Light My Heart on Fire

Morning After and Sparkles

Last night had been interesting to say the least. I had remained quiet while Diana and Brian headed towards her room. What was I supposed to say? ‘Hey! I’m right here! No! I didn’t want them to think I was being a creeper. At least I found out about this before I decided to make a move.

“Oh, when did you get home?” Diana came into the kitchen wearing her robe with a smile.
I shrugged my shoulders, “Early enough to see you and Brian make it home.”

Okay, so my filter wasn’t the best. I’ve accepted this, but it is irritating when I say I’m not going to say something and it comes out anyways.

It was somewhat satisfying to watch the blood rush to her cheeks. Before she had the chance to respond Brian came in right behind her, wearing sweats. Yeah, just sweats. God! If only that man walked around without a shirt more. Then again I probably wouldn’t get anything done around the house.

“So, did you two have a late night?” I asked, innocently while taking a sip of my coffee.
Brian nodded his head. “My night was about average.”

The look on Diana’s face, indicating she was insulted was priceless. She didn’t bother saying anything as she went and poured herself a cup of coffee. Brian wasn’t too far behind her. Even though what happened last night sucked, I did enjoy watching her squirm.

It was fun watching as she tried to act casual, but clearly failing. Now Brian on the other hand, this must not have been his first rodeo.

“So I’m thinking about getting a dog.” I spoke suddenly.

The thought wasn’t a sudden one. It actually hit last night after the two of them got home. You know how lonely you get when the person you like is hooking up with someone else. Even more so when it’s someone you know! Fuck! Now I admitted to liking the bastard.

“Wait, shouldn’t there be, like, a house meeting about this?” Diana asked.

I raised an eyebrow, “Shouldn’t there have been a house meeting about Brian?”
“Say hello to Sparkles!” I exclaimed when I put down the fur ball of a puppy.

Sparkles ran around the living room excitedly sniffing at everything, including Diana and Brian’s shoes.

“I know you are angry that I brought Brian into the house without asking, but you’ve made your point.” Diana sighed.

I raised an eyebrow, she was really beginning to irritate me. Like I would go out to get a puppy to bother her! I decided I didn’t need to respond to her, so I turned my attention towards Sparkles who was still preoccupied with Brian’s shoes.

“Hannah, I need to know if this is going to become a problem.” Diana sighed.

Okay, now I felt the need to respond as my level of irritation began to grow. Turning my attention away from the cute puppy, I faced my lovely roommate.

“Alright Diana, let’s get a few things straight. The world does not revolve around you. Therefore, why would I put any thought into you when I decide to do something. I did not get the puppy to make a point, I got the puppy because I decided I wanted a damn puppy!” I growled the last part out.

I wasn’t going to give her the satisfaction of thinking I cared about her response so I turned back around. And just in time to witness Sparkles hike her little leg and start going on Brian’s shoe. He jumped as soon as he realized what had happened.

“Your fucking German Shepherd just pissed on me!” Brian exclaimed, pushing the puppy away with his pee free foot.

I quickly scooped up Sparkles, “She’s not a bloody German Shepherd you uneducated twat! She’s a Belgian Tervuren! Secondly, she’s just a puppy what do you expect?!”

“What the hell is a Belgian Tavern?! And I expect to not be pissed on.” He shot back.

Sparkles began barking in Brian’s direction from my arms. “Tervuren! And it’s a breed of dog. Now since you two seem to think me and the dog are irritating we will be heading to my room!”

With that being said I spun on my heels and headed towards my bedroom. Thankfully I knew a few days ago I knew I would be getting the dog. So I had already bought the puppy training pads, food and the bowls.

I sat Sparkles down so she could get to know her new home. The nerve of the two of them! Maybe they were perfect for each other! Her thinking the world revolved around her and him thinking he knew everything!

I got Sparkles because I was tired of feeling lonely! If anything this was Diana and Brian’s fault for being unable to keep to themselves! All that did was make me realize how alone I truly was. I’ve never had a relationship that’s lasted, not even with a friend or family member.

“Come here Sparkles!” I squatted down as the puppy ran up to my outstretched hand. “Who's a good girl? That’s right you are. You are for peeing on the mean, mean man.”

I let out a sigh after I pet her for a few moments. No, I hadn’t expected them to react that way, but oh well. What was done was done. What had come out of my mouth, well, there was no taking that back either.

“It seems we might just be against the other residents in the house. Not that they could sway me to get rid of you.” I picked up Sparkles before flopping down on my bed. Sparkles walked up and curled up in between the two pillows, already claiming a spot on the bed.

I felt kind of out of it, emotionally that is. Mixed feelings about what had transpired over the past few weeks. I grew close to Brian, started to get feelings for him, him and Diana had a thing going, I felt lonely and got a puppy. A puppy neither of my roommates seemed to want.

Wait a minute! It’s my house! I was quick to remind myself of that little fact. If I wanted to bring a damn dog into the house then I would! If I wanted to bring in seven dogs neither of them had a right to say a damn thing to me! If they didn’t like it then they could pick somewhere else to stay! I didn't have to let them stay here.

Great, leave it to me to turn every other emotion into anger. This is why I’m really lonely! It was my fucked up personality.
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Belgian Tervuren info

Yes, I am still working on this story! Life around this time of year just seems to suck lol
Well, I hope everyone enjoys the update and Happy Holidays!