Prescription for Miss Walker

Act 59 - This is My World Now

I darted for the kitchen, opening a drawer and looking for something to defend myself with. I had next to no time so I came out even gratefully with a clove crusher.

I held it at arm's length, as Ben's laughter ruptured through the whole of the room.

"Okay, I see..." He twitched on the spot, like he was ready to dance at any moment. He'd been drunk before, many times, but never to this extent. "I'm guessing your opinion on foreplay has changed. You used to be so impatient."

I swallowed, as the stinging in my cheek picked up intensity. This was no game; and he fucking knew it.

"Get out." It was barely above a whisper, one he was sure to rip into.

Sure enough, he cupped a hand around his ear and approached further. I backed off a little, he could be fast and I didn't want to take any chances.

"What's that? Get in? Oh baby... I'm going to be in you all night. I'll make you scream for me again."

"Get out, Ben!"

Chuckling slowly, like he were fucking Hannibal Lector or something, I felt it in my bones. It echoed throughout me, tingling all senses and alarms bells. Like that wasn't enough, my poor heart was beating frantically, begging me to either: a) elude my attacker and hopefully have enough time to call the police, or b) scream like hell and hope someone heard.

Almost like he'd read my mind, he grabbed the remote for my stereo from the counter and turned it on. As if in spite, the speakers blared Don't Stop Believin' by Journey at full volume.

Seizing the opportunity while he was distracted playing with the remote, I vaulted for the door.

But I was too slow.

His arms enveloped around me, securing around me like a snake, keeping my arms by my side. Therefore, I dropped my useless weapon, as his head buried into my sweat-ridden hair.

"Fuck, Shira. Why do you... you insist on doing this to me?"

I wanted to speak, to somehow wriggle myself out of the prison he'd made for me. Yet, it was pointless. I was dying already -- but if Ben truly went through with his sinful thoughts, then I wished it would happen sooner.

Things were already strained between us... why was he doing this?

"I love you so much, baby. Please, please come back to me."

"Ben... Ben, stop it." My breathing was hitched, probably because my heart was racing faster than it had ever done so.

I squirmed helplessly, as I began to feel the wet, slobbery sensation of his mouth on my neck. It was all kinds of wrong, and I refrained from screaming.

"I know you want me. I know you want this."

No, stop.

With frantic hands, he pushed at my bra straps, taking down with it my house robe. His touch was never as it had been before. The fingers that used to caress me with such care, such adoration, were now so impatient and mad with need.

Screaming with all I had, to be heard over the music, I threw my elbow back, striking him in the abdomen. With a grunt of pain, he released me. I didn't hesitate either, I was rummaging through my robe pockets for my mobile, as my legs carried me. I was adrenaline-filled after all, I'd run all day if I had to.

Ready to press down on my speed dial, I missed as I flinched at the sound of a piercing scream. It was mine, I quickly realized, as I face-planted to the floor, hearing the crack of bone and the tear of skin as I did. The wooden slabs were hard on my face, but I managed to block them out, as I became all too aware of the cold iron grip that had enclosed over my bare ankle.

Looking at my feet, I went to turn around as hands found their way into my hair. There was strain on my scalp, fiercer than as if I were trying to brush out a tot.

"Come on, babes. I'll... make you feel better. I... always did." Panting in my ear, I struggled against him as he fought to turn me around. In the end, he was successful and he was hovering over me like an assailant would its victim. "You never stopped loving me, did you? I can see it."

I couldn't prevent it anymore -- the tears were washing over my face like a million tidal waves. I was hot all over, feverish almost. Yet, it wasn't because of the crying, or the fear of what he was going to do.

It was because of what he didn't plan to do.

If he got his wish, spoiled me, then I didn't want to wait another couple of months for the world to take me. I'd want it, right here. There's no way I could keep going after this.

So, I couldn't let it. I wouldn't.

"Ben, p-please!"

Choking, the world was spinning. I was dizzy from my lack of strength, as I ached to persevere. I was deserving of many things, but this wasn't on any of my lists.

My every limb throbbed, as I tried with all my might to use them as a means to halt him. It didn't work, but it's not like it wasn't worth the shot.


I was screaming so loud, surely someone could hear me over the music? Would they call the police or assume I was just having another typical argument with him? If no one thought the former... then what did that mean? What did they think of me?

Suddenly angered, I grabbed hold of his head and thrust it sideways, where it collided with the cabinet door handle. As a result, pots and pans went spilling all over the floor, cluttering and shattering my senses.

My aggressor didn't say anything, nor looked like he noticed or felt the stream of blood that leaked out of his skull, as he ripped open my robe some more.

Heat burst inside of me, yet Ben continued his intent to ravage.

His hands were just as fast as his demanding mouth; one hand encircled both of my skeletal wrists above my head, the other commanded my waist. He took my nipple between his teeth and grounded it. Resisting from expressing my excruciating pain, the tears were soon going to become nothing but dust. There were so many.

Feeling the pressure of this outcome, I cried out a little more, as my arms spasmed, connecting with cold metal briefly.

My eyes popped open, knowing what I had to do.

Groaning, I clasped the handle of the utensil and, with as much strength as I could possibly muster, aimed for his head.

He yelled, as he was propelled off of me. In an instant, I was scrambling across the floor, like a dog on roller blades, in a desperate attempt to reach my phone.

I was up standing, scouring the whole of the room -- until there was a sharp tug on my scalp. Feeling the drag of my feet across the wooden panelled floor, I was helpless as we stopped shy of my coffee table.

The burning sensations were first, then the electric current of pain that pulsated through the entirety of my skull.

Immediately, I couldn't breathe through my nose, as well as I could taste the sickening salt taste of blood at the back of my mouth.

I hit the floor, gasping wildly, as he hitched up my robe from behind. I couldn't scream, but I wanted to as Steve Perry's voice soared across the room on loop.

"Streetlight people, living just to find emotion. Hiding, somewhere in the night..."

The stereo was mocking me.

Ben smashed my face once again back into the coffee table, this time the glass shattered upon the impact. I heard the crystals falling, bouncing off the floor like it were made of rubber. Some of them touched my feet.

My face felt numb, as the ringing in my head grew louder. Everything seemed to be bleeding into one sense... touch.

The touch of Ben's hands as he fondled the bare skin of my backside. The fever of his flesh as they desperately scraped and scratched their way to gain the utmost pleasure.

I couldn't cry anymore. My entire body had shut down. I couldn't move, but yet it's all I wanted to do.

"You'll always be mine." He snarled, as I made out the distorted sound of his pant zipper.

I went to scream. But it stopped me. The jarring, dry pain of an invader. The shattering of my entire world.

Everything died in that very instant.

Life could've been a blur up to this moment. A breeze of emotions, experiences. It could've easily been through the eyes of someone else and I wouldn't have known.

Did I see this coming? Hardly. Did I deserve it? Absolutely one hundred percent not.

But I couldn't help like feeling that I should have known better. About Ben, about me; everything.

Life is all about the moments.

This was one I'd never forget.
♠ ♠ ♠
A/N: Next chapter will have small upsetting scenes. Once again, you do not have to read, but it will be over in an instant so I recommend just sticking with it.