The Brightest Black

Permission is Unnecessary

“Do you think my mum has heard the rumors? That the Order now knows what Umbridge did to you?”

Neville’s question made Hermione pause in the middle of the empty corridor. They were on their Friday night rounds. The school was quieter than normal and they’d yet to find anyone outside of bed. An unheard of fact on Friday nights.

Hermione wondered if the dungmistress’ presence had anything to do with it.

“The twins didn’t mention it earlier today, when I shared my article with them. Would your mum pay attention to the rumors? Usually teachers don’t.”

Neville shrugged and opened a classroom door to poke his head inside. “Mum listens to everything. Besides, I still think we should have told someone about the vititus. Even if there was no proof. Your dad is going to be furious when he finds out. Not to mention Mrs. Malfoy’s reaction.”

She sighed and ran a hand through her hair, now long enough to fall just past her ears. “What difference would it have made? Fudge obviously supports Umbridge, he won’t do anything to investigate. And I didn’t need Padfoot doing anything stupid. Not while he’s still healing. I mean, he’ll be angry when he reads the article, but he won’t know it was me that was drugged.”

“But remember the anger about what happened at the Triwizard Tournament celebration? We could raise that anger against-”

She shook her head sharply, “No. That was different. It was teenage boys drugging teenage girls. This is a Ministry official drugging a student who is of age. Her authority carries too much weight, we need proof or we’re simply discrediting ourselves. Besides, those boys were caught red-handed, in front of numerous witnesses. It was just you and Draco that found me, and there were no witnesses. It will be like Voldemort’s resurrection all over again. By revealing it in my article we’ll be putting them on the defensive. Especially as I give nothing concrete for them to argue against. Besides, to cover my bases I sent a complaint by owl to the Ministry, but I’ll bet you all my pin money that it never made it. Or if it did it was immediately ignored.”

“No bet. I can see your point. And to think, you used to lecture everyone on following the rules. I didn’t know you well before Hogwarts, but I’ve heard the stories.”

She shrugged and opened a door, checking a broom cupboard. “Rules only matter when they make sense. Following rules blindly requires either trust or stupidity. I am not stupid and I most certainly do not trust Umbridge or the Ministry. Hence rule breaking here is justified. Breaking Uncle Remus’ classroom rules was not justified. At all.”

Neville snorted in laughter as they turned onto another corridor, one where Draco and Greengrass were already walking down.

The two sets of prefects were almost upon each other when they were stopped by Professor Longbottom emerging from a stairwell.

“Neville! There you are! We need to go, Now. Pansy woke up and she’s refusing to talk to anyone. Just keeps asking for you.”

“She-she’s awake?” Neville gasped, his voice full of more emotion than it had held in weeks.

His mother nodded, “Yes. And we need to go now. Before-”

“Before what, Professor Longbottom?”

The sugary, little girl voice came from behind Hermione and she spun around to see the toad standing at the corner she and Neville had just come around. Had Umbridge been following them? If so, why?

Professor Longbottom straightened her spine and glared at her current - temporary - superior. “Before it gets too late. Neville needs his sleep.”

“Are you sure? It’s not that you were suggesting a need to sneak out? As I’m sure you are aware, a professor needs permission from the headmistress to remove a student from Hogwarts during term.”

Her sickeningly sweet smile made Hermione’s stomach roll as she remembered the taste of the drugged tea.

Professor Longbottom pursed her lips, “That is true. If I was merely his professor I would need your permission, but as I am also his mother…”

She trailed off, quirking an elegant brow at Umbridge even as she gestured at Neville to go.

The two of them were almost out of sight when the toad - her eyes narrowed in silent rage - turned around and stormed away. Her steps echoing against the stones.

Hermione met Draco’s gaze, “I’m glad Pansy is awake.”

He nodded, his shoulders relaxing a bit, “I hope it’s not a bad sign she’s only asking for Neville.”

“I don’t think it is,” Greengrass said simply.

Draco and Hermione looked at her in curiosity.

“Why?” Hermione asked.

“Just from what Pansy has told me, she’s never met anyone quite like Longbottom. He’s a complete Gryffindor, gives without ever asking for anything. Her parents love her, but that love is conditional. Her mother wants her to be a perfect lady and marry an appropriate pureblood. Her father wants her to uphold the family honor and support his brother, the patriarch. There was even talk for awhile of betrothing her to her first cousin, who’s over a decade older, just to keep things perfect, though I believe her mother preferred to marry outside the family. It makes sense that she wants him there.”

