was like a sponge soaking up everything he was saying. She smiled as the range rover came to a stop. Jim stepped out and opened her door up

"thank you" she said softly, she looked around until she was met with Harry

"this way" he said

"welcome back your royal highness" a man said walking up, he stuck out his hand and as Harry put his hand in his, the man bowed

"This is my friend Dr. Blakely Lowry, Blakely this is Lawrence Munro, he is in charge of everything"

"nice to meet you Dr" he said sticking out his hand

"please, call me Blakely" she said with a smile, shaking his hand

"right this way, everyone is already here" Lawrence said with a smile, Harry let Blakely walk in front of him, as Mike and Jim followed behind

"HARRY!!!!" the group cheered as he came into sight. Harry smiled and waved to everything.

"Harry" a girl said running up, she hugged him tightly making Harry chuckle nervously. Jim and Mike went to step forward until Harry put his hand up to stop them

"Britt, how are you dear?"

"im good, so glad you are back"

"same. this is my friend Dr. Blakely Lowry" the girl looked over at her, Blakely smiled causing the girl to raise a eyebrow

"nice to meet you"

"you as well" she said, as she turned back towards Harry she smiled. Blakely looked at Jim who smirked at her, she shrugged her shoulders lightly

"this way I will introduce you" Lawrence said taking Blakely's arm

"oh, ok" she said wrapping her arm in his, harry went to protest but it was too late, he looked back at Mike and Jim

"on it sir" Mike said following behind Blakely and Lawrence

"Britt, hey. I should go say hi to everyone, I will see you around though"

"of course" she said with a giggle, Harry quickly turned on his heels to head to the crowd, Jim following closely behind.

"beautiful girl" Dee said hugging the young man, Harry blushed

"friends Dee" he said

"for now" she said with a smile, Harry had always had a soft spot for Dee. He had known her since he was young, introduced to her by his mum. Dee was married to Lawrence brother John.

"alright listen up" Lawrence spoke, Harry made his way to stand next to Blakely while Lawrence spoke. He tried not to show his disappointment when Lawrence put everyone into groups and he wasn't in the same group as her.

"well your royal highness, guess I will see you later" she said with a smile

"be careful doc"

"always" she said following behind Dee.

"Dee" Harry called, Dee turned and smiled at him "watch her, I dont want to explain anything to her big brother" Dee looked at Blakely who was looking at Harry, she turned to Harry and nodded

"will do" she said with a smile, Harry smiled and turned to follow Lawrence "come on sweetheart, he's just being protective" Dee said with a smile. Blakely followed her to a truck, where they got out bags of spray paint

"so, they are tranquilizing them, spraying them, then placing them on a truck bed?"

"correct, we have 50 trucks lined up, only 1 elephant can go on a truck, it will be a on going ordeal, by the time we load one elephant, and the truck moves, the next truck willl be ready to load"

"we are spraying them and making sure their trunks are open so they can breath?"

"and covering their eyes with their ears so the sun doesn't bother them" Dee said with a smile, Blakely smiled and grabbed a few bags. "you know, Harry.....he is so much like his mum"

"is he?" Blakely asked, Dee nodded her head

"she was such a wonderful woman"

"I remember hearing stories about her"

"he has a heart of gold" Blakely wasn't 100% why the woman was telling her this stuff, but she smiled. "how long have you known each other?"

"since yesterday"


"yeah, im visiting my brother, Harry and Cole are friends"

"oh your Cole's sister? Harry was telling us you were coming to town, from the chemistry...I would have thought the 2 of you knew each other for awhile now" Dee said walking off, Blakely watched the older woman before following her. When they walked up, Blakely saw Harry in a line of men pulling a chain that was wrapped around the foot of the male. She smiled as she watched him.

"don't stare to hard dear" Lawrence said, she jumped at the sound of him

"I...I wasn't"

"sure, that's like him saying he hasn't been staring at you" Blakely blushed

"Blakely over here" Dee called.

