Sealed With a Howl

chapter 4

Once we had stopped at the Burrow, I saw George waiting outside with Ginny.
I didn't take my things in out of the car just yet because heaven knows where i'm sleeping.
"Rose! Finally! where were you?" George asked while Ginny was trying to show him her new wand.
"Traffic..." I sighed and he nodded. "Nice wand Ginny!" I added.
"Thank you! its nice to know that someone cares!" she smiled then glared at George.
At dinner time, Mrs Weasley stood and gave the sleeping plan.
"Right you lot, listen up! Harry you will be in Ron's room, Hermione in Ginny's and.. i'm not too sure about this but your mother says its fine, Rose, you will be in Fred and Georges room" I saw George look towards Fred and the smirked.
"Now no funny business George and Rose!" she said while pointing a finger.
"Mum! don't worry, we won't do anything, i mean, Fred's in there! We wouldn't do anything if he was in there!" George looked at his mum smiling
"Or if we were allowed or wanted to" I added quickly.
"No.. they would lock me away THEN do it" Fred said laughing while Mr and Mrs Weasley, and my Mum gave us looks.
3 days had now past, I was enjoying every moment at the Burrow, every moment with my Mum, this year she will be on her own, no Becky with her this time.
It was now time for bed and as I was brushing my teeth in the bathroom, I heard a thud coming from Fred and Georges room.
I finished what i was doing and went in to look for what had caused the noise.
"Hello?" I called out, but no one was in there, apart from a box that i keep all my photos in.
The ones I had of my dad didn't move, just kept the same face, didn't wave or pull faces.
Just my dad sitting with me on his knee. I put the picture back in the box and put the box under the bed i was sleeping in.
As i turned to the door i found myself standing in front of George smiling. Before i could speak he pinned me on the bed.
"What got into you?" I said laughing
"I don't know, maybe its because its the first time we have been alone all holiday" He leaned in to give me a deep, passionate kiss...
"MUM!!!" I turned to see Fred in the door way laughing.
George jumped off me, I fixed my hair and heard George say;
"Thanks a lot Fred, just wait till you have a Girlfriend!" then his Mum entered the room looking confused.
4 days passed while being under the constant eye of Mrs Weasley, but now it was time to go back to Hogwarts.