Draco nodded, “Yes, it does. Did you know she was never interested in me? We went to the Yule Ball together because her going with me stopped that plan.”

Hermione stared at them in shock, “You-you mean Pansy is with Neville only to escape an arranged marriage to her cousin?!?”


“Definitely not!”

“Then, what-?”

Greengrass rushed to talk, “Pansy talked to me a lot during the winter and spring after Skeeter attacked her. Her parents did not approve of her sudden interest in Longbottom. He’s a pureblood, but his mother is considered to be a blood-traitor. I know Draco’s mum talked to Pansy’s a lot, got her to see that the Longbottoms would not be a bad family to be allied to in the future. How the world was changing.”

“That and Pansy is stubborn. She won’t do a bloody thing she doesn’t want to,” Draco added.

“Point,” Hermione said automatically as her brain raced. Narcissa had helped setup Pansy and Neville? Why? Was this part of her scheme to get Hermione and Draco married? Get Pansy out of the running? “Are the two of them engaged? Or is it still informal?”

“I’ve heard of no engagement,” Draco answered.

Greengrass looked at him in surprise, “Really? They’ve been engaged since her birthday back in November. It won’t be in the papers until his birthday.”

Hermione was sure her expression perfectly matched the look of utter shock and disbelief on Draco’s.

“Wait-what-when?” She sputtered, at a loss.

Draco just blinked rapidly in disbelief.

“It was right after the Azkaban breakout. Professor Longbottom approached the Parkinsons and they drew up a contract. It can be broken by Pansy or Neville with no penalty in two years and becomes null if they are unmarried in seven years - or if the marriage is unconsummated. But they’re engaged. Pansy showed Millie, Tracey and me her ring. She has it on a chain around her neck until the announcement.”

Instantly Hermione knew why the contract had been drawn up. The world was entering a state of war, much as the Ministry wanted to deny it. The contract offered protection - legal and magical - to Neville and Pansy. And, it meant that Umbridge couldn’t keep Neville from visiting Pansy at St. Mungos - even if she changed the rules so that even a parent needed permission to check their student out of Hogwarts. The laws protecting those that were engaged or married were old, extremely old. Old enough to not just be mere words on a piece of parchment. And while many of those laws were archaic, they could still be wielded in such a way as to protect the parties involved.

“Maybe they planned to share the news at Christmas,” Draco said quietly.

Hermione grimaced, that made a lot of sense. And it also explained why Neville had been so grim, even knowing the Healers’ assurances. What was supposed to be a wonderful, celebratory holiday had become a nightmare.

Her lips tightened in anger.

“Voldemort needs to be destroyed. Before he does any more damage.”

Greengrass flinched at Hermione’s use of the dark lord’s name even as she nodded in agreement.

“Point, but we have more immediate concerns. Patrols are almost over, so how about Daphne and I walk you up to Gryffindor Tower? Don’t think it’s a good idea to have you out by yourself.”

“I’m not an infant. I learn from my mistakes. You don’t have to escort me,” she protested.

Draco crossed his arms and gave her a look that was pure Narcissa Malfoy, “Oh, really? Wasn’t your mistake overestimating yourself and underestimating the toad? Let’s not have that happen again. Don’t go wandering alone.

Frustration and anger bubbled inside of Hermione, but her more rational side stomped it down. He was right, damn him.


She turned and headed down the corridor quickly, forcing them to hurry to keep pace with her. Even though she understood, she was still angry.

Let me guess, Harry told you to watch over me?


She glanced over her shoulder at him in surprise.

Really? Then why-

He frowned at her and sped up until he was up beside her.

Merlin’s balls, Hermione! Can’t I just care what happens to you?

She stopped suddenly, gapping at the look in his eyes. Her hand moved of its own accord. Resting on his arm, dragging him to a standstill, even as she stopped walking.

He looked down at her with an expression she’d only seen directed at her once before and never from Draco. Butterflies fluttered in her stomach and she felt her breath catch.


“Are you two alright?” Greengrass asked, reminding them of her presence as she glanced between them in confusion.

Hermione dropped Draco’s arm like it was a hot coal. “Oh, yes, sorry. I just, well, thought of something, but nevermind.” She knew she was speaking nonsense even as heat flushed her cheeks. Unbidden, an image of Draco looking at her intently, out by the Shrieking Shack, filled her mind. It wasn’t the same, but it was close enough...her cheeks became even more heated. She looked away, biting her lip and letting her hair fall forwards so as to cover her face.

