Sealed With a Howl

chapter 10

Lupins POV:
Yesterdays detention with Rose had been on my mind all morning and afternoon, In my classes I almost fell over when a student woke me from day dreaming.
The lie I told her flew into my mind more times than I would have liked... "Busy day planned". Yeah right. More like "Sorry, no detention becuase its a full moon , I'm a werewolf and I don't want you to know".
Not so easy to say when she's right infront of me.
The last lesson of the day had finished so taking a walk around the black lake might help to clear my thoughts.
The cool air filled my lungs, refreashing me almost instantly.
The lake was still, the odd ripple from one sudden, yet soft, change in the wind every once in a while.
It was about half an hour of staring at the glass like surface until I was interupted.
"Long time no see Remus" A growl like voice came from behind me.
I turned to face whoever spoke, but they appeared not to be alone. 20 pairs of eyes lit the shaddows, The largest owned by the one who seemed to know me.
A large built man with many scars on his face and bare arms, long tangled hair and old clothes stepped out of the shaddows, he held his hand up to the sun, obviously not been out of the forest for a long time.
"Remember me?" He spoke again, he laughed as I pulled out my wand and pointed it to his chest.
I shook my head.
"William Jones" He bowed and grinned, showing his pointed, blood stained teeth, "Professor now are we?"
I nodded but not lowering my wand.
"Defance Against the Dark Arts, against you and your, your pack here" I said.
"Against werewolves? But Remus, are you forgetting the tiny snag? You yourself, a werewolf" he smiled, taking a step further towards me, I gripped my wand tighter, "Oh, the reason for out apperance today? We thing some of the students here, need to see what its like to live on the wild side" Many of his pack laughed, "What do you think?"
"EXPELLIARMUS!" I shouted, he flew back into the forest, I stared to run.
Many of the werewolves had begun to run after me.
"Leave him! We want the kids!" The leader shouted.
I reached the walls of Hogwarts. I opened the large doors and ran to Dumbledores office.
"He's not here" I heard Snape from behind me.
"Severus, where is he?" I replied, gasping for breath.
"Out, visiting someone with Minerva"
"Damn! Listen Severus, there is a large, very large group of werewolves in the forest planning to come to the castle, I-"
"Oh really? Friends of yours? Fancy a little tea party do you?" He smiled.
"Students are in danger!" I shouted.
"Well then, lets hope they can protect themselves. I trust you are teaching them defensive spells?" Severus blinked and walked in the opposite direction.
I, however, remained still, lost for words.