The Brightest Black


For half a heartbeat relief pooled in Narcissa’s stomach as Draco refused to take the Dark Mark.

It had worked.

It had bloody well worked.

He didn’t admire the Dark Lord. He wouldn’t chain himself to a man that would only bring him misery, heartbreak, and likely death.

Too bad she hadn’t expected the marking to occur this early, though she had at least been semi-prepared for it. Hence her order to Dobby about the serving platter and its placement on the table.

Once those thoughts had flitted through her mind, she burst into action. The Dark Lord was speaking, but she paid him no mind, she knew what spell he was going to cast. Not that it truly mattered, not with goblin-forged items.

She leapt forwards, she could feel Draco and Lucius reaching out, trying to stop her, but she was faster. She had to be faster if this was going to work.

Her hand grabbed the veal covered platter and yanked it up. Pieces of meat flew everywhere, she stored the memory of a piece hitting Bellatrix in the middle of her forehead. Andy would love to see that bit.

She did it.

Green light crashed into the silver platter and bounced off again.

She almost shouted for joy when she saw she’d gotten the angle right. Crouch dropped to the ground, as dead as he had claimed to be over a decade ago. It wasn’t as satisfying as torturing him to death, but it would work. He wouldn’t harm anyone else that belonged to her ever again.

Chaos erupted and spells began flying everywhere. She flipped the platter and pressed the small lever she’d found on it years ago. Instantly the handles moved and changed. She slipped her left arm through them, wearing the platter like the shield it was made to be over a thousand years before.

Nothing lasted quite like goblin-forged items.

She felt a surge of relief as she realized that Lucius stood beside her, casting spells at his previous cohorts.

Apparently love was strong enough to break chains.

She kept backing up with Lucius beside her. She could hear Draco and his classmate, Theodore, casting spells not far behind her. She couldn’t look, but she knew they just had to go another few feet and they would be out. She could cast a few locking charms on the door, give them enough time to reach the floo in the drawing room.

Almost there.

It would work.

It had to work.

A scream erupted next to her and she saw Lucius go down, his skin was bubbling and steam was coming out of every orifice.

She froze as it took all of her willpower to stamp down the Black bloodlust that threatened to consume her. Lucius was HERS. How DARE they kill him? She'd given her heart and years of her life for this man. She'd been prepared for him to be unable to fight free. Been prepared to misplace or lock him up until Voldemort died.

She hadn't been prepared for him to die. Couldn't even imagine a world without him in it.

She blocked one spell and let her eyes scan the crowd of death eaters around her dining room table. Many of them were still staring in confused shock, not quite able to grasp what was occurring. But there was one exception - Bella.

Her bitch of a sister was laughing as she watched Lucius' body grow still.

For just a second Narcissa gave in to the desire for revenge. She fired a nasty hair-strangling curse and then cursed as Bella jumped out of the way at the last moment.

And that moment of weakness was all it took for her to miss blocking a spell.

Draco screamed behind her, but she couldn’t turn to look, she raised the shield and blocked a killing curse. She sent a silent prayer to whatever deity was watching that Draco was hit with nothing life threatening.


They had to get out NOW.

They couldn’t apparate. No one could apparate into or out of the manor. Not even family. Only a-

She was a bloody idiot.

If she had only-

No, no time for that.


The house elf appeared, he looked terrified, but she noticed that spells just bounced off of a shield he had erected around himself.

“Yes, mistress?”

“Get the boys out of here! Black Cottage! Now! Then-then guard him! Understand? Don’t let ANYONE hurt Draco!”

The elf’s eyes widened but he nodded, quickly, his ears flapping. She moved and blocked a killing curse that had been heading straight for Theo. Shot from his own father’s wand if she wasn’t mistaken.

“NOW!” she screamed at Dobby.

He moved faster than she thought any creature could move.

She heard her sister let out of a cry of frustration as a loud pop signaled the disappearance of Draco and his classmate.

Narcissa raised her shield and wand as she moved into a fighting stance. She spared a brief glance at Lucius and had to stamp down the immediate urge to cry.

He’d known the risks. They both had.

