Sealed With a Howl

chapter 20

I sat, leaning against the window, smiling and breathing heavily. My shirt was off and my trousers were unbuttoned. As it was a warm day, plus the activity we had both taken part in, my body felt hot.
Remus sat on the cabin floor, smiling at me. He found his shirt and had began to pull it back on.
“I hate to break the mood but we really need to decide what we are going to do” I sighed in reply, “Plus, I would very much like to continue but I’m worried that with the full moon coming soon we are beginning to lose control of ourselves. I would hate to hurt you or… regret anything.” He mumbled, I twisted my head to the side in confusion. “I don’t mean I wouldn’t want to…do it… i-its just…well-“ He stuttered and blushed.
I sat beside him smiling, I cupped his face in my hands.
“I do love it when you act like that” I giggled, “But I know what you mean, I…I feel the same, plus I wouldn’t want it to be put of werewolf lust and not, well, real love” I blushed, I turned to look out of the window in embarrassment.

I sighed, remembering what was going to happen to us in a couple of days, I was terrified. I read that turning into a werewolf is one of the most painful things you can ever go through, even worse without wolfsbane potion, which thanks to my sister, we have to go through.

My blush and smile soon disappeared, I had so many troubles. Remus seemed to be one of the only happy things in my life. I looked towards him, only to blush again.
I hadn’t realised that he had moved closer to me, as soon as I faced him he took his chance to kiss me. His kisses melt my heart, he is so… perfect.

“I’m sorry” he smiled, pulling away, “I couldn’t resist. You just looked so beautiful. I’m a truly lucky man to have your love”

I smiled back at him, “If only you knew how happy you make me feel” His eyes lit up, has he never felt love before?

“Now, as much as I enjoy the sight before me, get ready. I’ll have some breakfast ready for you” he smiled, standing up and walking towards the door, “Rose…”

I looked up, smiling at him as I turned my t-shirt from inside out to the correct way around.

“I love you” He smiled down at me.

Those three simple words were all I needed to hear, those three words put my heart at rest. I knew I had nothing to worry about, I trusted him, I loved him.

“And I love you too Remus” I smiled, pulling my shirt back over my head.

~5 minutes later~

I entered another compartment to find Remus waiting for me. I looked down at what we had to eat, I found a box of cereal, a half empty carton of milk, two bowls and spoons.

I laughed slightly, I felt as though I was on holiday. Remus gave me a questioning look. “You packed bowls and spoons?” I giggled, he looked to the bowls that lay before us.

“Its practical” He said, beginning to laugh, I sat opposite him, wondering what my mom would think.

“You do realise my mom is going to kill you when she realises that two of her bowls and spoons are missing.” I looked up at the cereal and sighed, “Thank god! Cookie crisp. You know whenever I have breakfast with Becky I never get any of these, Cookie Crisp is my favourite cereal!”

Remus looked at me a laughed, “I’ve never tried them myself, but I image that they are pretty good. As long as it has chocolate you can’t go wrong”

“Why do you love chocolate so much?”

Remus sighed, it was as if it was a painful question, “When I was a young boy, my family gave me chocolate to cheer me up when I was ill… I guess its just stuck” He sighed. I placed my hand on his, he looked up with a slight glint of pain in his eyes.

“I’m sorry” I whispered.

“Don’t be, now lets eat shall we?” He smiled.

I tried not to pour too much cereal into my bowl, I desperately wanted more than I could, yet we had to save some for the days ahead of us. I watched at Remus poured some into his own bowl. He slowly poured milk on top of the cookie crisp and slowly took a spoonful into his mouth.

His faced turned from wary to a surprised and delighted face. I tried not to laugh with a mouthful of cereal.

“I take it you like Cookie Crisp?” I laughed after swallowing a mouthful.

“You’re joking? I love them!”

“More than me?” I questioned. His smile faded and turned to a concerned look.

“Rose, I love you more than anything. How can a mere bowl of cereal compare to you?”

“I was joking” I laughed. Remus sighed, but soon smiled again.

We both continued to eat our cereal as the sunlight passed through the window and onto us. This day was so beautiful, but I was terrified of what was to come.
