The Brightest Black


Draco felt hyper-aware of Hermione as they stood across from each other, listening to Professor Longbottom give instructions. He was having trouble focusing on the professor’s words, but it was just a review of silent spell-casting. For most of the first semester they had practiced silent spell-casting on training dummies, before moving on to silent shield spells and disarming with an opponent. Right before Christmas they had begun casting minor jinxes and hexes silently.

“Now, you can use disarming spells, minor jinxes, minor hexes, and shields. No permanent damage can be caused and everything must be silent. Let’s see how much you remember from the autumn. Everyone has a partner?” She looked around the room, confirming this before nodding sharply. “Alright, now, assume a dueling stance and-”

She stopped as the classroom door swung open, revealing the last person any of them wanted to see.

A pleasant smile appeared on Professor Longbottom’s face, one that did not reach her eyes. “Good morning, Madam Umbridge. May I help you?”

The toad’s lips twisted into a thin smile, “I’m just here to observe.”

She waddled over to one of the desks at the back of the room, pushing someone’s things out of the way and taking a seat before looking expectantly up at Professor Longbottom, “Carry on.”

Neville’s mum stared at the intruder for a moment before purposefully turning her back and addressing the class once more. “Now, assume a dueling stance. Remember, this a review of silent casting. I want to hear no verbal-”

“Hem, hem.”

Professor Longbottom froze and pasted a smile on her face before turning to look at Umbridge.


The toad smiled sweetly, reminding Draco of the sticky fog that had invaded Hermione’s mind and removed her free will. “I am curious how this can be a review, Professor. Surely they cannot have already learned silent casting. Is that not a seventh year skill?”

“No, it is a sixth year skill for transfiguration, charms, and defense against the dark arts.”

She scribbled something on her clipboard. “Ah, carry on.”

Professor Longbottom once more turned her back on Umbridge and addressed the class. “Dueling stances, please. Now, begin.”

Hermione attacked quickly, Draco got a shield charm up in time. Before he could even think of attacking another spell flew through the air and he felt his shield weaken. When the third spell hit it he dodged the right, nimbly spinning without tripping on his robes. Silently he thanked Alianore for all her forced practice.

As Hermione turned to face his new position he shot off a tripping jinx, she tried to get a shield up, but wasn’t quite fast enough. She tripped and fell as he quickly followed up with a disarming spell, but she rolled out of the way before leaping to her feet. He saw her wince as she stood, likely the fresh skin on her thigh pulling.

His distraction cost him dearly, a spell caught him full in the chest. He felt his hair stand on end and then grow heavy. A whiff of flowers hit his nose and he groaned as he realized what she had done to him.

Another spell came his way and he twisted to his side, shooting another spell at her. She blocked just as a horrendous shriek filled the air. Everyone froze and he turned slowly to look directly behind him. There sat Umbridge, her clipboard forgotten, her hands now held up as her nails began to grow.

And grow.

And grow.

When they were about a foot long they began to curve and twist, braiding themselves together until her hands were effectively chained in front of her.

We Blacks are a nasty bunch.

He turned to look at Hermione. Her face showed no emotion, but her eyes…

He gulped and felt heat coil in his stomach.

No, she definitely wasn’t just his cousin.

“Oh, I’m terribly sorry, Madam Umbridge. I should have told you to put up a shield charm.”

The false sweetness in Professor Longbottom’s voice was so thick Draco couldn’t help but smirk a bit.

“This-this-this is unconscionable!!! This is not a simple jinx!!!” Umbridge squawked, trying to stand up without the help of her entangled hands.

“Are you sure? I could have sworn I saw it used during my time at Hogwarts. Yes, I most definitely saw it then. Here,” she nodded to Daphne, “why don’t we have Prefect Greengrass escort you the Hospital Wing? I could fix you up, but I have a class to supervise and we can’t have me shirking my duties. I’m sure Madam Pomfrey will have you sorted out before lunch.”

I just bet she saw it during her years at Hogwarts. It was your mum that put it in my tome. And from her notes it sounds like she passed it on to Regulus Black.

Knowing what he knew now about his mother and her time here, he wasn’t surprised.

I imagine it’s hard to do many things with your own fingernails binding your hands.


Before the door could close behind Daphne and Umbridge the toad stopped and turned around, she glared at Hermione. “Miss Black, detention in my office. Tonight.”

Professor Longbottom cleared her throat, “Excuse me. May I ask why Miss Black is getting detention?”

Umbridge’s lips thinned, “She attacked a teacher.”