But she knew he’d be glad Draco was safe.

After all, Draco was the best thing to ever happen to either of them.

“Do you honestly believe you can win against us all?” the cold voice of the Dark Lord asked.

She refused to answer him. She didn’t plan to win.

She planned to survive.

And then she would get her revenge.


Lucius' heart stopped as soon as he heard Draco refuse to take the mark.

He should have known. Draco had told him, but Lucuis had made him come anyways.

He'd failed. He'd failed as a patriarch, a father, and a husband.

Green light was shooting from the Dark Lord's wand and Lucius gasped in shock as he watched his wife leap between the spell and their son. He reached out, trying to stop here, part of him realizing that Draco's movements were mirroring his own.

Something in his brain clicked as soon as Narcissa raised the platter, the one he knew she loved to set out every time they had visitors.

She'd planned this. Or, she had at least suspected what might happen.

He felt his love for her well up inside of him, making it hard to breath.

He watched as, in slow motion, Rodolphus pointed his wand at Draco, sending a flash of bright red light. Too red to be a stunner.

Something snapped inside of him.

He roared and yanked out his wand. The spell came naturally, he'd long since mastered many basic spells without words.

The red light hit the shield and exploded into pieces.

He moved as one with his wife, following her lead, helping move Draco and his classmate behind them.

Spells flew all around. Lucius dodged any killing curse Narcissa did not block with her shield. Everything else hit his shield.

Until something didn't.

He saw it happening.

Bellatrix had always been fast with her wand. He easily blocked her first spell, but the second one hit the same spot on his shield. He felt the spell begin to weaken.

He could do nothing as the third spell hit the shield mere seconds after the second.

It broke through.

He screamed as his blood boiled away. For half a moment his heart pumped vacuum, it was the worst pain imaginable and then, mercifully, it was over.

Everything was over.


Draco froze as he watched his father go down screaming in pain. Steam rose from his body, a pale pink that left no doubt to what liquid it had originated from.

A moment later what felt like knives sliced into his legs, he fell, screaming as blood began pouring from his wounds.

So much blood.

His blood.

He felt himself grow faint but hung on. Theo knelt beside him, "Draco!"

Draco tried to smile and make a joke, but all that came out was a pained sob.

He almost retched when a moment later Dobby grabbed his wrist and popped them away.

Draco tried to yell out. His mother! She was still there! Nothing but pained moans came from his throat. Moans that were ignored.

He heard shouting and then a moment later a familiar face appeared before his.


Then she was gone and someone was yanking off his trousers. He screamed as his wounds were bumped.

When he stopped screaming another face loomed over him.


He had his wand out and was muttering.

Instantly something cold poured over Draco's legs and he felt the pain lessen.

He heard Hermione say something and, his last thought before blessed darkness took him was that he was lucky to have her in his life.


Hermione turned to the next page of her book and nibbled on her bottom lip. She wished the author would get to the point. All he kept saying was something about the most foulest of creations. Why wouldn't he just SAY what was so foul?

She reached out to pick up her teacup and took a gentle sip. The house was so quiet. She knew Kreacher was here with her, but that did nothing to make the house feel loud.

She took another sip and then shouted as three figures appeared on the rug in front of the fireplace. Her tea spilled all over the book, but she didn't even notice.

Instantly Kreacher was there. Even faster then she pulled out her wand.

"Black! Help!"

She realized with surprise that one of the three beings was Theodore Nott.

"Please! It's Draco! I can't stop the bleeding!"

That made her spring into action. She was on her feet and rushing over even as she shouted at Kreacher.

"Go to the Mauarader's Academy! Get anyone that can stop the bleeding, NOW!"

She almost gagged when she got Draco's trousers off. His legs and hips were covered in long, shallow cuts. Blood stull poured from them, but it appeared to be slowing. Likely as he was running out of blood.

She jumped up and raced over to Padfoot's desk, where she yanked out the bottom drawer and began pawing through his supply of potions. She grabbed a blood replenishing potion and ran back to Draco.

She held it to his mouth and said, "Drink."

Miraculously, he did so.

Just as the blood was once again picking up speed Kreacher reappeared. Snape and Whistledown were with him.