“If you’re fine, then let’s get you safely to your common room. I want to get a head start on my homework tonight so I can relax some tomorrow.”

Hermione took a deep breath and nodded before continuing down the corridor. She and Draco said no more - mentally or otherwise - the rest of the way up to Gryffindor Tower. Hermione was lost in her own thoughts, doing her best to shove thoughts of Draco, butterflies, and memorable looks away. It was difficult, but luckily Pansy waking up was enough of a monumental event so as to give her some mental ammunition against these new, strange feelings.

Pansy was awake.

Pansy was awake and Hermione’s article would be out tomorrow morning.

Umbridge was going to pay.

And then it was Voldemort’s and Bellatrix’s turn.

She had no time to focus on whatever had changed between her and Draco. Not that anything had really changed. No, it couldn’t have changed. Not really.



Tension flowed through all of Neville’s muscles, making his hands tremble. His mother apparated them around the corner from St. Mungo’s and they entered through the front door.

He took one look at the number of people waiting for the lifts and instantly decided to take the stairs. His breathing was coming hard by the time he reached her floor, but it wasn’t from the physical exertion. He’d known she had to awaken. He’d trusted the healers, but he hadn’t truly believed it.

He blindly pushed past anyone stupid enough to get between him and her.

For the first time he ignored the small viewing room and went directly to her private room. Ignoring a voice that shouted at him not to do it.

She was awake.

He wasn’t going to wait any longer.

He pushed open the door and rushed inside. Dimly he was aware of other figures in the room, but he only had eyes for one person.

“Pansy…” he whispered as he froze, staring at her, drinking her in.

She turned in the bed, seeing him. Her eyes widened, shining brightly in her pale, drawn face. She weakly reached out one thin, trembling hand. “Neville.”

He was by her side so quickly he was half-sure he had apparated. He wrapped his arms around her almost skeletal figure. She stiffened for a single heartbeat and then relaxed, sinking into his warmth, gripping his robes tightly and breathing deeply.

He ran a hand over her back, “It will be alright. I’ve got you. Don’t worry, I’ve got you.” He didn’t know if the words were true, but he needed to hear them. He was sure she did, too.

She gave a shudder and he rubbed her back, feeling relief at being able to hold her again. He didn’t know how long they sat there, but he knew when she fell asleep. This time a normal one with no cursed nightmares trying to drive her insane.

He looked up then, finally focusing on the other figures. There were Pansy’s parents, their faces conveying more emotion than Neville had ever thought they could give.

Perhaps her parents loved her more than Pansy thought.

His mother was also there, along with Sirius Black, although Neville wasn’t quite sure why he was there. He knew his mother was good friends with him, and had been for years. Part of why they’d become business partners. Maybe he was there as support? In case Umbridge tried to pull something and get Neville dragged back to Hogwarts?

Yes, that made sense.

He opened his mouth to speak, but his voice wouldn’t work. Still trembling, Neville took a deep breath and cleared his throat. “What-what did the healers say?”

It was Mr. Black who spoke, his voice rougher than it had been before being injured by Greyback.

“She’s going to be alright in time. She’ll be given Dreamless Sleep to take as needed, but no more than three a week. She should stay away from dark places and sleep with a light on for a few months. While the magical nightmares are gone, they left scars. She’ll likely be easy to scare and anger for awhile. Most importantly, she needs to feel safe.”

Neville swallowed and cradled Pansy closer, “So, worse than last time.”

“Much worse,” his mum said softly.

“I called in a favor at the Ministry,” Mr. Parkinson said, drawing everyone’s eyes to him. He pulled out a sheet of parchment and read from it, “To Whom it May Concern, I, Cornelius Fudge, Minister of Magic, hereby recognize Pansy Parkinson and her betrothed’s special rights at Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry. No staff member may keep them from visiting each other at any hour. No staff member may punish them for being together - alone or otherwise. Any such person shall be tried in court for breaking ancient magical laws.”

Mr. Black gave a long, low whistle, “That must have been one hell of a favor.”

“Indeed, especially as Umbridge tried to stop me from bringing Neville here.”

Mrs. Parkinson’s eyes narrowed in a very familiar manner. Neville knew he had seen Pansy with that same expression. “Little Dolores tried to stop you? I see I must send her a letter…” If he didn’t hate Umbridge so much for what she did to Hermione he might feel sorry for the toad.

“Cornelius owes me a number of favors. Narcissa also assisted Lucius before he died. Lucius - may he rest in peace - must have let her know where some of the bodies were buried at some point.”

