Sealed With a Howl

chapter 6

The train came to a stop, i jumped off with my suitcase and stipe, and hopped into a horseless carriage, Fred and George followed.
I stared out the window and said nothing.
"Whats up?" George squeezed my thigh and smiled.
"hmm" George said and turned to face Fred. I still felt red in the face, I bet once the news had got out, mine and Georges make-out session will be the talk of the school.
The carriage stopped and George got out olding the door open for me. I smiled and picked up my things as I got out.
I said nothing as i walked towards the hall, but could hear Fred teasing George. I dropped my things off and walked into the candle lit hall.
I reached the Gryffindor table and sat between my two of my best friends, Abi and Kayleigh.
"Rose! How was your holiday?"Abi screamed down my ear while pulling me into a hug, Kayleigh squealed and joined the hug.
"Great thanks! Yours?" I repiled.
"I Got A Boyfriend!!" Kayleigh shouted, she nodded towards the Ravenclaw table where I saw James Banks smiling at Kayleigh, who giggled and blushed.
"Ah.." I smiled
"Right, well any news on the new DADA teacher?"
"Not a clue.." repied Abi as Dumbledore stood, the hall went quiet.
"Welcome, welcome everyone! Before the first years are sorted into their houses i would like to introduce you all to our new DADA teacher, Professor R.J Lupin!"
The new professor stood and everyone cheered, but something strange happened, once he stood his eyes fell on me. I could feel him looking deep into my eyes. As he smiled a sharp pain ran across my heart. It hurt so much that i gave out a small scream. Lupin's smile faded and he sat back down.
"Are you okay?" Kayleigh whispered.
"Fine. I'm fine thanks" I replied.
1 hour later, people had started to leave the hall. Becky had been sorted into Gryffindor. She was so happy that she gave the hat a kiss.
"Are you coming?" George asked while placing his hands on my shoulders.
"Yeah, i'll be up in a bit, I want to finish off some work but I don't wanna go to the library" I replied.
He smiled and walked towards the common room.
I sighed a placed my head in my hands, not noticing that i was the last student in the hall.
"Goodnight Miss.Hill" Dumbledore said politely when walking past me.
"Goodnight sir" I replied. I looked up to see who was left, Snape was walking away from the
new DADA teacher. Snape glanced at me when walking past.
'Those eyes never change.. neither does that hair" I thought to myself.
"Miss...shouldn't you have gone to your common room?" I turned to see who it was, it was Professor Lupin.
He stood in front of me with his hands in his pocket, waiting for an answer.
But i couldn't reply, i was still staring into his eyes.
His face was calming and upon it lay some scars, however ugly scars may be, it only made him look more mysterious... more attractive.
"I..I was just.. thinking...I like to sit alone after meals, I like to think" I managed to say.
"Well, do you mind if i join you?" He replied
I shook my head as he sat beside me.
"And what would your name be Miss?" He turned to me.
"Rose...Rose Hill" I smiled
"Ah, a beautiful name to a beautiful girl" Lupin smiled.
I blushed as red as blood and looked away, he saw and laughed.
"I hope you don't mind me asking, but, how did you get those scars?"
"Oh... just some big fights i got into when i was a kid" He looked away.
"Oh, but you don't seem like the kind of person who would fight" I replied
"Never judge a book by its cover Miss Hill, i mist be off to my office" He said standing up, "And i recommend that you get some sleep, this year is going to be full of surprises, Good Night" He smiled and walked out of the Great Hall.
I sighed and left, i began the walk to the Gryffindor common room.