Hermione stumbled backwards out of their way. As she moved she bumped into Theo. He grabbed her shoulders to stop her from falling.

"What happened?" she heard herself ask as she watched whatever spell Snape was uttering close Draco's wounds.

Whistledown was currently digging through Padfoot's potions, pulling out quite a few that Hermione didn't recognize. Once again she cursed her lack of knowledge in healing. At least she’d learn most of the associated potions next year, but that was no use now.

"Draco refused to take the mark."

Her heart did a double thump.

"He refused?"


"Where are his parents?"

"Lucius Malfoy is dead. Narcissa Malfoy...I don't know. She sent us away and stayed behind, fighting."

A million thoughts and memories moved through Hermione's brain as she tried to decided what to do.

In the end, it was an easy decision; the rage she felt bubbling under the surface helped make it so.

They’d hurt Draco, she’d sworn to treat him like family. That meant Narcissa was family, as she knew Draco loved his mother.

And no one, absolutely no one, was going to get away with hurting her family.


Harry nearly fell out of the air when his pocket began to burn. He dropped the quaffle and quickly followed it to the ground. Ginny and Ron were right behind him.

As soon as all three of them landed they pulled out their coins. Fear stabbed at Harry's heart when he saw the short message: Black Kitchen NOW!

He took off running for the academy's lobby. Ron and Ginny were right behind him. As the sprinted past the classroom being used for the Order meeting Fred and George slipped out and joined them.

Less than two minutes later all five of them were piling out of the floo and into the kitchen of the Black Cottage with wands drawn.

They found Neville already there, and a very irate Pansy next to him. Hermione was pacing back and forth, muttering to herself - always a bad sign in Harry's book.

Surprisingly, Theodore Nott was seated at the table. He looked very pale and withdrawn, but there was a determined set to his shoulders.

Luna popped from the fireplace before Harry could even ask what was going on.

"I assume you don't plan to rely on the Order?" Fred asked.

"Of course she isn't. They'll take five hours just to decide whether to stage a rescue or not. They were still arguing about whether to come heal Draco Malfoy or not when we left. Fools didn’t even realize Snape had taken matters into his own hands," George said.

"Point," Fred said.

Hermione stopped and turned to them, "Lucius Malfoy is dead, Draco was badly injured, and Narcissa is currently alone in the Malfoy dining room with several dozen Death Eaters and nothing but a wand, her wits, and a thousand year old shield I am very glad I did not request as a birthday gift over three years ago."

“So, you want us to risk our lives by entering a building with several dozen Death Eaters, possibly including You-Know-Who, all to rescue one person? With the hope that the Order will learn what we’re doing and come reinforce us?” Ron asked.

Hermione glared at him, “You don’t have to come along. But she’s family and I’m going. I won’t let Draco lose both of his parents in the same night if I can help it.”

Harry nodded in agreement, “Ron, if you don’t want-“

Ron cut him off sharply, “Shove it you two. I’m not arguing, just clarifying. We all need to perfectly understand what we’re getting into. Now,” he said calmly, looking at everyone, “how do we get to Malfoy Manor?"

"Kreacher," Hermione said firmly.

Instantly the old elf popped into the room.

"Yes, mistress?"

"Did you check on Narcissa Malfoy née Black?"

The elf bobbed his head, "Mistress Malfoy be fighting. I could not enter the room."

"I figured as much. After Dobby got Draco and Theo out they must have warded against house elves. But you could enter the sitting room?"

The elf nodded.

"Very well, everyone, fighting clothes. One minute and Kreacher will pop us in groups to the sitting room. Then he's going to inform the Order just where we've gone. Speak now if you don’t want to join."

She looked around the room, but no one spoke, so she nodded and began buttoning up her outer robe.

Harry was in his flying robes, and they worked well for fighting so he took a moment to do some of the stretches Tonks had taught him.

He stopped when Fred pulled open a drawstring bag and began handing out burgundy colored hats.

"Shield hats," he explained, "Not as good as the real spell, but an extra layer of protection."

Hermione set one her head and then looked around at them all, "Ready?"