Neville didn’t say a thing, but he rather suspected they were discounting Mrs. Malfoy’s part in discovering those bodies.

Speaking of bodies…

Neville opened his mouth, and then froze, uncertain if he should speak. Hermione hadn’t wanted to tell anyone about the vititus, but he was here, with her dad, and he could get the news out safely. His mum would stop Mr. Black from doing something stupid.

And, most importantly, while he respected Hermione a lot, she wasn’t his boss. Nor was Draco.

He didn’t think anything could be done about Umbridge by the Order. Part of him wondered if he should tell his mum privately, but Mr. Black was essentially Hermione’s father and Mr. and Mrs. Parkinson were his future in-law’s. If he couldn’t tell all four of them, who could he tell?

“Is the room private?”

His question made the four adults frown, but it was Sirius who pulled out his wand a murmured a quick, “Muffliato.”

Neville committed the word to memory, not recognizing that particular silencing spell. Maybe he could offer it as a sort of apology for telling the Order.

“It is now,” his mum said.

Neville took a deep breath, “Umbridge drugged Hermione with vititus-laced tea on Tuesday.” Instantly the air changed, becoming charged with furious magical energy. His mum put a hand on Mr. Black’s arm as Neville rushed onwards. “Draco and I got her away and I found a potion in my tome to counteract the addiction, so she’s recovered, but we have no proof. Hermione has an article set to be published tomorrow, and the information is there, but with no proof she was very vague.”

“That bitch is gonna die,” Mr. Black hissed, his face contorted in rage.

Neville found himself suddenly aware of just why Hermione hadn’t wanted to tell her father. He wondered if he had just made a mistake, but there was no turning back now.

“Dolores always did consider herself above the law, even when she punishes others for breaking it,” Mrs. Parkinson said.

“Sirius, calm down, you can get her later. That is, if Hermione doesn’t do it first. I’ve been teaching her all week, she’s obviously not in the least bit hurt from the experience. We can’t afford to do anything stupid right now. I’ll let Pomora and Severus know they need to up the security on their supply cabinets. We need to stop underestimating the lengths she’ll go to, as well as the Ministry, to keep up the facade.”

“Is Miss Black the only one?” Mr. Parkinson asked.

Neville opened his mouth to answer, but was cut off by Mr. Black growling as his eyes flashed and his hands curled into claws. “I won’t calm down! My daughter was drugged! My daughter! Fuck getting the Umbitch later! She’s gonna die right now!!!!”

He shook off his business partner’s arm and started storming towards the door, his hair practically standing on end like a wolf’s. Neville’s breath caught and he held Pansy close, not sure what he could do, only certain that he had just made a terrible mistake.

But, before he or anyone else could do a thing Mr. Black walked straight into an invisible, solid wall.

Neville gasped as he watched a black-robed figure appeared from behind the door, holding a shimmery invisibility cloak in his hand.

“Alianore and Moody were right, you, Sirius, need a leash. Hmm, or perhaps a muzzle,” Tachiki said, as he turned to face everyone, giving a small bow of greeting. The tension in the entire room grew to an uncomfortable level. The Parkinsons had their wands out and trained on the Japanese wizard, clearly not trusting his abrupt appearance. His mum had her wand aimed at Mr. Black, her eyes narrowed in angry concentration. And Neville, well, he cradled Pansy closely, trying to decided if he could pull out his own wand without disturbing her.

“Mamoru…” Mr. Black growled, “get this fucking wall down or you’re fired.”

Tachiki shook his head, “No deal. If you remember correctly, I work for Alianore, not you. And, I hate to say it, but she’s much more terrifying than you can be.”

Mr. Black raised the wand still clenched in his fist and cast a spell, but the wall didn’t move.

Tachiki made a tutting noise, “Really, Sirius? You know I don’t use Latin-based spells. And, even if I did, that simple spell wouldn’t take my wall down. Now, take a deep breath and calm yourself. You’re not leaving until I’m certain you won’t do anything stupid. I’m under strict orders.”

“Remind me to raise Alianore’s pay, Mamoru,” Neville’s mum said, a hint of amusement in her tone.

Mr. Black spun around, his wand still up, “Alice! What the fuck?!? Tell him to move!!!! Now, damnit!”


The simple word enraged Mr. Black further, but he cast no spells, instead choosing to let out a quite remarkable set of curse words. Including some combinations that Neville had never even considered before. Each string of curses was punctuated by his fist slamming into the invisible wall. After several minutes he stopped. His chest was heaving and there was sweat coating his skin.

