Sealed With a Howl

chapter 15

Lupins POV:
I could feel her deep breathing on my neck, she had fallen asleep.
Breathing slowly and her arms still wrapped around me, it was as if she didnt want to let go of me. I didnt want to let go of her.
"I wonder what shes dreaming about" I mumbled to myself smiling, based on the conversations we have it could be about her younger sister singing and Rose trying to kill her while running up the stairs.
Her family sound nice, its terrible what her father did though.
If you love someone wouldnt you stick to them no matter what, it doesnt matter what you are, all that matters is the love.
What would happen if she does love me?
What would we do then, Im sure hearing about a Professor at Hogwarts in a relationship with a 7th year student wouldnt go down well with the school.
Rose sighed and smiled in her sleep, I couldnt help but smile myself.
I rested my head on hers and stared out the window.
Trees were starting to be replaced my fewer, smaller trees, and small houses.
The train had started to slow down, we had come to platform 9 and .
"Rose, Rose wake up" I shook her arm, she didnt wake up, "I know your not dead, I see you breathing" I smiled, as soon as I had said that she stopped breathing and held her breath.
"Okay, Im off to make passionate love to your mother" I said picking up my bags.
"What!?" She said jumping up.
"Knew that would work. Were here" I smiled.
She blushed and nodded.
She picked up her suitcase and followed me off the train.
"Youre not really going to, are you?" She mumbled.
"Course not, I only have eyes for one girl" I smiled back at her, "Okay, I need help here. Which one of these is your mother?"
"The one with my missing pair of converse on" she said pointing next to the barrier to get us back to Kings Cross.
I laughed and followed her.
"Rose! So good to see you! How are you?" She said pulling her into a deathly tight hug and kissing her head over and over again.
"Fine. Fine. Wait, no, Im suffocating, let me go woman" She shouted
"You must be Professor Lupin, very nice to meet you. Im Jane" She said grabbing my free hand and shaking it.
"Nice to meet you too, just call me Remus" I smiled.
"MOM! MOM! ROSE! PROFESSOR L- wait, what?" Becky had jumped off the train and over to us.
We laughed and watched her being hugged by her mother, then she tackled Rose.
She turned to me and smiled, but still a little unsure.
"Urm, Professor I did do the homework I just, well, lost it" She began.
"No, no, Remus is here for Rose" Her mother said.
"oooo! Rose is in troubleeeeeee" She smiled.
"Shut up, Ill tell you why hes here later" Rose said picking up her suitcase and following her mother, Becky followed, then myself.
"Professor, you're coming? With us? To our house?" Becky asked.
I nodded, "Well explain later. Best not talk about it here, we dont know others opinions on...on something" I said sighing.
She nodded and swung her bag onto her back.
We reached their car, it seemed a little too small for all these bags.
"Rose, suitcase in the boot, Becky, bags in the boot. Remus, yours can go on one of the seats, I dont think the book can hold them all" Her mother said smiling.
Becky and her mother sat in the front two seats, Rose and myself in the back.
"Rose, I said George could come over for a few days next week, he sounded happy about that" Her mother said, keeping her eyes on the road.
"Thanks a lot mother" Rose mumbled.
"Is there something wrong with you two lately?" She replied
Rose looked and me and sighed.
"We havent spoken for a while I dont think I love him anymore..."

"Aww why not? You two looked amazing together!"

"I guess I love someone else"
We were all silent for the rest of the journey home, apart from the odd song from the passenger seat and Rose saying, "Dont make me Avada you..."

15 or so minutes later we arrived at Roses house.
Looks like I have to get used to living in a muggle street for two weeks.
The car took a left turn and the sound of gravel broke the silence.
No one spoke as we opened the doors, I reached for my bags and dragged them out with me, Rose had pulled out her suitcase and was waiting at her front door.
I took in my surroundings as I made my way to the door.
Once Roses mother had opened the door I stepped, but letting Rose in first.
"Just leave your suitcase at the bottom on the stairs until we sort things out Remus" She said smiling.
I nodded, "But I'll sleep on the sofa" I smiled back.
"No you wont! We have a spare bedroom, next to Roses room. You can sleep in there!"
"I dont want to be any trouble"
"Its no trouble" She replied smiling, hanging up Beckys jacket.
"I'll take it up for you, seeing as I'm going up myself" Rose smiled.
"No its fine, thank you anyway" I said picking up my bag.
"Okay, Ill show you the room"
Rose picked up her bag and pulled her suitcase up, I followed her up the small flight of stairs.
"Its just next to mine, easy to remember really, its the only room next to mine" She smiled.
"Thanks" I smiled.
I opened the door and walked in, it was a large sized room.
I placed my bags on the end of the double bed and sat down.
The pale blue walls were decorated with moving pictures of friends, family.
One caught my eye, I stood and moved closer to it.
It was Rose, taken on her first day to Hogwarts. She looked so small, she smiled and waved, I smiled back.
There was another next to it, a little girl in the arms of a man sitting on a boat, but this picture didnt move.
They were both smiling, a large wave had been photographed while crashing against the boat, spraying them both with sea water.
The man had short brown hair, a pointed face. His eyes were round and looked familiar, They were Roses eyes.
I turned to the door and walked out of the guest room.
Knock Knock.
"Come in, unless your name starts with a B then ends in a y" came a voice from behind the door.
I opened it and stepped into Roses room.
The lilac walls were covered in many places by large pictures of 5 men, the writing at the bottom of them said My Chemical Romance. A band? A muggle band I believe, they werent moving.
I smiled and stood at the door.
"Profess- Remus, sorry, its going to take a while getting used to that" She blushed and smiled, "Come in, urm sit if you can find anywhere"
There were two chairs, one at a table and one at a large drum kit, but both were occupied by bags and books, so I sat on the end of her bed.
"So, urm, is the room okay?" She asked, putting books on a shelf.
"Yes, yes its great" I smiled, "Thank you"

"No problem, you save me, I...give you somewhere to sleep" She laughed, she picked up her guitar and placed her suitcase by the wall behind it.
"Theres a picture on the wall in there, a man and a little girl on a boat. Was that you and your father?" I asked softly.
Rose sighed and stood still.
"I saw similarities between you two. You both looked so happy"

"We were, until my mom spoiled it all, threw away my dads love for me. He left without warning. I remember the day he left like it was just yesterday. It still haunts me" She said.
"What happened?" I asked getting up and walking over to her.
"He...he told me he was going to Leeds for his job he packed his bags but, I should have realised because everything he owned he was taking.
I even helped him to pack up the car. I was young, I was stupid. I remember this one thing, I passed him a bag and he was about to take it. He hesitated, I dont think he wanted to touch me" She said turning to me, "We were best friends I didnt think my mom would be able to manage it, she was pregnant with Becky when he left"
A tear rolled down her cheek.
"He is a real fool to have left, to have lost someone as precious as you" I said, I lifted her chin with my hand, our eyes met.
I moved my face closer to hers, she wrapped her arm slowly around my neck. Our lips were close, I could feel her breath on my lips.
She moved closer to me, our lips brushed.

Knock Knock.
"Rose? Can I come in?" Her mothers voice was heard from behind the door.
I pulled away quickly, we stared at each other for a few seconds.
"Im sorry" I whispered before heading towards the door, opening it and leaving.
I walked into my own and shut the door behind me.