Prescription for Miss Walker

Act 1 - Examination in Progress

God, my new doctor was too cute. Fuckable, as anyone with eyes would put it.

I know I must have been salivating at the mouth, but I couldn't help it. I couldn't be the only one either.

I looked around me and knew I was correct. Older women, mothers, teenagers... They were all staring this hunk down, undressing him with their eyes and no doubt visualizing their legs wrapped around his waist fucking his hard cock.

Because I know I was.

I pulled my skirt down a little, trying to regain my composure and look as little flustered as possible.

For obvious reasons being that my panties were wet.

I turned back to him. He was chatting away to a colleague, an old man with some unfortunately placed moles, but it didn't seem like a pleasant conversation.

My doctor - Cameron, I think his name was - looked bored with the conversation, not looking the man in the eye as he spoke. Cameron let his eyes wander, until he found the clock.

"Agh, sorry James, I have to get back now, but I'll take you up on that offer... Maybe. Depends if your wife can keep her hands off me." Smirking, he sauntered back towards us, his white coat floating behind him.

He looked like an angel.

He stopped in front of us, ignoring the other doctor's verbal abuse, and flipped through his chart.

"Miss Walker please, if you could follow me."

Hearing my name being called in that grisly voice of his, I didn't know if I wanted to get up at all. I was embarrassed to think he might notice the potent smell of my wetness.

Suddenly, I wasn't too sure if I wanted to be alone with this man.

"Miss Walker." He called out again. Shit, I'd zoned out.

So I stood up fast, regrettably. I nearly tripped on my laces and my panties slid down a little from my waist. They were so wet they were loose.

"Hi-here." I smiled the best I could.

He rolled his eyes.

"Do I need to install some hearing aids?" Shaking my head and coughing once, he directed me towards the examination room.

Once I entered, I noticed it was no different than when I'd seen it last. Drab green walls, clean sterile air, and smaller than a janitors closet. It's a wonder how they were able to store anything in here.

I sat myself down on the table. Feeling brave, I parted my legs a little.

Standing in front of me with my chart in his hands, Dr Cameron took out a pen and scribbled some small notes. I couldn't see what they were, probably couldn't even understand them, but I couldn't help myself from trying to get a peek.

"What's your problem?"

Phrasing, I mentally scolded him.

"I have a consistent cough, and there's a strange sensation in my throat, so it hurts when I try to eat. I haven't had anything in four days." It sounded silly, but I wasn't exaggerating. My throat felt closed off, and I was only just able to drink. The pain increased with each passing day.

"Open up, then."

I thoroughly wished that meant my legs, but I knew otherwise.

Flashing a torch into my mouth as he held my tongue down, I suddenly felt like a child. I hadn't needed to do this since I was eleven and had my tonsils taken out.

"There seems to be some abnormal growth as you reach the esophagus - hold on a minute, will you?" He crossed back over to the door and pressed on a small intercom. "Doctor Prince, you are requested at examination room four."

He ignored me afterwards, but it meant I could silently check him out. He had big hands, and a torso any personal trainer would be envious over. His face was also made by the Gods, no blemishes or winkles. High-planed cheekbones and a strong nose, they defined his entire face. His bright blonde hair, almost white, shone even in this dreary room and I instantly wanted to run my fingers through it. Perhaps even as I'd hold him down to my pussy as he licked me out.

Fuck. I really should stop thinking like that. My panties were coated.

I coughed again.

Then the door opened to reveal a tired face. Dr Prince was not as their name indicated. It was a woman.

They conversed discreetly and I felt silly waiting on them. Shouldn't I be the one knowing what's going on?

"Doctors?" I called.

They both turned, one of them trying for a smile as she approached me. She'd taken the instruments from him and repeated what he'd done only a few minutes before.

"You were correct to contact me, doctor." She said, as she took a step back. Putting her hands in her cost pockets, she tried to make eye contact. She was a beautiful woman, with caramel-latte colored skin and the deepest set of brown eyes. Not quite tall, but not the smallest of the bunch either.

"Now, Miss Walker, we don't mean to startle or scare you, but you are showing symptoms of larynx cancer. It can be treated, and with MRI's and CT scans we can determine whether or not it has spread."

I was still, immobile. I closed my legs over and regained focus, although I didn't know how.

"I've never smoked." I put simply. How could I have throat cancer if I'd never held a cigarette?

Her expression was empathetic.

"Do you drink a lot, Miss Walker? If so, then that could have been a cause too."

I went to shake my head, but then remembered last Wednesday. It was my brother's thirtieth birthday, I'd made a drunk toast, fucked the bartender and threw my guts up all over the street. It didn't take much to get me drunk, so whenever I was offered the chance to drink with friends, I didn't pass and was usually out of my face within the first two hours.

So, maybe I was a big drinker. I'd damaged my throat to the point there was no repair.

So I nodded.

Dr Prince ordered me a wheelchair and Dr Cameron tried to weasel his way out the door. I couldn't let him though.

"Doctor, aren't you going to treat me?"

He pocketed his pen, licking the inside of his cheeks. Fuck. I bet he didn't know how sexy that was.

"This is no longer within my expertise, so I'm going to hand you over to Dr Prince. You're in good hands." He smiled in what seemed genuine. "Well, not as good hands as mine, but... Meh." Ignoring her jabbing glare, he strolled out the room.

Damn. He hadn't just tossed me over to someone else and gone completely unaware of my dripping panties...

But he didn't even offer me his condolences.

What a gorgeous prick.