‹ Prequel: The Hunter Version 1
Status: Unfortunately, my laptop is not functioning. This story is on hold until I can get my files back from the old laptop.

The Hunter


Seeing the city form more and more into a solid shape and expanding forever in every direction, a feeling of terror filled Ben. His knees became weak and his hands began to tremble. No one noticed, however, as they were all focused on the screen. The buildings rose up and up and up, none of them smaller than six or seven levels. Walkways stretched between the buildings, connecting them like veins connecting organs in a body.

The otherwise smooth ride of the boat suddenly jerked and Ben completely lost his balance. Ben fell to the floor and simply sat there for a moment, unable to find the courage to stand.

“Idiots,” Claire frowned, tapping the screen to pull up another one.

It showed the side of the Goliath. One of the larger boats had just rammed into them, but the massive silver body of Goliath was completely undamaged. Unfortunately for the foolish crew of the far smaller boat, the front of their craft was sporting major damage and the accident had thrown two people from the ship.

The Guards simply rolled their eyes and made no moves to help the doomed boat out. It was the other party's own fault and the Goliath had a schedule to meet. Toby leaned down and helped Ben back to his feet. He noticed his friend's shaking and did not release his grip on Ben's arm.

“What should we expect when we get there?” Toby asked, turning his eyes to Claire.

“More idiots. The Vincer family is well known and Benjamin's release from the islands has made him very famous. People will want to see him for one reason or another. On top of that, it is rare for our team to go to shore in public, so some of our enemies will likely be there to cause trouble,” Claire snorted.

“Ben, we will make a quick transaction in handing you over to your father and then we will be off. It is time for you and Toby to say goodbye.” Kane added gently.

Ben stiffened at those words. He had a feeling that there was a possibility that he and Toby might never meet again. Ben did not say anything and simply pulled his arm out of Toby's grip and embraced him. The three Guards casually made themselves busy for a moment.

“I won't leave you alone, Ben. We survived together, we'll always be friends, alright?” Toby murmured.

Although Ben's eyes were dry, he felt like he should have been crying. Leaving Max had been hard...leave Toby was even more difficult. He would be going into the unknown without someone he could trust by his side. It was completely different from when he first woke up on the island.

“It's going to be tough, but you'll get through it,” Claire said from behind Toby.

“It's time to go,” Kane called at the same time from the entrance of the room.

Ben looked up at the screen and saw that they had docked without him even realizing it. The screen now fully showed on side of the ship, where a huge crowd of people were waiting. A black card slid up to the crowd and forced them to part. Another car followed direct behind it and eight men dressed in black leaped out and started to clear more space between the ship and the car.

Ben forced a smile onto his face and attempted to say something, but his words escaped him. He wanted to thank them, to make them promise to let him see Toby again, to beg them to bring him back to the island. Instead, he shut his mouth, turned away from Claire and Toby, and joined Kane. Kane placed a hand on Ben's back, between his shoulder blades, and led him out of the room and to the top of the ship.

– – – – –

Max bit at his thumb nail, glaring at a screen in front of him. His expression and mood were dark, almost tangible as a storm cloud hovering over his head. He sat in a leather chair in a room that Ben and Toby had not been allowed into in his cave. One leg was swung over the arm rest while the over was bent toward his chest. He had an arm resting on that knee, fish clenched, as he bit away hi nail of his other hand.

The screen showed Ben's expression as Kane took him off the ship. A drone had flown in close to the two to get a good look at them and had been given the chance of a perfect image before Kane shot it down. The image switched to a different camera as another drone flew in from behind, this one keeping a safer distance away. Max's eyes focused on the hand on Ben's back and his mood soured even more. He threw down both of his hands in anger, the chair creaking in protest.

“He's mine!” Max snarled, leaping to his feet.

No sooner than having done so, the screen changed to the face of a middle-aged woman. Seeing Max and his mood, her previous stern expression brightened into a cruel smile. Behind her stood a pale skinned man that refused to acknowledge Max at all, his entire head turned away, blue eyes staring into the distance.

The room the woman sat in was dark and Max could only make out her, the man behind her, and the dark blue wall immediately behind him. Max's fists clenched tighter and his grit his teeth.

“What do you want, Jewel?” He spat.

“I heard you've been busy these few days? Bad mood?” She purred.

Max's face paled slightly, but he kept up his anger to hide it.

“What of it?”

“There is no one left alive on your little island. What happened to make you so enraged? Normally you enjoy keeping a few alive for sport.” The woman replied, tilting her head.

“I kill as I please. It's my land after all.” Max retorted.

The man behind Jewel flinched visibly.

“Is it because of the Vincer boy?” Jewel questioned, hitting the mark.

“Ben!” Max snarled, “I left him alone, just like you demanded. Isn't that what you wanted? Scared the kid's pops into working with you?”

“Are you this upset because I wouldn't let you kill him?”

Max did not reply and turned away.

“Don't worry Max. There will be some free time during this year's Re-Education. I am sure no one will notice if the boy disappears or gets killed. In the mean time, I've just sent you a fresh batch of toys. I think you will like this lot... Cardinal South was finally caught, so I pulled some strings for you to cheer you up when I noticed your low numbers.” Jewel beamed.

Max glanced over his shoulder at her. He knew Cardinal personally. It would be his pleasure to finally get a chance to give that woman a taste of what she deserved.

“She should have been sent to the pit.” Max grumbled, but he seemed pleased.

“You can thank me later, Max. I'll look forward to seeing you in person on the mainland in a few months.” Jewel nodded.

The screen shut off and switched back to the news channel Max had originally been watching. Max waited a moment before he grabbed the back of his chair and threw it against the wall.

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Thought you might enjoy some P.O.V. from our ML Max.