Professor Longbottom’s brows rose all the way to her hairline. “Really?” She looked at Hermione, “Miss Black, were you aiming for out temporary Headmistress?”

Hermione shook her head, “No, professor. I was trying to disable my dueling partner, Draco. He dodged the spell, don’t think he realized a Professor was behind him.”

“Right.” The professor turned back to Umbridge. “You see? Just a simple classroom accident. These things happen when teaching magic. As I’m sure you remember from your own studies.”

Umbridge glared, her face turning a brilliant red. She spun around and shoved passed Daphne, sending the smaller girl into the doorframe and making her wince. Instantly Draco saw the other students tense, even those that quite happily supported the Ministry. Daphne was an utter sweetheart and everyone adored her, no one liked seeing her abused - even those that normally didn’t care for Slytherins.

Daphne turned to follow the temporary Headmistress, but was stopped by the professor.

“Miss Greengrass, it appears that Madam Umbridge can find her own way. Why don’t you pair back up with Miss Turpin? Then we can resume our duels. This time, please, try to focus on shielding, not dodging. Understand?”

Everyone nodded and resumed their dueling stances. As Draco once more paired up with Hermione he found himself struggling to keep up with her. Not because she was that much better than him - though she was better - but rather because he was trying to come to terms with his new found realization.

And, when he found himself flat on his back, his hair still masquerading as flowers, his legs bound together, and his wand gripped in her hand as she smirked down at him, he found himself wondering just why it had taken so long for him to realize that she was an intensely attractive witch.

A witch who was most definitely NOT just his cousin. And, while he knew it wasn’t exactly safe to think of her this way, he didn’t think he could stop himself from doing so anymore.


By lunchtime the entire school was in semi-revolt. After the first class students spent their break sharing what had happened in the Defense classroom. That, on top of what had occurred in the Great Hall that morning spelled Umbridge’s doom. Upon having her new nails removed she moved on to watching Transfiguration. There the fifth year OWL students - with Luna smiling happily at the helm - kept bumping each other at the ‘wrong’ time. Why, it wasn’t their fault when one Ravenclaw boy accidently turned the lace on Umbridge’s collar into a snake. Nor when someone else turned her chair into a pig. They were just so excited to be turning inanimate objects into animals.

After lunch she was outdoors, watching Hagrid teach Care of Magical Creatures. Now, Hermione only heard about the events later, from Dennis Creevey, but it was a lesson on Nifflers and no one had told Umbridge that wearing jewelry was a bad idea.

A very, very bad idea.

At dinner, Katie Bell was regaling the entire Gryffindor table with Umbridge’s appearance in the seventh year Divination class. There she had her death and dismemberment prophesied by every student - in graphic detail.

They only wanted to show off their skills. It wasn’t like they made the tea leaves, crystal balls, or palm lines say such terrible things.

At dinner Hermione noted that Umbridge tested all of her food and drink with her wand before summoning a house elf and forcing it to taste everything. Her anger at the woman grew at this sight. The elf was not a Hogwarts one. It was also the most pitiful creature she had ever seen, it’s toga - formed from a filthy sheet - so ragged that it could do nothing to protect the elf from the elements. There were bandages wrapped around the elf’s ears and fingers, making it difficult to pick up the spoon to taste the soup.

They would have to slip that nasty woman things a different way.

After dinner she and the rest of the New Marauder's met in the Shifting Room - as Luna dubbed it. Through the journals they communicated with the twins, who were severely disappointed their package had been intercepted. Theo recommended they look into filing a report at the Ministry. They liked this idea, and planned to ask Percy if he could assist them. No one knew the paths through the Ministry bureaucracy like their brother did. After all, they had merely been sending new products for their of-age silent partner to look over. No one could prove she had planned to use them on anyone. Or perhaps they would go with suspected corporate espionage from Zonkos. Either one could cause the Ministry a lot of annoyances.

They also made plans to try and use one of the secret passages to sneak in some products. Fred figured he could take a short visit to Honeydukes and slip into the cellar. Draco offered to summon Dobby and have him transport the items, but Hermione protested, not wanting to potentially cause trouble for the house elf.

George wanted to tell the Order what was happening at Hogwarts, but Hermione asked him not to, saying that Neville’s mum or Professor Mcgonagall would be keeping everyone updated. There was no point in having anyone ask just how the twins were communicating with everyone else while owls were being intercepted.

That evening, when Harry went to bed, he had found a copy of the picture Colin Creevey had taken of Umbridge. He had instantly contacted Hermione and given her the photograph. She planned her entire article around it and began to get to work. Still, she needed something more than just her being drugged. Umbridge had to be shown as the monster Hermione was sure she was.

