Writing Notebook


May 4 2009

I got a tattoo over vacation. Now there is permanently a flower on my leg. It really hurt to get it done, so I’ll never do it again.

I have several ideas for a children’s book:



cats and flowers


Why are there no cursive numbers? Letters are cursive, but numbers aren’t. I should invent cursive numbers.

May 5 2009

I can’t believe Connor doesn’t like Pink Floyd! Seriously!

I’m trying to decide which piece to bring in on Thursday and there’s one, but it’s 11 pages long. Not going to read it aloud.

May 6 2009

Prom is in a few days and I don’t want to go anymore. We were just going as friends, but now he’s asked me out. You’re not supposed to like your friends!

May 7, 2009

I don’t k now what to say,
Not quite sure if this is real,
I can’t explain it
In a way you’d understand.

I don’t want this to be true
It can’t be, it must be
False. I must be insane,
But something is causing me pain.

I see two girls running
Running across a field
One is blonde, the other brunette,
They are dressed in white.

My heart is calling for you,
I’m so confused,
I don’t know what to do.

May 8 2009

Prom is tomorrow….

I wish I’d bought a dress and not borrowed one. It doesn’t fit.

I’m going to draw a picture of a flower because I have nothing else to say.

May 14 2009

Rainbows are made of kitten’s souls and dreams are made of puppies hearts.

This is a short poem I made up in 13 seconds. I don’t agree with it. but it’s interesting.

My hair is not working today! -Rain

May 20 2009

This paper feels strange like it has something on it.

I read something I wrote about a year ago. It’s 51 pages long, double spaced. 51 pages, not developed.

Someone said something to me today: “I wonder what it feels like to be a flower?”

Good question.

May 21 2009

One month until graduation.

I don’t want to graduate.
I don’t want it to be hot today.

I don’t want to go to marching band today, it’s going to be hot!

It is soooo hot today.

May 22 2009

It’s Friday!!!!

I’m going to write about part of a story I have been writing for a year. I only have the last page with me, but the rest is up here [points to head].

It’s metaphorical, sort of maybe satire. It’s about people, real people. People I know. people in our class.

So this story, very interesting, is about a girl who fell in love with a this guy who smokes weed and is in a band. That could be quite a few people in our school, but it’s one in particular. I’m not saying who.

(A/N: This is that story: http://www.mibba.com/Stories/Read/613731/The-Elevator-Music/1/)

May 27 2009

The light falls through the trees like an elephant through the still water. All I feel are the spirits dancing on my scalp.

May 28 2009
I’m going to New York. I will have fun.
This is my first time visiting NYC. It shall be fun.

May 29 2009
New York!
(No explanation necessary)

Sometimes I dream that I’m dead, so when I wake up and always very happy.
Happy to see the sun shining, to hear the birds chirping, to feel my heart beating.

Sometimes I dream that I am dead.
♠ ♠ ♠
That last one is not meant to sound suicidal, I just realized how dark it is, but I did legit have dreams about being dead in high school (probably caused by sleep deprivation or stress or something) but I was a very happy flower in high school : )