Beautiful Disaster

You've broken her spirit.

Do you see what you've done now?" I say to Emma. "Do you see how upset your daughter is. You've broken her spirit." She was always a happy child. She would always said that she loved other peoples drama because she could walk away from it. Now she had her own drama and I knew she wasn't handling it well.

"She thinks I'm on your side now." I say waiting for her to say something... anything that might be considered motherly. "Why don't you go in and talk to her Emma, she needs to know you love her and that you're there for her."

Instead of turning around to go to Layla's room, she just gathers her things and walks out the door.

"Unbelievable" I mutter walking toward my daughters room.

I knock lightly. Getting no answer I slowly push the door open. I feel the tears prick my eyes as I see her laying on her side, red faced and crying.

"Oh baby." I say quietly sitting on the side of the bed. She turns over toward the opposite side. "I don't want to talk to you right now." She says, her body shaking as she cried.

"Just hear me out, please" I tell her. I kick my shoes off and lay down beside her on the bed.

"I'm not choosing sides Layla and if I did, you know I would choose you.You're my daughter... and I made a promise to you when the doctor put you in my arms. I promised that I would protect you until the day I died. I told you that no matter what I would give you the best life that I could. And I thought... up until yesterday I had done that."

She rolls over to look at me, saying "You always gave me everything I wanted. But, I think no matter how hard you tried you couldn't make her a good mother. I don't think she has it in her dad"

"When did my little girl grow up?" I ask her with a small smile, brushing a strand of hair out of her face.

"You knew I was going to eventually. I think that everything that's going on just made it happen a little faster." she says to me, closing her eyes.

"I talked to Leland today, when I left, I went to the beach and he found me." she says her eyes still closed.

He was the last person I wanted her to be talking to. I didn't want him to put any more nonsense into her head.

"And what did he have to say." I ask looking down at her.

She just sighs and tells me "He just said he was sorry, and he never meant for things to happen this way. I told him it was done and he couldn't take it back. I also told him that you were a good dad, and a good man and I didn't want him to try and take that away from you."

Laying on the bed looking down at my child, I was convinced that she was Leland's and it hurt. Everything she said sounded like him. He was always sensitive and kind toward others, and that shown in her personality.

"Thanks pumpkin, for sticking up for your old man." I say laughing and hugging her tight. She might be Leland's by blood, but by love, she was all mine.