The next few day passed in a rather similar manner. Umbridge sat in on classes where things continuously went wrong for her. On Thursday morning a second-year tripped and fell against the temporary headmistress, knocking off her earmuffs and causing her to be knocked unconscious by a young mandrake. On Thursday afternoon a third-year accidently caused a cauldron to explode in Potions, right next to where Umbridge was sitting.

On Friday a sign appeared in the entry hall. Hermione frowned and pushed her way through the crowd of students around the sign. Most moved out of her way when they saw her. Whether they believed or not that she had been given forbidden fruit, they knew Umbridge was bad news by now and that Hermione and her friends would stop at nothing to take her down.

Colin was the last one to move out of Hermione’s way, sliding to the side when she tapped him on the shoulder. Then she looked up at the sign and narrowed her eyes at the contents.

Educational Decree 23:

This decree hereby creates the position of High Inquisitor of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The High Inquisitor holds power gifted by the Ministry to change school rules, fire or hire staff members, and set the school’s educational standards. They, as appointed by the Ministry, are above the Board of Governors, as well as any Headmaster or Headmistress appointed by this group. All to ensure the continued exemplary education of the students.

Current Appointee: Dolores Umbridge

Her eyes narrowed as she read the words.

What does it say?

Draco was standing on the outside of the group, along with the other New Marauders. They had thought it best not to all push up to the sign.

Educational Decree 23. Makes someone High Inquisitor - Umbridge I’m guessing - and allows them to bypass the Board of Governors. She may not have access to the Headmistress’ Tower, but she’ll be able to do almost anything else. The castle magic only works so far.

He cursed. She didn’t blame him. This was going to complicate matters - extremely. She wasn’t quite sure what changes Umbridge would enact, but she would bet her entire inheritance on them being anything but good.

Anything else?


She turned to go, bumping Creevey, who winced and pulled his arm away from her.

She looked at him in concern, “Are you alright?”

“Uh, yeah, just cut myself in potions.”

She frowned and looked down at his hand, a thin bandage wrapped around the palm.

“Did you see Madam Pomfrey? She can heal anything.”

He grimaced and looked away, “Something was on the knife, has to heal naturally.”

That made her frown deepen. She couldn’t think of anything in fifth year potions that would-

Hermione, toad incoming. Peeves is coming.

“Well, be careful then,” Hermione said absently to Creevy, hurrying out of the crowd. It had taken some negotiation, but Peeves had agreed to give Umbridge an unforgettable first Friday at Hogwarts.

Well, not too much negotiation. Peeves rather missed Dumbledore and his quiet understanding of pranks. Also, he seemed to enjoy making Umbridge shriek in rage. He’d discovered that joy after filling all of her shoes with owl droppings on Tuesday morning.

No one had told Umbridge she needed to ward her new quarters against the poltergeist. Granted, Peeves had never dared to enter a staff member’s private quarters before either - warded or not.

Hermione reached the boys just as Umbridge stepped off the stairs.

Before she could take another step a mad cackle of laughter issued from the rafters and then Peeves came shooting down. He had a straw in his mouth and used it to shoot peas straight at Umbridge. Then, as she covered her face against the missiles he pulled a dungbomb from his pocket and lobbed it right at her. Everyone around jumped back several feet, attempting to avoid the stinking cloud the bomb had created.

Umbridge stood there, shaking in rage as Peeves zipped away chanting, “Dungmistress Umbridge! High Stinker of Hogwarts! Dungmistress Umbridge! High Stinker of Hogwarts!”

Some students shrieked and ran from Peeves as he sped past them, lobbing additional dungbombs with each chant.

A few people tittered in laughter at Peeves’ words, but they quickly grew silent when Umbridge looked up. Her lips were pursed in a thin line and her jaw was tight as she bit out, “Get. To. Breakfast.” When no one moved towards the Great Hall she barked out, “NOW! Or detention!!!”

The crowd moved quickly then, Hermione and the boys included. So far they had avoided doing anything that she could give them detention for, and while they knew that couldn’t last, they didn’t want to hurry it either. When someone jostled her she bumped into Draco, who instinctively put a hand on her back to stop her from falling. That small contact instantly distracted Hermione from what to do about Umbridge.

How could one hand cause so much heat through all these layers?

“Have a good day,” Draco murmured in her ear when they entered the Great Hall before slipping over to the Slytherin table and taking a seat beside Theo.