Nine heads nodded back, including Harry's.

"Alright, let's go get Narcissa and force the Order to stop talking and start acting."

George opened his mouth to likely say something smart, but Fred elbowed him and he closed it again.

"Kreacher, please take us in, as many as possible," Hermione said politely.

Kreacher nodded and grabbed her arm, along with Nott's. They disappeared, a moment later and Kreacher was back. He grabbed Fred and George, then Neville and Pansy. Next went Luna and Ginny.

As soon as Kreacher returned once more he grabbed Ron and Harry's arms, but before they could disappear the kitchen door opened to reveal their potion's professor.

Harry offered him a quick salute just as they vanished.

Maybe Kreacher wouldn't need to inform the Order after all. That is, if Snape was really on their side.


The entire meeting had become pandemonium. Half of the members were shouting and arguing about the fact that "Young Master Malfoy" was terribly injured and at the home of Harry Potter. Mad-Eye was the largest protestor against sending help. He just KNEW it had to be a trap.

Severus rolled his eyes at the idea, even as he stalked across the room, grabbed the only other competent potioneer in the room, and then honed in on Kreacher.

"Take us to Draco. Now."

The smart elf didn't argue.

As soon as Severus saw Draco he got to work. It had been years since he had used this spell, but it still came readily to his tongue.

Sometimes he wondered just what he was doing with his life. When had he gone from creating dark spells to curing them?

He knew he saw part of himself in the Malfoy boy: a Slytherin, trapped in a terrible situation, and with a mysterious and unexplainable interest in a muggleborn. And Mr. Malfoy could deny it all he wanted, but Severus knew what denial looked like.

A muggleborn that was so much like his old friend it hurt to watch her hand go up in class. Even if she hadn't been Sirius Black's adopted daughter he likely would have treated her abominably.

Too many memories.

And now he knew just how much it was in his interest to keep her alive, because she would die to keep Harry alive. Plus, she was also Lily’s blood. Close enough family to keep the blood wards protecting Harry active.

The only thing he had left in his life was keeping Harry alive.

If Harry was alive, then Lily still lived on.

And, maybe, if he kept going with that Weasley girl there would one day be another red-haired, green-eyed Lily walking the halls of Hogwarts. Driving teachers to distraction and lecturing students until they became better people.

Severus planned to stop teaching long before that happened. He didn't think he could survive another student that reminded him of her and all of his failures.

With that thought the last cut sealed itself.

He sat back on his heels and watched Whistledown pour potions down the unconscious boy's throat.

A mousy woman, but one of the few people he knew in the Order that had actually come close to his score in NEWTS level Potions.

He looked around the room and realized that the three humans were alone with a pathetic looking house elf who had a very determined air about him.

"Where did Mr. Nott and Miss Black go?" he asked.

The elf swallowed in fear but set his jaw determinedly.

Severus felt a reluctant sense of admiration for the sad creature. Not many could stand up to his glares.

"Master Malfoy's friends be going to the kitchen."

Severus stood up and then paused, he looked down at the elf.

"Master Malfoy? What about Lucius Malfoy?"

The elf gulped again.

"He be gone. Master Draco be Master Malfoy now."

Severus felt a pang of sadness for his old classmate and compatriot. Lucius hadn't been a good man, but Severus had always understood him.

"And Mrs. Malfoy?"

"In trouble. Big trouble."

For an instant Severus felt relief, after all, she knew his secrets. If she was dead only Albus would know. But in that same instant he realized just where Hermione Black had gone.

That mysterious and unexplainable interest went both ways. She was not going to let Draco's mother die.

He uttered a curse and hurried to the kitchen.

Luckily it was in a very logical spot for this size of a cottage.

He opened the door just in time to see Harry Potter salute him before Kreacher popped him and the youngest Weasley boy away.

Rage ran through Severus; was the boy determined to get himself killed? And he would have thought Hermione Black was too sensible to run off into a manor full of Death Eaters with only a handful of wizards and witches.

He should have known better.

No Gryffindor was sensible.

He stormed over to the fireplace, threw in some floo powder and shouted, "Marauder’s Academy!"