Love Is No Ordinary Feeling

chapter 8

Months passed and finially it was Christmas break, "Now James, your sure your mum will let me stay?"
"Yes now come on!" James yelled. My parents left to go to Greece to see my other family, but I didn't feel loke it because me and a few of my cousins do not get along. "Hi Mrs. Potter."
"Oh hi Arista! How are you?" she said hugging me. "I'm doin fine, thank you for letting me stay with you for Christams."
"Oh its all right! I wouldn't want you to spend Christmas alone."
"Yeah, what kind of friend would I be?" James said hugging me as I laughed. When we got to James' house I said hello to Mr. Potter and James showed me to my room, "And this is your bedroom, and if you need anything my bedroom is right next to yours."
"Thanks James." I said putting my stuff down. For the rest of the day James and I helped his mother with the housework. "Thank you kids so much! Go ahead, I'll finish the rest." When we got outside James asked, "So Arista, what do you wa-" and just then I pelted James with a snowball and called out, "How 'bout a snowball war?!"
"Be prepared to be head deep in snow!" for about two hours, James and I had forts up and were throwing snow at each other. Before we went to bed James bid goodnight and I went into my room. *Today was so much fun! But I miss my boys* Then I drifted off to sleep.
~*FF to Chirstmas*~
"Arista! Wake up it Christmas!" James said shaking me. "I see that James, now can I go back to bed?"
"Nope, mum has breakfast on the table." so I got up and put my messy hair back into a ponytail and put on my robe. When I got down stairs I heard, "Good morning sleepy head." I looked and saw Sirius and Remus sittin at the table *Oh my god, I look like crap and my boyfriend is here!* "When did you guys get here? Good morning Mrs. Potter." I asked sitting next to Remus at the table, "Oh about a half hour ago."
"Yeah, we always spend Christmas with the Potters!" Remus said. "This is going to be the best Christmas ever!" James said while swallowing his food.