She wasn’t able to get her tongue working again until after she had taken a seat between Ginny and Ron at the Gryffindor table and taken a large mouthful of coffee, wrinkling her nose at the bitter taste. She hadn’t been able to stomach the idea of drinking tea all week, but she still needed her caffeine. Luna had somehow managed to talk the house elves into giving out coffee, Hermione wasn’t sure she wanted to know how. Though she was extremely grateful, pumpkin juice was just not enough.

“I think I like Peeves’ new title for Umbridge,” Ron said, taking a bite of a piece of buttered toast.

Harry snorted, “Dungmistress is rather fitting.”

“What’s this?” Ginny asked.

“Peeves got Umbridge with a dungbomb; then dubbed her Dungmistress: High Stinker of Hogwarts. It was glorious,” Ron said, a dreamy smile on his place as he stuffed the rest of the buttered toast in his mouth.

Harry nodded in agreement, his own mouth now full of sausage.

Hermione rolled her eyes at them and put her morning porridge together. Today she used persimmon and golden honey, moaning in contentment as she took a bite.

It felt so good to eat one of her favorite foods as she pictured Umbridge’s reaction to her new title. Perhaps she’d use it in her article. She needed to get it finished and into the paper for Monday - if not Sunday.

Because, surely-

Grab a Daily Prophet, but eat before looking at it.

She frowned in confusion, looking around to see who had that rag of lies.


What lies within is vomit inducing.

And, indeed, when she snagged Seamus’ copy after she finished her porridge she couldn’t help but gag.

“Madam Umbridge has been a smashing success? Really turning the school around?? Fixing the errors of the previous Headmaster?!?”

Her hands were shaking in anger as she spoke, everyone else looking at her and listening in eager disbelief to her exclamations.

She needed to get her own article out TONIGHT. It had to be in tomorrow’s papers. The Daily Prophet would never publish it, but she knew quite a few people now read The Fae Chronicles. She knew from Mr. Lovegood that their sales were higher than they had ever been before.

Mentally she began rescheduling her day as Ginny took the paper and read the entire thing out loud. She could finish up the article before dinner if she worked on it during her empty afternoon slot rather than getting a head start on whatever assignments they received today.

A pack of griffonshit, isn’t it?

She turned and looked over at Draco, who was watching her intently.

Yes, luckily my own response is almost finished. I just needed something to center it, and now I have this lovely pack of lies.

Need any help?

No, but thank you.

You’re welcome.

She grabbed her bag and left the others to their breakfast. She got to the Ancient Runes classroom early and read over what she already had written for the article. By the time the other handful of NEWT-level Runes students arrived she had read the entire rough draft five times and scribbled all over it with her blue-inked quill.

Daphne Greengrass took a seat next to Hermione, making her look over in surprise at the Slytherin prefect. While they worked together in Potions, they rarely interacted outside of it, and they certainly never sat together in Ancient Runes.

The Slytherin girl never said a word as she pulled out her materials, lining up everything neatly on her desk before sitting as properly as if she was at a formal tea.

Blaise Zabini entered the room a moment later. He looked at Greengrass, gave a small nod, then approached the table on the other side of Hermione. As she watched in puzzlement he shoved the table over until it was flush against the one she shared with Greengrass.

He fell gracefully into the seat next to her and pulled out his things as Mandy Brocklehurst and Padma Patil entered.

The two Ravenclaw girls looked at Hermione and the two Slytherins flanking her for a moment. Then they shrugged and sat together at the table directly behind Hermione and Greengrass.

They were now all sitting closer together than they ever had in Ancient Runes, causing Professor Babbling to raise an eyebrow at them curiously - giving Hermione a stab of envy. She’d stopped trying to just raise one eyebrow, she just didn’t think her facial muscles worked that way.

“Well, isn’t this different. Does this new tendency towards clustering mean anything?”

No one said a word and Babbling gave a rich, throaty chuckle, “Alright, keep your secrets. Please open your textbook to page two-hundred and thirty-four. Today we will continue working on ancient runes and their ties to our latin-based spells.”

Even while Hermione rapidly flipped to the correct page her mind was racing, trying to understand why they were all sitting around her. Typically everyone sat spread out, or with their fellow housemate, always leaving her alone.

Were they trying to show support? Padma’s twin was Hermione’s roommate and Zabini was good friends with Theo. As for Greengrass, she was always friendly with Pansy. They had been partners in Potions together until the Bug Incident and often sat together in the Great Hall.

Unsure of the reason, she pushed it aside for later.

Class proceeded as normal and at the end of it no one said a thing as they packed up and left. In Charms she only had Gryffindors and they sat in their normal spots - her with Neville and Harry with Ron.