“Have control again?”

Mr. Black took a deep, shaky breath and looked up at Neville’s mum. “Yes. I-I think I have a hold of it. I’m still enraged, but, no, I won’t go storm Hogwarts and commit murder.”

“How in the world have you never committed murder before?” Mr. Parkinson asked in amazement.

Mr. Black snorted and collapsed into one of the small, uncomfortable chairs in the room. “Anchors. Multiple emotional anchors. Also, most people aren’t stupid enough to hurt said anchors. And, yes, Alice, I know Harry is also an anchor. But he’s also at Hogwarts, in easy reach of an amoral bureaucrat that thought nothing of drugging my child with a highly controlled and illegal substance. As long as they’re both in danger I’m not exactly thinking clearly. Remember the Battle of Malfoy Manor?” He pointed to the scars on his face, most were fairly faded by now, but one long, nasty one went from his forehead, down his temple, and skated past his ear before ending somewhere under his collar.

“I remember. Hence my recommendation to Alianore that someone keep an eye on you as long as Umbridge is in charge of Hogwarts.”

Neville looked over at Tachiki just in time to see him twirl his wand through his fingers and then slide it effortlessly up his sleeve, a smug expression on his face. “Tonks and I have been trading off watching you when Alianore or Remus isn’t around.”

“Bloody hell, have I got no privacy?” Sirius complained, putting his head in his hands.’

“Nope, none!” Neville’s mum said cheerfully. “Now that you’re done with your temper tantrum we need to step up our efforts to figure out how to get Umbridge - legally - out of Hogwarts. If we have no proof for the vititus we can’t do a thing about it right now. Hermione was right about that. I’ll alert the other teachers and we’ll do our best to ensure she gets no more chances with other students. From what I’ve heard - and seen - the students are already revolting against her. I’m certain that whatever she tries to do with her new status as High Inquisitor will only make things worse. That woman has no concept of humanity and just what happens if you push people to their breaking point.”

“Point,” Neville said.

Everyone jumped and looked over at him, making Neville realize that they’d all forgotten his presence and - judging by the volume of their words - Pansy’s as well.

It really had been apt of him to take the journal name of Grass.

Everyone looked a little discomfited, as if they weren’t supposed to be speaking in front of him. Or perhaps he wasn’t supposed to have witnessed Mr. Black losing control?

It wasn’t like he didn’t know about the negatives of Black Family magic. He’d heard a lot of it from Hermione or Harry over the years. And he couldn’t really say he’d felt exactly afraid of Mr. Black. More afraid of any potential accidents.

He pulled Pansy farther onto his lap and she let out a little sleepy snort, cuddling closer to him and smiling a bit in her sleep. His breath caught and he felt tears prick at his eyes. He was just so happy she wasn’t cursed anymore. Whatever the after effects would be he knew they could handle it. He couldn’t quite explain how or why Pansy had come to mean so much to him, but she was his world and he was glad their families realized that.

“How about we return to our house? The healers have agreed to release Pansy to us as long as she doesn’t return to school for at least a week, and even then she must get approval from a healer and then continue seeing Madam Pomfrey,” Mrs. Parkinson said after pointedly clearing her throat. “Neville, dear, you are of course staying with Pansy. Just keep the door open. The rest of you can talk about the Ministry and calling in favors in the Green Sitting Room. Cherry will make you tea.”

Her words seem to wake everyone up and there was a flurry of movement as healers were called, arrangements were made, and things were packed up.

Before Neville knew it he was at Innfields Park. Safely ensconced in Pansy’s bedroom. The lights lit, the door flung wide open, and Pansy cuddled in his arms. She’d woken a bit when he pulled the blankets over her, but had quickly fallen back asleep once she was sure he was there.

The healers said that she would sleep a lot during this first week. Her body may have been in a coma, but her mind had gone without sleep for nearly three weeks. She was exhausted.

As he held her tightly in his arms, his cheek resting against her soft black hair he half-wondered if he should sneak down and hear what the adults were planning. He knew that’s what his friends would want him to do - especially Hermione. But, he really didn’t care. He knew the Order had made some mistakes, but he ultimately trusted the people that made it up. Combine that with the fact that Pansy needed him and it was really no decision at all.

Smiling as he breathed in the sweet scent of Pansy’s favorite shampoo he drifted off to the first real sleep he’d had in three weeks.

Merlin, how he had missed Pansy.