‹ Prequel: The Hunter Version 1
Status: Unfortunately, my laptop is not functioning. This story is on hold until I can get my files back from the old laptop.

The Hunter

Friends, Max!

Max carried Ben back into the basement, the two of them fully dressed in new clothes. Ben's head was spinning, his body was sore for healing bruises and wounds, and his vision swam slightly, but he otherwise felt fine. It had been Max's insistence that Ben was carried in his arms and he simply had not had the energy to protest. Max laid Ben out on the bed, pulling the blankets off and covering him with a simple sheet. Not long after that he was gone again, darting back up the stairs to gather their discarded clothes.

“Are you feeling sick again?” Toby called with a yawn.

Ben was not sure how to answer. He felt more clear minded than ever before, but a heavy weight was hovering over him. He turned his head to meet Toby's gaze, holding back tears.

“I don't want to leave. I'm scared, Toby,” he whispered.

Having finally said it, Ben could not hold back his tears and his swiftly covered his face, embarrassed. His friend was at his side within half a second, trying to murmur reassurances and do anything that might be remotely comforting. Max came down the stairs but froze at the sound of Ben's soft sobbing. He watched the two for awhile, his face darkening. After a time, he left the clothes at the bottom of the stairs and fled.

As Ben had finally calm down, Toby noticed Max's absence. He scowled and got to his feet, searching around for a cup to offer Ben some water. Finding nothing, Toby checked once more on Ben who was hiding his face underneath some pillowed, extremely embarrassed.

“I'm going to go find Max, okay?” Toby called softly, tapping his friend's shoulder.

Ben nodded his head, sniffing unattractively, his entire head pounding. He wanted to go with Toby, but after crying so hard, he did not want anyone to see his swollen eyes and tear stained cheeks.

Toby hesitated for several moments more before he moved to the stairs. His eyes immediately spotted the discarded clothes and he guessed at what had happened. He could not help but to roll his eyes in annoyance and make his way up the stairs.

Max had not gone far, or if he did, he had returned to stare dejectedly at the spring he and Ben had just been in perhaps a half hour earlier. Hearing Toby, he made no reaction even as the boy stopped directly beside him.

“Ben's scared. You should be down there comforting him.”

“He's scared of me, isn't he?” Max replied miserably.

“You know, with all your bragging of super-human powers, I would have thought you would at least be able to listen to the actual words being said.” Toby snapped, glaring at the ground.

“What do you mean?”

“He's not scared of you, idiot. He's scared of the unknown. He's scared of leaving. He's actually grown grossly attached to you.”

The tension in Max's body relaxed and his expression softened. Peeking at the older man, Toby sighed, scratching the back of his neck.

“Is there some way you could at least visit? Or maybe contact him regularly?” Toby asked.

Max did not reply right away, his face taking on a greenish tinge at the thought of visiting the city. Or any city. Or even anywhere that more than a dozen people might be gathered at one time. There never needed to be more than a dozen people in one place... But...

“I'll work something out. Or at least until he finds someone else.”

“Oh for the love of...!” Toby wanted to cuss the Hunter out, his head snapping to the side, preparing to do just that, however he cut himself off.

A chill flew down his spine and rattled his bones at the look Max gave him. His eyes were narrowed and his lips lifted slightly. A darkness radiated out of the man as he stared at Toby with the creepy expression. The boy held up his hands and swiftly backed several steps away.

“Hell no, I'm purely straight, I'm not stealing your boy toy. Friendship, that's all Ben's getting from me, you hear? You don't have to worry, I'm not interested! I don't want him like that. Friends, Max, friends!” Toby yelped, stumbling.

Max's eyes followed him for several moments before he burst out laughing. Shaking his head, he turned back to return to his lover's side without another word.

Heaving a sigh of relief, Toby dropped his hands and allowed his shoulders to slump. However, he immediately straightened once more, his eyes wide witch shock and the chills returned as two arms wrapped themselves around his waist.

“So you are straight, then? I was kind of worried I would have to break you of that too. Luckily you've cleared away all my worries,” a familiar, emotionless voice muttered in his ear.
♠ ♠ ♠
Short chapter is short...
ALRIGHTY! Here's the deal. Angelo and I have been going back and forth on this for awhile, so we decided to leave it up to you guys.

This version is already outdated. Version three's body is not much different than this one, but the ending is WAAAY different, so, with that being said, we have two choices:

A.) We can continue this story as it is. It will have the same/similar ending as version two.
B.) We can put everything on hold as Angelo and I work on this new version (we will not start posting until it is finished) and then start posting that.

Let us know what you would prefer.
Keep in mind, this project is on hold until a decision is reached.
So please let us know your thoughts either through a comment or private message.
Thank you.