After 6 hours of tagging elephants, and watching them be loaded onto trucks, Blakely wiped her hands on her pants and took a drink of water

"ready?" Harry asked walking up with a smile


"to watch a few of them get released"

"really?" she asked with a smile

"yeah, come on" he said leading her to one of the trucks, he helped her climb into the back and once they where situated, Lawrence began to drive

"this has been incredible, thank you so much for inviting me"

"you're welcome, thanks for coming and helping" he said with a smile. Blakely watched the savanna pass by, every so often moving her wind blown hair from her face. She looked around as the truck came to a stop. Harry stood up and offered his hand, she took it and stood up. He helped her down off the truck and they walked side by side towards the crowd, she could see a few of the elephants already up and moving "come on" he said taking her hand. They jogged to one of the large semi trucks to where Dee was standing. He let her hand go to peek into the truck to see the baby elephant still laying down "whats wrong with him?"

"he's scared, nobody can get him to move" Dee said with a frown, Blakely peeked in, her heart melting at the sight, she gasped lightly when the baby looked at her, their eyes meeting.

"can....can I try?" Dee and Harry looked at her

"umm" Dee looked at Harry before looking back at Blakely, Lawrence was on the phone with a vet so she didn't see why not "sure, why not" she said, Blakely looked at Harry excitedly and smiled

"I will go with you" he said, they climbed up and slowly walked towards the baby

"hi there" she said softly, she got down on her knees next to the scared 200lbs baby. Harry stood back and watched the interaction. She slowly reached her hand out and softly touched the rough skin "its ok" she said with a smile. Harry watched as the elephant watched her movements. She began to hum the song her father always sang. Harry watched as the tail began to swing almost like a dog

"keep, keep doing that! his tail is moving" Blakely looked back at Harry "keep humming, Dee, Lawrence" he called

"Two days past eighteen, he was waiting for the bus in his army green. Sat down in a booth in a cafe there, gave his order to a girl with a bow in her hair. He's a little shy so she give him a smile, so he said would you mind sittin' down for a while, and talking to me, I'm feeling a little low. She said I'm off in an hour and I know where we can go" she sang softly. Harry smiled as Dee and Lawrence stood next to him both watching the scene in front of them.

"what?" Lawrence said seeing the elephant moving his ears

"i don't know but its working" Harry said excitedly

"keep going Blakely" Dee said "he likes your singing"

"So they went down and they sat on the pier, he said I bet you got a boyfriend but I don't care, I got no one to send a letter to, would you mind if I sent one back here to you. I cried, never gonna hold the hand of another guy, too young for him they told her. Waitin' for the love of a travelin' soldier our love will never end. Waitin' for the soldier to come back again, never more to be alone when the letter says A soldier's coming home" Harry watched as Blakely sang to the elephant wondering why she picked that song.. They all gasped as Blakely stood up to give the elephant space. The baby stood up and walked to the open doors.

"oh my god" Harry said putting his hand over his mouth, Lawrence and Dee hugged while they laughed out loud

"Blakely, you did it" Dee said hugging her, Blakely smiled and turned to look at Harry

"wow" he said with a smile, she smiled back and bit her bottom lip, Harry couldn't turn away from her, both sets of eyes locked on the other.

"come on" Dee said pulling her, Harry followed close behind and in awe everyone watched as the baby was reunited with his mom

"Blakely you get to name him" Trey said walking up, Blakely smiled at the vet

"Soldier" she said with a smile, Harry smiled. Dee turned and looked at Harry with loving eyes

"Soldier?" Trey asked, she nodded her head "Soldier it is" he said, Harry walked up to her and before she knew it, he hugged her tightly. She hugged him back, and took in a deep breath.
♠ ♠ ♠
Blakely 1st outfit-

Harry 1st outfit-

Blakeyly's 2nd outfit-

Harry's 2nd outfit-