At lunchtime Umbridge was at the head table, writing things on a clipboard between taking bites of her shepherd’s pie. Occasionally throwing a glare over at Hermione, but she ignored the woman, mentally running through her article.

After lunch she hurried up to the practically empty Gryffindor Tower and claimed a table by the fire, setting to work on the article. She had just finished writing it in the journal for the twins when the portrait opened and Harry came in.

His hair was ruffled and he looked quite exhilarated.

“Great weather for a snowball fight, pity you didn’t join us.”

She glared at him, “I was busy. Besides, shouldn’t you have been working on your essay for Charms?”

“It’s fine, I’m going to work on it now. Ron is off to Care of Magical Creatures and Neville is in the library. Just need to grab my books and I’ll join him.”

She huffed in disbelief and looked down at the journal. Fred was just stating that he would copy the article out and get it sent off immediately. She scribbled a quick thanks and then closed the journal, stuffing it into her bag with the rest of her things.

“Alright, well, I got finished what I set out to do. I’m going to Arithmancy, see you at dinner.”

As she walked past him he reached out and grabbed her arm, pulling her into a fast hug. She was stiff at first but then hugged him back, feeling tension leave her as she rested her cheek on his shoulder.

“Don’t forget to stop and relax sometimes, okay? We all need to let off some steam if we’re going to survive with our sanity.”

She smiled and pulled back, looking up at him, “I’m not sure I believe that, but I’ll give it a go. When did you get so wise?”

He shrugged and smiled back down at her, “I get it from my sister.”

She laughed and pushed away from him, blushing, “If you say so. I’m off to class. Get your work done.”

He threw her a sloppy salute and headed off to the Boys’ dorm as she hurried off.

In Arithmancy Draco sat beside her, as he had in the previous class that week. But, unlike that class, everyone sat in a clump around the two of them, rather than spread out. It started out as it had gone in Ancient Runes, with her being flanked by Slytherins - Draco and Greengrass. Then the Patil twins had entered and sat behind her, quickly followed by a slightly confused looking Lisa Turpin and Justin Finch-Fletchley. Zabini entered the room last, his lips turning up in a small smile as he sat on the other side of Greengrass.

She looked around in bafflement as Professor Vector appeared and began writing in the chalkboard, then she glanced over at Draco, finding him staring at her in a most curious manner.

Why is everyone sitting together?

He blinked in confusion and then looked around curiously, as if just noticing everyone else.

Oh, that? I think it’s because of Blaise.


Yes. Theo told him what happened to you. And Blaise is well-liked. Don’t know what he did, but I’m assuming it’s the same thing he did when some people tried to give Pansy a hard time for being with Neville.

Wait, people tried to give Pansy a hard time?!?

She gasped, drawing attention from the others, who looked at her curiously.

Yes, but Daphne is Pansy’s friend. She spoke to Tracey, who spoke to Blaise, who made a few pointed comments and then Pansy was fine. It didn’t stop the older students, but not many are older than us anymore.

She sat back in her chair in wonderment.

I’m guessing part of it might have been Daphne’s idea. She says partnering with you in Potions is the only reason she got an Outstanding on her OWLs. I think she wants to repeat that for NEWTs. And that means keeping you alive, sane, and not expelled.

“Huh,” she said, making Professor Vector turn from the chalkboard and look down her long, pointy nose at Hermione.

“Miss Black, do you have a question?”

Hermione shook her head, “Um, no, sorry, Professor. I just had a realization.”

Professor Vector looked at Hermione, then at the calculations on the board, and then back at Hermione. “You had a realization? About something I have yet to teach? Are you a seer?”

Hermione blushed and looked down as a few people chuckled, “No, professor. It was about last lesson. On how quadrilateral numerals, when used within triagrothal equations can be used to warp sensory perception in spellcasting.”

Professor Vector gave a delicate sniff, “I see. Well, if you could please focus your attention on this lesson, we will continue.”

Hermione nodded mutely before the professor turned back to the board and continued writing.

Nice save.

She took a page out of Ginny’s book and jabbed a bony elbow in Draco’s ribs. He grunted in pain, but luckily Professor Vector did not turn back around to investigate as Draco made a very childish face at her in retaliation.

She had to bite back a snicker and deliberately look away even as a warm, comfortable feeling fell over her. She began copying down the Arithmancy notes, unable to stop her lips from curving into a small smile.

Perhaps Harry was right. She’d currently done all she could about Umbridge, so why not relax for a few minutes?

She had a feeling she would need it.
♠ ♠ ♠
All hail Dungmistress Umbridge! High Stinker of Hogwarts!